R googleway map cannot be loaded - r

I am trying to use R googleway to analyze crime records from NY Open Data. I want to add precinct polygon and crime circle to NY city map. However, even when I reduce the total crime points to 19k, I still cannot load the created map. Please see the code below.
map_key = "api_key
ggmap = google_map(location = c(mean(40.730610), mean(-73.935242)), zoom =
11, key = map_key)
ggmap %>% add_polygons(data = nypp_df_gg, lat = "lat", lon = "lon", id =
"ID", pathId = "pathID") %>% add_circles(lat = "Latitude", lon =
"Longitude", data = data.frame(NYPD_complaint_bf2006))
It does work if I limit the rows to 500. May I know if there is a way to visualize large observations>1MM? I tried to use add_heatmap but without any luck too.
The code that works is
ggmap %>% add_polygons(data = nypp_df_gg, lat = "lat", lon = "lon", id =
"ID", pathId = "pathID") %>% add_circles(lat = "Latitude", lon =
"Longitude", data = data.frame(NYPD_complaint_bf2006[1:500,]))

I can plot 22k circles using add_circles() if you play around with the load interval.
add_circles(lat = "Y", lon = "X", info_window = "SPECIES", update_map_view = FALSE,
focus_layer = FALSE, load_interval = 25, radius = 5, ...)
I sorted my data so it would start filling in the center of the map using a distance calculation to where I defined the center lat, lon.


Colour specific countries on a worldmap and adding mappoint cities

I want to design a worldmap to show from which country and which city the participants to my survey come from. I used the highcharter package.
First part is : colour the countries --> it worked well ! A scale is created from 0 to 1.
Second part is : adding the cities --> the points are created but the countries colored in blue disappeared ! The scale has changed and is now induced from cities.
I try to change the order of my code but nothing is working.
# I use the dataset called iso3166 from the {maps} package and rename it date
dat <- iso3166
# I rename the variable a3 by iso-a3
dat <- rename(dat, "iso-a3" = a3)
# I create a vector with the countries I want to colour
part1X_countries <- c("CHE", "FRA", "USA", "GBR", "CAN", "BRA")
dat$part1X <- ifelse(dat$`iso-a3` %in% part1X_countries, 1, 0)
# I add the name of cities with geographical coordinates
cities <- data.frame(
name = c("St Gallen", "Fort Lauderdale", "Paris", "Nottingham", "Winnipeg", "Chicago", "Leeds", "Montréal", "New Rochelle", "São Paulo", "Saint-Genis-Pouilly", "Canterbury"),
lat = c(47.42391, 26.122438, 48.866667, 52.950001, 49.8955, 41.881832, 53.801277, 45.5016889, 40.9232, -23.5489, 46.24356, 51.279999),
lon = c(9.37477, -80.137314, 2.333333, -1.150000, -97.1383, -87.623177, -1.548567, -73.567256, -73.7793, -46.6388, 6.02119, 1.080000))
# I create my worldmap with countries and cities
worldmap <- hcmap(
map = "custom/world-highres3", # high resolution world map
data = dat, # name of dataset
value = "part1X",
joinBy = "iso-a3",
showInLegend = FALSE, # hide legend
download_map_data = TRUE
) %>%
data = cities,
type = "mappoint",
name = "Cities"
) %>%
hc_title(text = "Representation of participants by country")```
You need to define a colorkey and add a color axis for the hcmap. The below code keeps the colors from the countries and has the name of the countries added on top as black map points.
worldmap <- hcmap(
map = "custom/world-highres3", # high resolution world map
data = dat, # name of dataset
value = "part1X",
joinBy = "iso-a3",
colorKey = "value",
showInLegend = F, # hide legend
download_map_data = TRUE) %>%
hc_colorAxis(min = min(dat$part1X),
max = max(dat$part1X)) %>%
data = cities,
type = "mappoint",
name = "Cities",
dataLabels = list(enabled = TRUE, format = '{point.name}'),
latField = "lat",
longField = "lon",
# color = "color"
valueField = "part1X"
) %>%
hc_title(text = "Representation of participants by country")

How do I filter countries/us/us-all-all to only show ca and nv?

