R: Maps with Time Slider? - r

Is there a way to implement a time slider for Leaflet or any other interactive map library in R? I have data arranged in a time series, and would like to integrate that into a "motion" map where the plot points change dynamically over time.
I was thinking of breaking my data into pieces, using subset to capture the corresponding data table for each month. But how would I move between the different data sets corresponding to different months?
As it stands now, I took the average and plotted those points, but I'd rather produce a map that integrates the time series.
Here is my code so far:
data<-read.csv("Stericycle Waste Data.csv")
names(data)<-c("ID1","ID2", "Site.Address", "Type", "City", "Province", "Category", "Density", "Nov-14", "Dec-14", "Jan-15", "Feb-15", "Mar-15", "Apr-15", "May-15", "Jun-15", "Jul-15", "Aug-15", "Sep-15", "Oct-15", "Nov-15", "Dec-15", "Jan-16")
data<-melt(data, c("ID1","ID2", "Site.Address","Type", "City", "Province", "Category", "Density"))
data_grouped<-ddply(data, c("Site.Address", "Type","City", "Province", "Category", "Density", "variable"), summarise, value=sum(value))
names(data_grouped)<-c("Site.Address", "Type", "City", "Province", "Category", "Density", "Month", 'Waste.Mass')
geodata<-merge(data_grouped, dummy, by.x="Site.Address", by.y="Site.Address", all.y=TRUE)
d = geodata_avg$density_factor
d = factor(d)
cols <- rainbow(length(levels(d)), alpha=NULL)
geodata_avg$colors <- cols[unclass(d)]
newmap <- leaflet(data=geodata_avg) %>% addTiles() %>%
addCircleMarkers(lng = ~lon, lat = ~lat, weight = 1, radius = ~rank*1.1, color = ~colors, popup = paste("Site Address: ", geodata_avg$Site.Address, "<br>", "Category: ", geodata_avg$Category, "<br>", "Average Waste: ", geodata_avg$value))
Thanks in advance! Any guidance/insight would be greatly appreciated.

Recognizing this is a very old question, in case anyone's still wondering...
The package leaflet.extras2 has some functions that might help. Here's an example that uses some tidyverse functions, sf, and leaflet.extras2::addPlayback() to generate and animate some interesting GPS tracks near Ottawa.
# how many test data points to create
num_points <- 100
# set up an sf object with a datetime column matching each point to a date/time
# make the GPS tracks interesting
df <- tibble::tibble(temp = (1:num_points),
lat = seq(from = 45, to = 46, length.out = num_points) + .1*sin(temp),
lon = seq(from = -75, to = -75.5, length.out = num_points) + .1*cos(temp),
datetime = seq(from = lubridate::ymd_hms("2021-09-01 8:00:00"),
to = lubridate::ymd_hms("2021-09-01 9:00:00"),
length.out = num_points)) %>%
sf::st_as_sf(coords = c("lon", "lat"), crs = "WGS84", remove = FALSE)
# create a leaflet map and add an animated marker
leaflet() %>%
addTiles() %>%
leaflet.extras2::addPlayback(data = df,
time = "datetime",
options = leaflet.extras2::playbackOptions(speed = 100))

Here is an answer that may be of help.
Alternatively, you could provide the time series of a point as a popup graph using mapview::popupGraph. It is also possible to provide interactive, htmlwidget based graphs to popupGraph


Find the middle point between two markers in Leaflet

I would like to be able to find the centre point between two markers on a map (example below). Is there a function in leaflet or in another package that allows this? Thank you in advance
coor_zone6 <- c(3.16680, 3.16176, 42.46667, 42.46997)
matrice_coord_zone6 <- matrix(coor_zone6, nrow=2, ncol = 2)
colnames(matrice_coord_zone6) <- c("long", "lat")
matrice_coord_zone6 <- data.frame(matrice_coord_zone6)
matrice_coord_zone6$name <- c("M_1","M_3")
leaflet(matrice_coord_zone6) %>%
addMouseCoordinates(epsg = NULL, proj4string = NULL, native.crs = FALSE) %>%
addProviderTiles("Esri.WorldImagery") %>%
addMarkers(lng = ~long, lat = ~lat) %>%
addPolylines(~long, ~lat, popup = ~name)
I have not found any leaflet function that can perform this calculation, but it is not difficult to find the intermediate point between both coordinates.
You must add both longitudes and divide them by 2, you will have to do the same with both latitudes.
In your case, if I have not misunderstood, your first coordinate is (3.16680, 42.46667) and your second coordinate is (3.16176, 42.46997) so the calculation would be as follows:
(3,16680 + 3,16176) / 2 = 3,16428
(42,46667 + 42,46997) / 2 = 42,46832
So the intermediate point would be the following: (3.16428, 42.46832)

