Openstack API Authentication - openstack

Openstack noob here. I have setup an Ubuntu VM with DevStack, and am trying to authenticate with Keystone to obtain a token to be used for subsequent Openstack API calls. The identity endpoint shown on the “API Access” page in Horizon is: http://<DEVSTACK_IP>/identity.
When I post the below JSON payload to this endpoint, I get the error get_version_v3() got an unexpected keyword argument 'auth’.
"auth": {
"identity": {
"methods": [
"password": {
"user": {
"name": "admin",
"domain": {
"name": "Default"
"password": “AdminPassword”
Based on the Openstack docs, I should be hitting http://<DEVSTACK_IP>/v3/auth/tokens to obtain a token, but when I hit that endpoint, I get 404 Not Found.
I'm currently using Postman for testing this, but will eventually be doing programmatically.
Does anybody have any experience with authenticating against the Openstack API that can help?

Not sure whether you want to do it in a python way, but if you do, here is a way to do it:
from keystoneauth1.identity import v3
from keystoneauth1 import session
v3_auth = v3.Password(auth_url=V3_AUTH_URL,
v3_ses = session.Session(auth=v3_auth)
auth_token = v3_ses.get_token()
And you V3_AUTH_URL should be http://<DEVSTACK_IP>:5000/v3 since keystone is using port 5000 as a default.
If you do have a multi-domain devstack, you can change the domains, otherwise, they should be default
Just in case you don't have the client library installed: pip install python-keystoneclient
Here is a good doc for you to read about it:


Can't create stack from template using Openstack Heat API

I'm trying to create a stack from a template using the Heat API. I'm using the API reference here as a guide. I have the following json in a file called single-server-template.json:
"stack_name": "api-test",
"template": {
"heat_template_version": "rocky",
"description": "Testing Heat API\n",
"resources": {
"server1": {
"type": "OS::Nova::Server",
"properties": {
"name": "Server1",
"image": "Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy)",
"flavor": "alt.st1.small",
"key_name": "my_key",
"networks": "Internal"
I'm sending it with this: curl -X POST -H "X-Auth-Token:$OS_TOKEN" -d #single-server-template.json https://$OS_HOST_URL:8004/v1/$OS_PROJECT_ID/stacks
I've been at it for hours but no matter what I send I get a 400 error:
{"code": 400, "title": "Bad Request", "explanation": "The server could not comply with the request since it is either malformed or otherwise incorrect.", "error": {"type": "HTTPBadRequest", "traceback": null, "message": "The server could not comply with the request since it is either malformed or otherwise incorrect."}}
Things I've tried:
confirmed my environment vars are filled in correctly before sending
confirmed that the template itself is valid by spinning it up from the UI console
confirmed that other endpoints that require auth work as expected
screaming and/or crying
Can anyone confirm that what I've got is correct, or test it against your own openstack instance? The only other thing I can think of is that maybe my openstack provider has an issue with their API

Ingest pipeline is not working over logs obtained from an event hub wih filebeat

I am sending logs to an azure eventhub with Serilog (using WriteTo.AzureEventHub(eventHubClient)), after that I am running a filebeat process with the azure module enabled, so I send these logs to elasticsearch to be able to explore them with Kibana.
The problem I have is that all the information goes to the field "message", I would need to separate the information of my logs in different fields to be able to do good queries.
The way I found was create an ingest pipeline in Kibana and through a grok processor I separate the fields inside the "meessage" and generate multiple fields. In the filebeat.yml I set the pipeline name, but nothing happen, it seems the pipeline is not working.
# Array of hosts to connect to.
hosts: ["localhost:9200"]
pipeline: "filebeat-otc"
Does anybody knows what I am missing? THANKS in advance.
EDITION. I will add an example of my pipeline and my data. In the simulation is working properly:
POST _ingest/pipeline/_simulate
"pipeline": {
"processors": [
"grok": {
"field": "message",
"patterns": [
"pattern_definitions": {
"LOGLEVEL" : "\\[[^\\]]*\\]",
"TEXT" : "[a-zA-Z0-9- ]*"
"docs": [
"_source": {
"message": "15:13:59 [INF] {CorrelationId:83355884-a351-4c8b-af8d-b77c48462f36,OperationTittle:Operation1,OriginSystemName:Fexa,TargetSystemName:Usina,OperationProcess:Testing Log Data,LogMessage:Esto es una buena prueba,ErrorMessage:null}"
"_source": {
"message": "20:13:48 [INF] {CorrelationId:8451ee54-efca-40be-91c8-8c8e18e33f58,OperationTittle:null,OriginSystemName:Fexa,TargetSystemName:Donna,OperationProcess:Testing Log Data,LogMessage:null,ErrorMessage:null}"
It seems when you use a module it will create and use an ingest pipeline in elasticsearch, and the pipeline option in the output is ignored.
So my solution was modify the index.final_pipeline. For this, in Kibana I went to Stack Management / Index Management there I found my index, there I went to Edit Settings and set "index.final_pipeline": "the-name-of-my-pipeline".
I hope this helps to anybody.
This was thanks to leandrojmp

