Reduce loading time of website after minify / cache - wordpress

I have created website in wordpress and its about to go live from test server to live server.
Its simple website which having multiple plugins.
After completion of development we have enable cache and minify css/js from below pluign.
1)Better WordPress Minify
2)W3 Total Cache
I have been testing website on my test server which is basically shared server.
I have done test loading time on
1) pingdom
2) GTmatrix
3) google page speed tool
4) webpage test
Now i am getting website loading time which is vary from 6-10s, can you help me how further i can reduce loading time.(i have applied all .htaccess tricks and w3totalcache settings)
Below are parameter need to yet fix from gtmatrix and google page speed which i have tried but coudnt achive.
1) Y-slow -> Add expiry headers (list show minify js, css only (minify bunch only))
2) Page speed -> Leverage browser caching (list show minify js, css only (minify bunch only))
Google page speed:
1) Leverage browser caching (list show minify js, css only (minify bunch only))
Can anyone guide me further how can i,
1) How can i apply browser caching for already minify js and css?
2) There are multiple images from database which taking time to load on home can i reduce loading time? (images are optimised already)
I have tried on check google but coudnt find anything suitable for me..
Please help.
Thank you in advance.

For #2, you can implement lazy load for images. Also, make sure you are specifying width and height of the images, and loading appropriate size images (i.e. not scaling down to display the required size).

The images might be optimized but are they as small (width x height) as they can be? You didn't load a larger image than you needed did you?


Avoid chaining critical requests issue for loading CSS file [PageSpeed Insights]

I want to know how I can remove or reduce the time that my css takes to load. PageSpeed Insights suggests that I should 'Avoid chaining critical requests'. It is supposed to add about 170ms give or take to the loading time.
I have tried loading deferred/async but it just results in massive layout shifts. The file size is about 8KiB.
Are there any simple and modern solutions to load it before HTML but not block the loading process?
You could split the CSS. Have layout critical CSS either inlined or sync loaded, and the rest you can async load.

Images no longer display on wordpress pages

After installing and configuring a few plugins to optimize the cache and increase my score, my images refuse to appear on client pages. Even in the library they are not displayed. however the links of his images are very real and they lead to the images in the folder. I then uninstalled these plugins and clear the cache but still nothing.
Here are the plugins:
GT metrix
WP fastest cache
Shortpixel image optimize
Lazy load - optimize images
Lazy load - optimize images
Hey Giovani, this is probably messing up something, you should just remove it. (Just a wild guess, with no code nor link to your website, no wizards tricks)
Lazyloading has since been incorporated as a default feature on most major web browsers.
You can use loading="lazy" in you image tag <img src"" alt="" loading="lazy" >
No library needed, by using loading="lazy" if an image need to be lazy loaded, the browser knows it and will to it by default
Hope this will help you

Wordpress Site Loading Speed to Slow: 8.13s

My wordpress website is extremely slow on loading the page. It's takin 8.3 seconds from Frankfurt sometimes more.
I am using Bluehost and I have heard it's slower but this seems too much...
You can see the waterfall here:
I noticed it has huge waiting times for the main page...
I have tried multiple things but had no success in bringing it down.
I am now using W3Cache but it's not helping much..., the loading speed is much the same. I have used it on other sites before with better results...
I have also changed most of the images by .jpg images that I optimized.
Does any one have any ideas or what I can do to bring the loading speed down to at least 4s? It's 8s right now
And any intel on why this is happening and how I can solve it would be great!
Since you are loading 45 .js and 25 .css (!!!) I think you'll benefit a lot from a merge and minify.
I like Autooptimize plugin for that, but you'll probly need some manual tweaking as well.
You should always move all possible JS to footer (last parameter from wp_enqueue_script), because <head> script load blocks rendering.
You could edit out useless loads or unused parts from files.
Like, you're loading font-awesome.css and their font files with ~4k icons twice (once in theme and again in a chat plugin).
You're loading a complete animate.css with it's ~80 animations code, just to use 1 or 2...
Also identify some css and js that are not needed for home and manually block them from ever loading on home making that page load faster...
// functions.php
if(is_home()) {

Wordpress Flipbook Loading Time

I'm using the wordpress plugin Dflip flipbook, on this page, and it takes about 2 minutes to load the pdf file which is about 5MB, any advices on how to make it load faster than this?
That plugin is based on PDF.js so supports partial loading of pdf.. like in their demo.. The plugin should start with just less than 1MB of PDF data..
So if you can disable gzipping of PDFs through server setting.. the partial loads should work by default..