Problem in plotting a map graph using highcharter

I am having troubles trying to write R code for a choroplet using the highcharter package. I am trying to replicate the code in the following link on lines 84-112: https://www.kaggle.com/gloriousc/global-terrorism-in-1970-2016/code.
I have been encountering 2 errors:
When running line 95, error says that there is no object called "countrycode_data". I looked on the internet in order to find out what countrycode_data is and I discovered that it is a dataset of the containing country code to associate to country names in datasets. Countrycode_data, from what I understood, it should have been contained in the "countrycode" package that I had installed but I didn't manage to find out how to access this dataset. In order to overcome this problem i downloaded this dataset from the internet and managed to go on with the code.
When running the choroplet code starting on line 103, I encountered the following error: "Error: %in%(x = tail(joinBy, 1), table = names(df)) is not TRUE". I actually have no idea about what this error could mean, so I'm here asking for help.
I managed to overcome the 1st error problem even though I am not sure that it is the correct way.
I am going to leave the entire code right here:
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo=TRUE, error=FALSE)
library(dplyr) #manipulate table
library(ggplot2) #visualization
library(highcharter) #making map
library("viridisLite") #Default Color Maps
library(countrycode) #list of country code
library(treemap) #make a treemap chart
library(reshape2) #melt function
library(plotly) #pie chart
library(tm) #text mining
library(SnowballC) #stemming text
library(wordcloud) #make a text chart
library(RColorBrewer) #make a color pallette
library(DT) #make datatable
#input the data
terror <- read.csv("../input/globalterrorismdb_0617dist.csv")
Terrorist Incidents Map
#count terrorism incidents per country as a dataframe
countries <- terror %>%
group_by(country_txt) %>%
summarise(Total = round(n()))
#Making a terrorism map
#Credit to umeshnarayanappa
names(countries) <- c("country.name", "total") #change the column name
countries$iso3 <- countrycode_data[match(countries$country.name, countrycode_data$country.name.en), "iso3c"] #add iso3 column from country_code
data(worldgeojson, package = "highcharter")
dshmstops <- data.frame(q = c(0, exp(1:5)/exp(5)),
c = substring(viridis(5 + 1, option = "D"), 0, 7)) %>% #from viridisLite, make a color
list_parse2() #from highchart package, parse df to list
highchart() %>% #from highchart package
hc_add_series_map(worldgeojson, countries, value = "total", joinBy = "iso3") %>%
hc_colorAxis(stops = dshmstops) %>%
hc_legend(enabled = TRUE) %>%
hc_add_theme(hc_theme_db()) %>%
hc_mapNavigation(enabled = TRUE) %>%
hc_title(text = "Global Terrorism in 1970-2016", style = list(fontSize = "25px")) %>%
hc_add_theme(hc_theme_google()) %>%
hc_credits(enabled = TRUE, text = "Sources: National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START)", style = list(fontSize = "10px"))
I want to specify that, even though I ctrl+c ctrl+v the lines, they are not working for me.
Thank you for reading everything and also, I hope, for your help.
I tried to replicate the example. I hope the following is enough for you to work by yourself and replicate the example. It seems that countrycode_data is on the psData package. This package requires the rJava package, which is not on my machine now. As you were looking for a workaround, I found my own way; I scrape country data including iso3. (You can probably use the ISOcodes package too.) You need to check if country names in the two datasets are identical or not, which is a common challenge. You usually see some mismatches. I do not have time to correct all, but I showed you how to revise some country names in recode(). The bottom line is that you want to add iso3 to countries. So you need to make sure that you have identical country names as much as possible. (Obviously, some countries do not exist any more. You cannot really do anything about them.) The author used match() in his code, but I rather used left_join() to do the same. After this, I think you are ready to follow the rest of the code. Note that hc_add_series_map() is also doing a join process. worldgeojson has a property called iso3. countries must have a column called iso3. Otherwise, you will get the same error message again.
# I used fread(). This is much faster.
terror <- fread("globalterrorismdb_0919dist.csv")
# I wrote my own code which does the same job.
count(terror, country_txt) %>%
setNames(nm = c("country.name", "total")) -> countries
# Get iso3 data
map_dfc(.x = c("official", "shortname", "iso3"),
.f = function(x) {read_html("http://www.fao.org/countryprofiles/iso3list/en/") %>%
html_nodes(paste("td.", x, sep = "")) %>%
html_text() %>%
gsub(pattern = "\\n(\\s+)?", replacement = "")}) %>%
setNames(nm = c("official", "shortname", "iso3")) -> iso3
# Revise some country names.
mutate(iso3, shortname = trimws(sub(x = shortname, pattern = "\\(.*\\)",
replacement = "")),
shortname = recode(.x = shortname,
`Bosnia and Herzegovina` = "Bosnia-Herzegovina",
`Brunei Darussalam` = "Brunei",
Czechia = "Czech Republic",
Congo = "Republic of the Congo",
`Côte d'Ivoire` = "Ivory Coast",
`Russian Federation` = "Russia",
`United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland` = "United Kingdom",
`United States of America`= "United States"
)) -> iso3
# Join the two data sets
left_join(countries, iso3, by = c("country.name" = "shortname")) -> countries
data(worldgeojson, package = "highcharter")
dshmstops <- data.frame(q = c(0, exp(1:5)/exp(5)),
c = substring(viridis(5 + 1, option = "D"), 0, 7)) %>% #from viridisLite, make a color
highchart() %>% #from highchart package
hc_add_series_map(worldgeojson, df = countries,
value = "total", joinBy = "iso3") %>%
hc_colorAxis(stops = dshmstops) %>%
hc_legend(enabled = TRUE) %>%
hc_add_theme(hc_theme_db()) %>%
hc_mapNavigation(enabled = TRUE) %>%
hc_title(text = "Global Terrorism in 1970-2016", style = list(fontSize = "25px")) %>%
hc_add_theme(hc_theme_google()) %>%
hc_credits(enabled = TRUE,
text = "Sources: National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START)",
style = list(fontSize = "10px"))

