opendaylight: using external jar file - apache-karaf

I am developing an application on opendaylight Carbon (based on Karaf). I need to use a library (specifically dnsjava) in my bundle. How do I go about including this?
I tried the following which did not work:
In my features/pom.xml, I included a mvn dependency for my jar file.
In my features/src/main/features/features.xml, I added a bundle:
However, I still have an error when I go to start my feature:
Error executing command: Error executing command on bundles:
Unable to execute command on bundle 278: The bundle "gov.nist.sdnmud.impl_0.1.0.SNAPSHOT [278]" could not be resolved. Reason: Missing Constraint: Import-Package: org.xbill.DNS; version="[2.1.0,3.0.0)"
Thanks for any help.

I'm not an expert, but if the artifact doesn't have OSGi properties in the jar, which is likely why you've added the "wrap" prefix, then you have to manually set the required OSGi properties on the features.xml dependency line, in an odd microformat syntax.
In our environment, we have to do something like this:
This issue doesn't have anything to do with opendaylight.


java.lang.module.FindException: Module test not foundIntellidea

I am have this Exception please help me!
"Error occurred during initialization of boot layer
java.lang.module.Find Exception: Module test not found"
But i write VM option "--module-path "D:\UT java\javafx-sdk-17.0.1\lib" --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml"
and i have "
requires javafx.fxml;
requires javafx.controls;
requires java.sql;
requires java.desktop;
requires jdk.jfr;"
i add my sdk. And if i create javafx demo project and execute him it work. and if i start change fxml file and change controller i have this exception.
I have IntellIJIdea 2021, javafx-sdk-17.0.1, jdbc jr 8,11,16
Steps to fix:
Delete the JavaFX sdk (you don’t need it).
Delete old Java versions (they are obsolete).
Update your IntelliJ IDE and IDE plugins to the most recent release, 2021.3.2+.
Create a new JavaFX project using JDK and JavaFX 17.0.2+.
Select Maven for the build system unless you know and prefer Gradle.
Do not set VM arguments, you don’t need them.
Adding modules via the --add-modules VM arguments is unnecessary when you have a valid file.
The --module-path is still required so that the modules can be found, but Idea will provide the correct path for your modules automatically when it recognizes the modules through your Maven dependencies.
So you don't need to explicitly define the --module-path VM argument yourself for a Maven based build (that would be difficult to do anyway because the modules are all downloaded to different directories in your local maven repository).
Test it works following the Idea create new JavaFX project execution instructions.
Add additional modules one at a time by adding their maven dependency to pom.xml and the requires clause to
Ensure you synchronize the Maven and Idea projects between each
See, for example, this question on correctly adding the module.
Adding other modules such as javafx.web, javafx.fxml or javafx.swing follows a similar pattern.
Test between each addition by building and running the project, to ensure you haven’t broken anything.
Copy your original source code into the appropriate package directories under the new project source directory:
Place resources in:
following the Eden resource location guide.
Fix any errors, ensure everything compiles and runs, then test it.

impossible to generate bundle

i'm new to the symfony framework and i'm trying to generate my first bundle ,
i use this command php bin/console generate:bundle but it's not working.
The error message :
There are no commands defined in the "generate" namespace.
You may be looking for a command provided by the SensioGeneratorBundle which is currently not installed.
Try running composer require sensio/generator-bundle.
I've tried to install composer repositories with the command composer require sensio/generator-bundle and nothing has changed
In symfony 4, this bundle is deprecated, you must use the maker-bundle, unfortunately there is no bundle generator available. So you'll need to code your bundle from scratch with the official documentation:
By the way, bundle are deprecated and are now only use to share packaged code between projects.
More informations at:
We're not making bundle in Symfony 4.
While it was "good practice" withg Symfony 2, since the new skeleton, it's not the case anymore.
Your default bundle is now App, all your code goes in src/, and all your view (twig files) goes in template/

Run Spring batch with CommandLineJobRunner error impossible to find or load main class CommandLineJobRunner