"Eliminate render-blocking CSS in above-the-fold content"

I've been using Google PageSpeed insights to try and improve my site's performance, and so far it's proven extremely successful. Things like deferring scripts worked beautifully, since I already had an in-house version of jQuery's .ready() to defer scripts until the page had loaded fully, all I had to do was inline that particular function and move the full scripts to the end of the page. That worked great.
But now I find myself glaring at the one remaining yellow dot on the checklist: "Eliminate render-blocking CSS in above-the-fold content".
The way my CSS is set up is to have one global _.css file containing styles that apply to the page structure in general, or are used in more than one or two places across the site. Most pages then have an associated CSS file (for instance, party.php has party.css) containing styles specific to that particular page. All CSS files are cached indefinitely, as I append /t=FILEMTIME to filenames (and later remove them with .htaccess) in order to guarantee that files are updated when they are changed.
So anyway, Google recommends inlining critical styles needed for above-the-fold content. Trouble is... well, take a look at this screenshot:
As you can see... ALL of the content is above-the-fold! People hate scrolling, especially on a game that involves loading many pages. So I designed the site to fit on one screen (assuming a good enough resolution). So that means... ALL of the styles apply to above-the-fold content! So... is there any solution? Or am I stuck with that yellow mark on an otherwise near-perfect score?
A related question has been asked before: What is “above-the-fold content” in Google Pagespeed?
Firstly you have to notice that this is all about 'mobile pages'.
So when I interpreted your question and screenshot correctly, then this is not for your site!
On the contrary - doing some of the things advised by Google in their guidelines will things make worse than better for 'normal' websites.
And not everything that comes from Google is the "holy grail" just because it comes from Google. And they themselves are not a good role model if you have a look at their HTML markup.
The best advice I could give you is:
Set width and height on replaced elements in your CSS, so that the browser can layout the elements and doesn't have to wait for the replaced content!
Additionally why do you use different CSS files, rather than just one?
The additional request is worse than the small amount of data volume. And after the first request the CSS file is cached anyway.
The things one should always take care of are:
reduce the number of requests as much as possible
keep your overall page weight as low as possible
And don't puzzle your brain about how to get 100% of Google's PageSpeed Insights tool ...! ;-)
Addition 1: Here is the page on which Google shows us, what they recommend for Optimize CSS Delivery.
As said before, I don't think that this is neither realistic nor that it makes sense for a "normal" website! Because mainly when you have a responsive web design it is most certain that you use media queries and other layout styles. So if you are not gonna load your CSS first and in a blocking manner you'll get a FOUT (Flash Of Unstyled Text). I really do not believe that this is "better" than at least some more milliseconds to render the page!
Imho Google is starting a new "hype" (when I have a look at all the question about it here on Stackoverflow) ...!
How I got a 99/100 on Google Page Speed (for mobile)
TLDR: Compress and embed your entire css script between your <style></style> tags.
I've been chasing down that elusive 100/100 score for about a week now. Like you, the last remaining item was was eliminating "render-blocking css for above the fold content."
Surely there is an easy solve?? Nope. I tried out Filament group's loadCSS solution. Too much .js for my liking.
What about async attributes for css (like js)? They don't exist.
I was ready to give up. Then it dawned on me. If linking the script was blocking the render, what if I instead embedded my entire css in the head instead. That way there was nothing to block.
It seemed absolutely WRONG to embed 1263 lines of CSS in my style tag. But I gave it a whirl. I compressed it (and prefixed it) first using:
postcss -u autoprefixer --autoprefixer.browsers 'last 2 versions' -u cssnano --cssnano.autoprefixer false *.css -d min/ See the NPM postcss package.
Now it was just one LONG line of space-less css. I plopped the css in <style>your;great-wall-of-china-long;css;here</style> tags on my home page. Then I re-analyzed with page speed insights.