I can get all US counties and I can get one state, but I can't get all the counties from two states into the same map. Here is my R code:
hcmap("countries/us/us-all-all", data = dataframe, value = "value1",
joinBy = c("name"), name = "Name",
dataLabels = list(enabled = TRUE, format = "{point.name}"),
tooltip = list(valueDecimals = 0, valueSuffix = "%"),
pointFormat = "County: {point.name}<br/>{point.value1}")
I tried downloading each state's data:
camapdata <- get_data_from_map(download_map_data("countries/us/us-ca-all"))
nvmapdata <- get_data_from_map(download_map_data("countries/us/us-nv-all"))
Then combining into one data set, but then hcmap errors because it's not a URL.
I can also download and filter the whole US map:
mapdata <- get_data_from_map(download_map_data("countries/us/us-all-all"))
canvmap <- filter(mapdata, `hc-key` == "us-ca*")
but get the same problem.
Is there a way to filter the US county map to specific states within the hcmap function?
This is the best I have so far--but I can only get CA and NV in one map...
camapdata <- get_data_from_map(download_map_data("countries/us/us-ca-all"))
nvmapdata <- get_data_from_map(download_map_data("countries/us/us-nv-all"))
states2<-join(camapdata,nvmapdata,by=c("fips"), type="full",match="all")
setnames(states2, old=c("hc-a2"), new=c("STABBR"))
setnames(states2, old=c("hc-middle-y"), new=c("HCMIDDLE"))
XXX<-sqldf("select * from states2 where STABBR in ('CA','OR')")
hcmap("countries/us/us-all-all", data = states2, value = "HCMIDDLE",
joinBy = c("name"), name = "Name",
dataLabels = list(enabled = TRUE, format = "{point.name}"),
tooltip = list(valueDecimals = 0, valueSuffix = "%"),
pointFormat = "County: {point.name}<br/>{point.value1}")

Highcharter hc_add_series_map function : merging regions and displaying labels

I would like to merge regions in a map and not display intra borders. I also would like to always display the names of the newly grouped regions.
Is hc_add_series_map the right instruction for doing so ?
Thanks in advance for your help
(I do not use Java for programming, only R)
Here is an example :
mapdata <- get_data_from_map(download_map_data("countries/fr/fr-all-all"))
data_fake <- mapdata %>%
select(code = `hc-a2`) %>%
mutate(value = 1e5 * abs(rt(nrow(.), df = 10)))
hcmap("countries/fr/fr-all-all", data = data_fake, value = "value",
joinBy = c("hc-a2", "code"), name = "Fake data",
dataLabels = list(enabled = TRUE, format = '{point.code}'),
borderColor = "#FAFAFA", borderWidth = 0.1,
tooltip = list(valueDecimals = 2))
enter image description here
I would like to add borders for 5 grouped "big" regions, either by deleting 'intra borders' in a region, or adding black lined borders for big regions.
Thanks in advance.

R: Maps with Time Slider?

