Translating a description and a button inside a plugin - wordpress

I have a plugin that have a text and a button. The website have four languages and I need to translate the button text and also the description.
For translation, Polylang is being used.
Inside the plugin I can't access the Polylang config.
How should I do that?

After some research I found a solution.
I needed to prepare my plugin to receive the translation and in the end, actually was pretty simple.
This article cover everything that I needed, using PODEdit to create the PO and MO files for each language that I'm using.
Since I was a layman in the subject, took longer to understand and figure out how to search about it.


Translated polylang strings don't appear

I am translating our website using Polylang. Our theme is Flatbase, fully compatible with WPML so it should also work with Polylang.
I have an issue with the custom strings. They appear in the "string translation" area, and I can type in and save the translation, but the translation doesn't show on the website, the string is still in the original language.
Apparently it is not an issue with wpml-config.xml, since I can see the strings and translate them. I posted on the module community forum but got no answer.
Thank you in advance for your help.
it does't work that way with polylang, you need to register your custom strings in function.php file of your theme. following is the link to similar question. i hope it will be helpful, other wise let me know i'll be happy to help.

Adding hyperlinks to the Description field

I am a user, not a programmer, whose forthcoming new website on Plone 4 requires adding hyperlinks inside the Description field of pages and folders. This is needed to point specific words to our website Dictionary as we had been doing on EZ Publish for the last 10 years.
Our developer says this can't be done in Plone. I'm looking to help them find how to do this (they don't seem to use English-language forums).
Is there an existing add-on or existing code for this? If not, is it possible to code this in? How? If not, will it become standard in Plone 5?
<a href=">Python</a> will not work, as the description-field is ment and used as a meta-information of an item, holding plain-text only, and doesn't allow the usage of html-elements, nor embedded Javascript. That's probably why T. K. Nguyen recommends to provide an additional rich-text-field.
But you can use reStrucuredText instead. Tell your developer to exchange the description-snippet in concerned templates to:
<div tal:define="Std modules/Products.PythonScripts/standard;
restructured_text nocall: Std/restructured_text;"
tal:content="structure python: restructured_text(context.Description())">
It will transform any word starting with 'http:' or 'https:' to a link, furthermore will also recognize mail-addresses like '' and transform them to mail-links (on click opens the user's default mail-client, if available, with the address pre-populated in the 'To'-field).
If you want to have named links, use the reStrucutredText-syntax for the input, like this:
`Check out Python`_, you'll love it.
`Write a mail`_ to someone.
.. _Python:
.. _Write a mail:
The tricky part is to figure out, which templates are affected, but it's doable of my experience (did it with preserving line-breaks in listing-views, not reStructuredText).
Alternatively use a JS-workaround, as proposed by T. K. Nguyen. Be aware though, that it may break accessibility to some users.
It is possible to customize the description fields to be rich text (HTML) instead of plain text, but it requires a developer.
You can also use JavaScript to look at a description field and replace (for example) any string that starts with "http" with a hyperlink pointing to that URL. Your developer would have to look for examples of such JavaScript code and then would have to know how to register it on your site and then invoke it.
This describes how to do something similar, for PloneFormGen field help text (which is also plain text):
It might be easier to have your developer create a new rich-text description field and have all your content types include that new field. That, however, would require that you update the view templates for those modified content types. This is much easier with Dexterity, which ships with Plone 5 and is available for use with Plone 4.x.
imho it's a really bad idea to convert the description field to any richttext (html, rst, md) field. You need to change a hole bunch of templates to avoid html code rendered everywhere.
The description is also often used as title attribute on links, in those cases you need to convert it to plain/text. And there are several more issues, where you could ran into.
As #T. Kim Nguyen wrote: Consider add a new textfield and show it, where necessary, probably implemented as a Viewlet in the below title slot.
Looking at your current site, it seems like you want this to provide a teaser for each article, which may contain links. If that is the case, then you can find other ways to do this without making the description html.
For instance, if you used collective.cover for your portal/collection pages then a Rich Text Tile would allow you to cut down the the object text to an appropriate size, but still edit it with a Rich Text editor, and keep/insert hyperlinks.