How do I map county-level data as a heatmap using FIPS codes (interactively?) in R

I am hoping to create an interactive map that will allow me to create a plot where users can change the year and variable plotted. I've seen the package tmap be used, so I'm imagining something like that, but I'd also take advice for a static map, or another approach to an interactive one. My data is much, much, richer than this, but looks something like:
example <- data.frame(fips = rep(as.numeric(c("37001", "37003", "37005", "37007", "37009", "37011", "37013", "37015", "37017", "37019"), 4)),
year = c(rep(1990, 10), rep(1991, 10), rep(1992, 10), rep(1993, 10)),
life = sample(1:100, 40, replace=TRUE),
income = sample(8000:1000000, 40, replace=TRUE),
pop = sample(80000:1000000, 40, replace=TRUE))
I'd like my output to be a map of ONLY the counties contained in my dataset (in my case, I have all the counties in North Carolina, so I don't want a map of the whole USA), that would show a heatmap of selected variables of interest (in this sample data, year, life, income, and pop. Ideally I'd like one plot with two dropdown-type menus that allow you to select what year you want to view, and which variable you want to see. A static map where I (rather than the user) defines year and variable would be helpful if you don't know how to do the interactive thing.
I've tried the following (taken from here), but it's static, which is not my ideal, and also appears to be trying to map the whole USA, so the part that's actually contained in my data (North Carolina) is very small.
colors = c("#F1EEF6", "#D4B9DA", "#C994C7", "#DF65B0", "#DD1C77",
example$colorBuckets <- as.numeric(cut(example$life, c(0, 20, 40, 60, 80,
90, 100)))
colorsmatched <- example$colorBuckets[match(county.fips$fips, example$fips)]
map("county", col = colors[colorsmatched], fill = TRUE, resolution = 0,
lty = 0, projection = "polyconic")
Here's almost the whole solution. I had hoped some package would allow mapping to be done by fips code alone, but haven't found one yet. You have to download shapefiles and merge them by fips code. This code does everything I wanted above except allow you to also filter by year. I've asking that question here, so hopefully someone will answer there.
# get shapefiles (download shapefiles [here][1] : http://www2.census.gov/geo/tiger/GENZ2014/shp/cb_2014_us_county_5m.zip )
usgeo <- st_read("~/cb_2014_us_county_5m/cb_2014_us_county_5m.shp") %>%
mutate(fips = as.numeric(paste0(STATEFP, COUNTYFP)))
### alternatively, this code *should* allow you download data ###
### directly, but somethings slightly wrong. I'd love to know what. ####
# temp <- tempfile()
# download.file("http://www2.census.gov/geo/tiger/GENZ2014/shp/cb_2014_us_county_5m.zip",temp)
# data <- st_read(unz(temp, "cb_2014_us_county_5m.shp"))
# unlink(temp)
# create fake data
example <- data.frame(fips = rep(as.numeric(c("37001", "37003", "37005", "37007", "37009", "37011", "37013", "37015", "37017", "37019"), 4)),
year = c(rep(1990, 10), rep(1991, 10), rep(1992, 10), rep(1993, 10)),
life = sample(1:100, 40, replace=TRUE),
income = sample(8000:1000000, 40, replace=TRUE),
pop = sample(80000:1000000, 40, replace=TRUE))
# join fake data with shapefiles
example <- st_as_sf(example %>%
# drop layers (not sure why, but won't work without this)
example$geometry <- st_zm(example$geometry, drop = T, what = "ZM")
# filter for a single year (which I don't want to have to do)
example <- example %>% filter(year == 1993)
# change projection
example <- sf::st_transform(example, "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")
# create popups
incomepopup <- paste0("County: ", example$NAME, ", avg income = $", example$income)
poppopup <- paste0("County: ", example$NAME, ", avg pop = ", example$pop)
yearpopup <- paste0("County: ", example$NAME, ", avg year = ", example$year)
lifepopup <- paste0("County: ", example$NAME, ", avg life expectancy = ", example$life)
# create color palettes
yearPalette <- colorNumeric(palette = "Blues", domain=example$year)
lifePalette <- colorNumeric(palette = "Purples", domain=example$life)
incomePalette <- colorNumeric(palette = "Reds", domain=example$income)
popPalette <- colorNumeric(palette = "Oranges", domain=example$pop)
# create map
leaflet(example) %>%
addProviderTiles("CartoDB.Positron") %>%
smoothFactor = 0.2,
fillOpacity = .8,
popup = poppopup,
color = ~popPalette(example$pop),
group = "pop"
) %>%
smoothFactor = 0.2,
fillOpacity = .8,
popup = yearpopup,
color = ~yearPalette(example$year),
group = "year"
) %>%
smoothFactor = 0.2,
fillOpacity = .8,
popup = lifepopup,
color = ~lifePalette(example$life),
group = "life"
) %>%
smoothFactor = 0.2,
fillOpacity = .8,
popup = incomepopup,
color = ~incomePalette(example$income),
group = "income"
) %>%
baseGroups=c("income", "year", "life", "pop"),
position = "bottomleft",
options = layersControlOptions(collapsed = FALSE)
I'm still looking for a way to add a "year" filter that would be another interactive radio-button box to filter the data by different years.