Is there a way to implement a time slider for Leaflet or any other interactive map library in R? I have data arranged in a time series, and would like to integrate that into a "motion" map where the plot points change dynamically over time.
I was thinking of breaking my data into pieces, using subset to capture the corresponding data table for each month. But how would I move between the different data sets corresponding to different months?
As it stands now, I took the average and plotted those points, but I'd rather produce a map that integrates the time series.
Here is my code so far:
data<-read.csv("Stericycle Waste Data.csv")
names(data)<-c("ID1","ID2", "Site.Address", "Type", "City", "Province", "Category", "Density", "Nov-14", "Dec-14", "Jan-15", "Feb-15", "Mar-15", "Apr-15", "May-15", "Jun-15", "Jul-15", "Aug-15", "Sep-15", "Oct-15", "Nov-15", "Dec-15", "Jan-16")
data<-melt(data, c("ID1","ID2", "Site.Address","Type", "City", "Province", "Category", "Density"))
data_grouped<-ddply(data, c("Site.Address", "Type","City", "Province", "Category", "Density", "variable"), summarise, value=sum(value))
names(data_grouped)<-c("Site.Address", "Type", "City", "Province", "Category", "Density", "Month", 'Waste.Mass')
geodata<-merge(data_grouped, dummy, by.x="Site.Address", by.y="Site.Address", all.y=TRUE)
d = geodata_avg$density_factor
d = factor(d)
cols <- rainbow(length(levels(d)), alpha=NULL)
geodata_avg$colors <- cols[unclass(d)]
newmap <- leaflet(data=geodata_avg) %>% addTiles() %>%
addCircleMarkers(lng = ~lon, lat = ~lat, weight = 1, radius = ~rank*1.1, color = ~colors, popup = paste("Site Address: ", geodata_avg$Site.Address, "<br>", "Category: ", geodata_avg$Category, "<br>", "Average Waste: ", geodata_avg$value))
Thanks in advance! Any guidance/insight would be greatly appreciated.
Recognizing this is a very old question, in case anyone's still wondering...
The package leaflet.extras2 has some functions that might help. Here's an example that uses some tidyverse functions, sf, and leaflet.extras2::addPlayback() to generate and animate some interesting GPS tracks near Ottawa.
# how many test data points to create
num_points <- 100
# set up an sf object with a datetime column matching each point to a date/time
# make the GPS tracks interesting
df <- tibble::tibble(temp = (1:num_points),
lat = seq(from = 45, to = 46, length.out = num_points) + .1*sin(temp),
lon = seq(from = -75, to = -75.5, length.out = num_points) + .1*cos(temp),
datetime = seq(from = lubridate::ymd_hms("2021-09-01 8:00:00"),
to = lubridate::ymd_hms("2021-09-01 9:00:00"),
length.out = num_points)) %>%
sf::st_as_sf(coords = c("lon", "lat"), crs = "WGS84", remove = FALSE)
# create a leaflet map and add an animated marker
leaflet() %>%
addTiles() %>%
leaflet.extras2::addPlayback(data = df,
time = "datetime",
options = leaflet.extras2::playbackOptions(speed = 100))
Here is an answer that may be of help.
Alternatively, you could provide the time series of a point as a popup graph using mapview::popupGraph. It is also possible to provide interactive, htmlwidget based graphs to popupGraph

R maps - Filter coordinates out when plotting points in map

I have a large data frame of events locations (longitude, latitude). See a sample below:
events <- structure(list(lat = c(45.464944, 40.559207, 45.956775, 44.782831, 45.810287, 35.913357, 43.423855, 45.2359, 45.526025, 41.91371, 46.340833, 40.696482, 42.367164, 41.913701, 41.89167, 46.046206, 41.108316, 45.514132, 45.688118, 37.090387, 43.446555, 41.913712, 46.614833, 45.368825, 41.892168), lon = c(9.163453, 8.321587, 12.983347, 10.886471, 9.077844, 10.560439, 6.768272, 9.23176, 9.375761, 12.466994, 6.889444, 17.316925, 13.352248, 12.466992, 12.516713, 14.497758, 16.871019, 12.056176, 9.176543, 15.293506, 6.77119, 12.466993, 15.194904, 11.110711, 12.516085)), .Names = c("lat", "lon"), row.names = c(NA, 25L), class = "data.frame")
and I would like to plot only the events that happened in a given country (for instance, Italy).
The following plots all events:
plot(getMap(resolution="low"), xlim = c(14,14), ylim = c(36.8,47))
points(x=events$lon, y=events$lat, pch = 19, col ='red' , cex = 0.6)
How can I filter out the events that fall outside the boundaries of the country ? Thank you in advance for help and support.
assign polygon map to an object:
m = getMap(resolution="low")
convert events into an sp object -- first longitude, then latitude:
pts = SpatialPoints(events[c(2,1)])
assign CRS:
proj4string(pts) = proj4string(m)
plot points inside any of the polygons:
points(pts[m,], pch = 3)
select points inside Italy:
it = m[m$ISO_A2 == "IT",]
points(pts[it,], col = 'blue')
(this uses sp::over, but behind the scenes)