WP plugin Polylang "copy" articles to all languages by default

I'm trying to figure out if there is a way how to set up Polylang (or some other translation plugin for WordPress) so that when I write an article or a page in one language (the default one) it will just make an exact copy of it and set it for the other languages. So the article/page is at least visible until I get my translator guy to translate it. Also he doesn't have to copy or write the article again and he just translates which is much more convenient.
Also, I'm struggling a bit with the translation of media. I know that I can turn it off, but I it would be awesome if I could use the same image and just add different translations to it, instead of uploading the same image for each language and just changing the description.
Thank you for your time :)

Wordpress-blog with two languages - which plugin?

I spent a couple of hours in the search of a solution to a two-languages-blog (site?). It seems that there are two general approaches: a single site which holds both languages; or two sites (thus WP installations) where each one holds a single language.
The solution for the latter one would be the Multisite Language Switcher.
But in principal, I'd prefer to work with a single site. Less hassle.
And I would like to use the same "New Post" page to enter the title and text for the languages - thus two title boxes, two text boxes. If I upload an image, I can insert it directly into each of the text boxes.
There, it seems the WPML is the way to go. Not sure about qTranslate. Tried it but only the title box was added.
Can you recommend anything else? Or am I thinking to narrowly? Thanks a lot for any hints or tips! - easy to use and manage languages.
For each post you choose the language you'll need. You won't get to add both languages in the same post since it would result in the same url.
For images, you don't need to upload it twice, just choose it again from the media library.
Not free, but WPML is probably the most advanced language plugin (hence the not free part). It will allow you to use a single install and choose the language based on directory or query string parameter. Overall fairly affordable.
Tried out a couple of plugins. Finally spent many hour with multisite and domain mapping. When I got it working, I used the Multiple Language Switcher.... and like it a lot! Thanks for the hints!

Drupal Hooks (hook_form_alter)

I’ve a question about Hooks. Being kind of new to Drupal I haven’t had much experience with hooks but a friend of mine suggested to get familiar with it and learn it to solve one of my problems on my site.
The thing is, that I have a module fbconnect which I use for users to connect via Facebook and use their profile picture at Facebook, on my site.
Everything is working, I’ve two checkboxes which and the connection and profile images works quite well but the problem is that above the two checkboxes I want a descriptive text to appear.
The only way I so far have to put in this text is to create a “description” field to the first checkbox. Unfortunately, it chooses to display this text beneath the checkbox so now it look kind of strange with a checkbox, a 3-4 lines descriptive text to the entire Facebook function, and then another checkbox.
If hooks are the right way to go to solve this problem, how do I actually do it and where do I actually insert the hook? I can imagine that it is the hook_form_alter function I need to have and in my fbconnect module the function fbconnect_form_alter exists but where I go from here I really have no idea.
I’ve tried to read up and see some instruction videos about hooks but I’m still puzzled about this apparently very nice feature in Drupal.
I'm using Drupal 6 for this site.
Any help or advice would be very much appreciated.
It sounds like you might also need to look at the Theme system in Drupal. In particular, take a look at theme_checkbox. From glancing at the code, there seems to be a label that is rendered after the actual checkbox. In your custom theme function or theme file you can try changing the order of the two.
In drupal, a "hook" is the way to interact with some piece of code.
In you have a hook_bar() hook, and is your module named 'foo' implements foo_bar(), then this function is executed.
In your case, you'll need to create a module, and impletements hook_form_alter()
You can find a tutorial there that show you how to add a checkbox. If you need to add some text, you can use the same method, except instead of adding a checkbox, of course, you just add a textfield
Here is an awesome beginner's video about adding custom hooks with the example of hook_form_alter from Drupalcon Chicago 2011 which is perfect for this situation and will hopefully help you in this. As a newbie to Drupal it surely helped me and I would highly recommend watching other videos. Thanks to the drupal community for posting these.