Highcharter hc_add_series_map function : merging regions and displaying labels

I would like to merge regions in a map and not display intra borders. I also would like to always display the names of the newly grouped regions.
Is hc_add_series_map the right instruction for doing so ?
Thanks in advance for your help
(I do not use Java for programming, only R)
Here is an example :
mapdata <- get_data_from_map(download_map_data("countries/fr/fr-all-all"))
data_fake <- mapdata %>%
select(code = `hc-a2`) %>%
mutate(value = 1e5 * abs(rt(nrow(.), df = 10)))
hcmap("countries/fr/fr-all-all", data = data_fake, value = "value",
joinBy = c("hc-a2", "code"), name = "Fake data",
dataLabels = list(enabled = TRUE, format = '{point.code}'),
borderColor = "#FAFAFA", borderWidth = 0.1,
tooltip = list(valueDecimals = 2))
enter image description here
I would like to add borders for 5 grouped "big" regions, either by deleting 'intra borders' in a region, or adding black lined borders for big regions.
Thanks in advance.

R googleway map cannot be loaded

I am trying to use R googleway to analyze crime records from NY Open Data. I want to add precinct polygon and crime circle to NY city map. However, even when I reduce the total crime points to 19k, I still cannot load the created map. Please see the code below.
map_key = "api_key
ggmap = google_map(location = c(mean(40.730610), mean(-73.935242)), zoom =
11, key = map_key)
ggmap %>% add_polygons(data = nypp_df_gg, lat = "lat", lon = "lon", id =
"ID", pathId = "pathID") %>% add_circles(lat = "Latitude", lon =
"Longitude", data = data.frame(NYPD_complaint_bf2006))
It does work if I limit the rows to 500. May I know if there is a way to visualize large observations>1MM? I tried to use add_heatmap but without any luck too.
The code that works is
ggmap %>% add_polygons(data = nypp_df_gg, lat = "lat", lon = "lon", id =
"ID", pathId = "pathID") %>% add_circles(lat = "Latitude", lon =
"Longitude", data = data.frame(NYPD_complaint_bf2006[1:500,]))
I can plot 22k circles using add_circles() if you play around with the load interval.
add_circles(lat = "Y", lon = "X", info_window = "SPECIES", update_map_view = FALSE,
focus_layer = FALSE, load_interval = 25, radius = 5, ...)
I sorted my data so it would start filling in the center of the map using a distance calculation to where I defined the center lat, lon.