I went from 90/100 to 99/100 on mobile!!!
This goes against everything in me (and probably you). But it SOLVED the problem. I'm just using it on my home page for now and including the compressed css programmatically via a PHP include.
YMMV (your mileage may vary) pending on the length of your css. Google may ding you for too much above the fold content. But don't assume; test!
I'm only doing this on my home page for now so people get a FAST render on my most important page.
Your css won't get cached. I'm not too worried though. The second they hit another page on my site, the .css will get cached (see Note 1).
Few tips that may help:
I came across this article in CSS optimization yesterday:
CSS profiling for ... optimization
A lot of useful info on CSS and what CSS causes the most performance drains.
I saw the following presentation on jQueryUK on "hidden secrets" in Googe Chrome (Canary) Dev Tools:
DevTools Can do that.
Check out the sections on Time to First Paint, repaints and costly CSS.
Also, if you are using a loader like requireJS you could have a look at one of the CSS loader plugins, called require-CSS, which uses CSSO - a optimzer that also does structural optimization, eg. merging blocks with identical properties. I used it a few times and it can save quite a lot of CSS from case to case.
Off the question:
I second #Enzino in creating a sprite for all the small icons you are loading. The file sizes are so small it does not really warrant a server roundtrip for each icon. Also keep in mind the total number of concurrent http requests are browser can do. So requests for a larger number of small icons are "render-blocking" as well. Although an empty page compare to yours, I like how duckduckgo loads for example.
Please have a look on the following page .
This helped me to get rid of "Render Blocking CSS". I used the following code in order to remove "Render Blocking CSS". Now in google page speed insight I am not getting issue related with render blocking css.
<!-- loadCSS -->
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
loadCSS: load a CSS file asynchronously.
function loadCSS(href){
var ss = window.document.createElement('link'),
ref = window.document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
ss.rel = 'stylesheet';
ss.href = href;
// temporarily, set media to something non-matching to ensure it'll
// fetch without blocking render = 'only x';
ref.parentNode.insertBefore(ss, ref);
setTimeout( function(){
// set media back to `all` so that the stylesheet applies once it loads = 'all';
<!-- Let's not assume anything -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">
I too have struggled with this new pagespeed metric.
Although I have found no practical way to get my score back up to %100 there are a few things I have found helpful.
Combining all css into one file helped a lot. All my sites are back up to %95 - %98.
The only other thing I could think of was to inline all the necessary css (which appears to be most of it - at least for my pages) on the first page to get the sweet high score. Although it may help your speed score this will probably make your page load slower though.
The 2019 optimal solution for this is HTTP/2 Server Push.
You do not need any hacky javascript solutions or inline styles. However, you do need a server that supports HTTP 2.0 (any modern server version will), which itself requires your server to run SSL. However, with Let's Encrypt there's no reason not to be using SSL anyway.
My site has a 100/100 score for both mobile and desktop.
The reason for these errors is that the browser gets the HTML, then has to wait for the CSS to be downloaded before the page can be rendered. Using HTTP2 you can send both the HTML and the CSS at the same time.
You can use HTTP/2 push by setting the Link header.
Apache example (.htaccess):
Header add Link "</style.css>; as=style; rel=preload, </font.css>; as=style; rel=preload"
For NGINX you can add the header to your location tag in the server configuration:
location = / {
add_header Link "</style.css>; as=style; rel=preload, </font.css>; as=style; rel=preload";
With this header set, the browser receives the HTML and CSS at the same time which stops the CSS from blocking rendering.
You will want to tweak it so that the CSS is only sent on the first request, but the Link header is the most complete and least hacky solution to "Eliminate Render Blocking Javascript and CSS"
For a detailed discussion, take a look at my post here: Eliminate Render Blocking CSS using HTTP/2 Push
Consider using a package to automatically generate inline styles from your css files. A good one is Grunt Critical or Critical css for Laravel.