I am new to Spring batch and want to run a batch with a command line using CommandLineJobRunner class, So I copied the generated jar file and CommandLineJobRunner to my Desktop and after I ran the following command:
Java -cp spring-batch-example.jar org.springframework.batch.core.launch. support. CommandLineJobRunner classpath: /jobs/file-import-job. xml simpleFileImportJob
which give this error (impossible to find or load main org. springframework. batch. core. launch. support. CommandLineJobRunner).
I think that I should deal with the classpath, I don't know how doing it.
You need to add Spring Batch jars to the classpath too, something like:
java -cp spring-batch-example.jar:lib/* classpath:/jobs/file-import-job.xml simpleFileImportJob
where lib contains Spring Batch jars and their dependencies. Note that if you are on windows, you need to use ';' instead of ':' to separate classpath entries.
I recommend to use maven shade plugin or a similar plugin to create an uber jar, or use Spring Boot and it will do it for you. In both cases, you would be able to run your job with:
java -jar spring-batch-example.jar

Robolectric 2.x - dependent jars are downloading while running the tests

How will I download all the robolectric dependent jars, to avoid runtime downloading and make it offline? I need to use Robolectric.buildActivity(), which is part of 2.x.x versions.
any idea on this ?
Starting with Robolectric 2.4 they added two system properties to allow you to tell the Robolectric test runner to use local copies of the dependencies. See the Configuring Robolectric page.
The settings are:
robolectric.offline - Set to true to disable runtime fetching of jars
robolectric.dependency.dir - When in offline mode, specifies a folder containing runtime dependencies
One way to figure out which files you need to copy to the dependencyDir, is to run gradlew testDebug -i (or maybe with -d) and watch the output to see which jars are being downloaded at runtime. Then copy them to a known location on your build machine. (Another way to see which files you need, is to look at and get the dependency jars mentioned there along with their dependencies.)
For the current Robolectric 3.0-rc2, these are the files it needs:
Copy these files to a known location, like say /home/jenkins/robolectric-files/, and then edit your build.gradle with something like this:
afterEvaluate {
project.tasks.withType(Test) {
systemProperties.put('robolectric.offline', 'true')
systemProperties.put('robolectric.dependency.dir', '/home/jenkins/robolectric-files/')
Here is how I solved it for org.robolectric:robolectric:3.0
I downloads the runtime dependencies into the build folder and configures the tests to use it - see setting the system properties.
I had this issue too, and found the cause to be the org.robolectric.Testrunner creating a org.robolectric.MavenCentral object, which declares a Maven repository using an Internet-url (Robolectric 2.3-release). Offline builds will not be able to access that url.
In my case I'm required to use a Maven repository proxy, so I replaced the url pointing to with my local Maven repository proxy. That meant subclassing RobolectricTestRunner to org.robolectric.MyRobolectricTestRunner, and creating a custom MavenCentral object for it to use, and overriding the methods where RobolectricTestRunner references its private MAVEN_CENTRAL object.
The source code for RobolectricTestRunner and MavenCentral are available on Robolectric's Github page.
I used Robolectric version 3.0, and the dependency jars were downloaded from my repository, instead of sonatype.

Symfony 2.0 bundle installation

So I am a new to doctrine, but I am not able to install a bundle at all. I am following the guide, but the "error" which I am getting is very unusual.
Anyhow, I add this lines into deps file:
Then I do:
./bin/vendors install
And I get:
PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php5/20090626+lfs/' - /usr/lib/php5/20090626+lfs/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 0
Your project seems to be based on a Standard Edition that includes vendors.
Try to run ./bin/vendors install --reinstall
So on this standard way I am not able to install it at all. Can somebody explain me what is the problem, because to me it looks like, the symfony vendors script doesnt recognize changes in deps file at all.
This happens when you've downloaded the Symfony2 Standard Edition from the website. The vendor install script checks to see if the vendor directories are git repositories, and if not, will throw this error. You can fix the situation in one of two ways:
you can either run the command that it suggests: php bin/vendors install --reinstall
or, you can remove the vendors directory, then run php bin/vendors install, which amounts to about the same thing
No need to install that. Just follow the steps in the url :