403 errors with keycloak API

I'm trying to use the Keycloak API (in node via keycloak-admin library) but I systematically get error 403.
I get successfully an access token via the library; by calling /auth/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/token (on master realm) .
When I look inside my token, I seem to have the correct roles to be able to query the users :
{ "jti": "xx-..", "exp": 1585561478, "nbf": 0, "iat": 1585561418, "iss": "", "aud": "mycompany-realm", "sub": "xx-..", "typ": "Bearer", "azp": "admin-cli", "auth_time": 0, "session_state": "xx-..", "acr": "1", "resource_access": { "mycompany-realm": { "roles": [ "view-users", "query-groups", "query-users" ] } }, "scope": "email profile", "email_verified": true, "name": "myname", "preferred_username": "myname", "given_name": "my name", "email": "" }
However , when I do a GET on or ; I get 403 errors.
Maybe it's linked with the "aud" of my token ? Why do I get a token with "aud": "mycompany-realm" when I query master realm ?
Thanks for any help.
I eventually realize that this is due to the fact that I have implemented Port Restriction for admin endpoints. As described in the documentation, all endpoints starting with /auth/admin get a 403 response. Instead, these endpoints are accessible via another port (for example 9991) which is not accessible over the internet.
What I did to fix my issue : because both my Nodejs service and my keycloak server are running on the same kubernetes cluster, I change the authUrl of my keycloak server with its service name http://servicename.namespace.svc.cluster.local:9991/auth

Using nginx to redirect dynamic request

I have a druid service which runs at my local machine at port 8082 as follows:
Method POST: http://localhost:8082/druid/v2/?pretty
"queryType" : "topN",
"dataSource" : "some_source",
"intervals" : ["2015-09-12/2015-09-13"],
"granularity" : "all",
"dimension" : "page",
"metric" : "edits",
"threshold" : 25,
"filter": {
"type": "and",
"fields": [
"type": "selector",
"dimension": "pix_id",
"value": "1234"
Hitting this query gives me a list of records based on the value of the dimension 'pix_id'.
Now, I want to setup an nginx such that the external application should not have any clue about my druid service. I just want the external application to hit the URL:
This url should dynamically generate a JSON with the above mentioned pix_id and send a request to druid and return the response to the user.
Is it possible to do this in nginx?
Yes you can do this, but rather I would suggest to have a php or python script in between to give the results.
So the setup would be -
Have php page receive the request.
make a curl call from php to the druid, locally.
get the result and pass on the response.
There are multiple benefits of doing this eg. -
You completely mask druid, and not necessarily limited to druid.
You can do more calculations in php before sending the request to druid.
caching at php end.

Can't create cloudsql role for Service Account via api

I have been trying to use the api to create service accounts in GCP.
To create a service account I send the following post request:
base_url = f"{project}/serviceAccounts"
auth = f"?access_token={access_token}"
data = {"accountId": name}
# Create a service Account
r = + auth, json=data)
this returns a 200 and creates a service account:
Then, this is the code that I use to create the specific roles:
sa = f"{name}"
sa_url = base_url + f'/{sa}:setIamPolicy' + auth
data = {"policy":
{"bindings": [
"role": roles,
If roles is set to one of roles/viewer, roles/editor or roles/owner this approach does work.
However, if I want to use, specifically roles/cloudsql.viewer The api tells me that this option is not supported.
Here are the roles.
I don't want to give this service account full viewer rights to my project, it's against the principle of least privilege.
How can I set specific roles from the api?
here is the response using the resource manager api: with roles/cloudsql.admin as the role
"policy": {
"bindings": [
"members": [
"role": "roles/cloudsql.viewer"
"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": "Request contains an invalid argument.",
"details": [
"#type": "",
"role": "roles/owner"
With the code provided it appears that you are appending to the first base_url which is not the correct context to modify project roles.
This will try to place the appended path to:{project}/serviceAccount
The POST path for adding roles needs to be:{project]:setIamPolicy
If you remove /serviceAccounts from the base_url and it should work.
Edited response to add more information due to your edit
OK, I see the issue here, sorry but I had to set up a new project to test this.
cloudresourcemanager.projects.setIamPolicy needs to replace the entire policy. It appears that you can add constraints to what you change but that you have to submit a complete policy in json for the project.
Note that gcloud has a --log-http option that will help you dig through some of these issues. If you run
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT --member serviceAccount:$NAME --role roles/cloudsql.viewer --log-http
It will show you how it pulls the existing existing policy, appends the new role and adds it.
I would recommend using the example code provided here to make these changes if you don't want to use gcloud or the console to add the role to the user as this could impact the entire project.
Hopefully they improve the API for this need.
