How to disable Live View Code Finder in Brackets - adobe

In Adobe Brackets, I have a HTML file open with live view on, when I click on an element in Live View (i.e. Chrome); It automatically scrolls to that elements code in Brackets. I find this very annoying since I have to keep scrolling back to where I was.
Is there a way to disable this feature?

This can be disabled by setting "livedev.enableReverseInspect": false in the preferences file.
For more info click here.

"There's a toggle View > Live Preview Highlight that you can use to disable and re-enable this feature."


How can I edit a css class in Chrome that only appears when I drag something?

In my website project, an element only changes style when I drag something over it. It does this by adding a CSS class to it.
The problem is that I have a hard time editing this style because I can't live edit it in Chrome. I have to edit the file, reload the webpage, then drag something to see the changes.
Is there any way to do this just inside Chrome? Most magically, would be if there was some way to freeze my dragging and then be able to edit. Anything close?
Browse to the desired page
Open console (F12)
Select 'SOURCES' tab in chrome inspector
Drag the element
Hit F8 to freeze (if you have clicked anywhere on the actual page F8
will do nothing, your last click needed to be somewhere in the inspector, like the sources tab)
Go back to elements tab in inspector
It should now be nested in the trigger element's html
Try this trick:
in Google Chrome Console type at any time you want to test that class
var elm = document.getElementById('yourElementId'); elm.classList.add('yourClassToTest');
(please note: you have to press SWIFT+ENTER if you like to create a new line break in Google Chrome Console)
At this point you have added the class you want to test on the div.
Just use the web inspector, in order to change/inspect any CSS properties.
This solution lets you avoid to manually drag something to see your class/changes.

How to inspect elements on dynamically created DOM by using IE developers tools

I have a bug that I experience only in IE. I would like to inspect DOM by using IE developers toolbar, but unfortunately cannot seem to do it as complete DOM is generated dynamically. Does anybody have an idea how to overcome this problem?
There is a reload button in the toolbar to the right of the floppy disc icon. Hitting this also works.
Once that div is generated dynamically, then inspect it. Answered it as it seemed to work for you... :)
once page is completely loaded then click F12, after that reload page again and then on developer toolbar click REFRESH button which is available to exactly next to save button in developer tool bar. After that click the arrow for inspect element.
Alternatively, make sure Inspector pane is active then hit F5 key.

Xcode 4 Inspector Panel tells me "No Selection" no matter what

I have a window, a label, a button, and an NSObject.
The first thing I want to do is change the NSObject's class to that of my custom controller.
The thing is, I can't seem to select it. Whatever object I select, the inspector panel says "No Selection". Why? I'm baffled.
accepted answer did not work for me, but answer by 'NSExplorer' did (In Xcode4, the new interface builder says "no selection"). i slightly modified answer from 'NSExplorer'
.. switch to another (non IB) file in the current tab
.. switch back to the IB file (eg. Main.storyboard)
the Attributes Inspector will magically show in the new tab.
I just had to close the assistant editor and the debug area and then it magically showed up. If you don't have the assistant editor open then all you need to do is open it, then close it again. That should fix it too.
If you don't know what the assistant editor is I have highlighted it in red:
Xcode 7.2
The interface builder in XCode 4 is incredibly buggy. I'm also having frequent issues like this. Have you tried closing XCode and re-opening your project? Sometimes, resizing the entire XCode window also seems to reset the interface builder layout.
Make sure you're selecting the objects from the XIB document panel (Where it says "Objects") on the left. Sometimes clicking the actual UI controls doesn't catch in the inspector panel, for whatever reason.
For me, I had the bottom, debugger stretched all away to the top. It said "no selection." By Taping on hide/open bottom debugger twice, you can get the main component back again.
If you have multiple windows, close the storyboard file and open it again, it worked for me

Flex Accessiblity - Tab Focus goes out of flex app

In an accessible flex app, the user can navigate through the control by using the TAB key.
The flex app pops up on top of the html page aftert the user activate a particular link, and is loaded using swfobject.embedSWF.
It works well in most cases, but there are some instances where either or both these happen:
a) The flex app loads ok, the "flex focus" is set on the intro text label to read out loud, but pressing tab seems to still cycle through the links on the page behind. (Now Fixed, see Edit 2)
b) The focus worked well and pressing tab cycle through the controls ok, but after going through them it then tabs out of the flex app and onto the address bar.. it becomes a nightmare to even try to get back to the flex app without clicking on it.. which isn't exactly accessibility friendly.
Is there any way to prevent these from happening?
EDIT: The target browser is IE. Seems to be the most used with Jaws
EDIT: I managed to fix problem (a). The trick was to call focus on the swf object, but after a slight time out - must be something to do with flash/js ready state.
Problem (b) is still an issue though...
In your mx:Application component, add an event listener for the keyFocusChange and add this code :
protected function application1_keyFocusChangeHandler(event:FocusEvent):void
b) Try to place some focusable element after swf in html. When focus leaves flex app, see if onfocus handler of that element gets called. If it is, you can refocus flex app from there or redirect it where you want.

SelecedIndex of tabnavigator is appended to url

In my flex application when I added a tabnavigator control and ran the application, I found that a "#" was appended to the url in the browser and whenever I select one of the tabs the url changes to this "myurl#app=7049&c152-selectedIndex=1" reflecting the index of the selected tab, is this a normal behavior of the tabnavigator, is there a way of removing it?
It's a browser navigation integration related feature. You can disable it by going to project properties -> flex Compiler, and uncheck "Enable integration with browser navigation".
Bonus reference here. You might also want to check the link at the end of that article.
Set historyManagementEnabled property of the TabNavigator to "false"
