Obtaining a token from a node app - azure-managed-identity

Interested in trying out MSI from a node app running in the app service, for authenticating with a CosmosDB.
Right now I only see a .Net sample.
Is it possible to use node right now with MSI?

Yes, you can, you just have to craft the token request to the local MSI endpoint. Check out the doc topic on using MSI in App Service, and scroll to the section on "Code examples": https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service/app-service-managed-service-identity#obtaining-tokens-for-azure-resources. There's a code example for Node.js.


WSO2: Can IS access token be used for APIM access token for APIs for same users?

When integrating the WSO2 Identity Server (5.6.0) and WSO2 APIM (2.5.0). I came across one scenario where I want the token which I am generating while logging into IS should be used also for invoking APIs in APIM which are created by the same user.
I am creating user in IS and it is getting reflected in APIM but the token which is generated for IS is getting saves in IDN_OAUTH2_ACCESS_TOKEN of IS DB and for APIM while invoking any APIs for the same user, the token are getting saved in IDN_OAUTH2_ACCESS_TOKEN of APIM.
I want to use the same token which was generated in IS to invoke APIs which the same user created in APIM.
Any guidance in this direction will help me to understand.
In a distributed deployment of APIM, you can use IS as the key manager node. The following document explains how to set it up.
This document explains (step 3) how to share databases between APIM and IS. You can use the same to achieve what you want.
In short, you need to configure IS to use the APIM DB (shared between 2 nodes) instead of its own IS DB.
You also have to map the Application in the API store to the OAuth app you have created in IS. See this doc for that.

How Do You Call A REST API From Within Watson Conversation?

I am testing out this android chat application using Bluemix https://github.com/IBM-Bluemix/chatbot-watson-android
At some point in the conversation I will need to call a REST API/webservice to retrieve info about data that has been gathered and send it back to the user as a chat.
I don't want to do it from within the android application as the application wont work when I deploy it to another platform (e.g. slack).
Is there a way to call REST APIs from within watson?
I don't think the conversation service can do it directly, but can it link to another Bluemix service and use the result of that?
If you are already using some form of middleware this can be achieved by setting an action tag in the .JSON editor of the node that should fire the action. This then gets picked up by your middleware listener.
Alternatively try the new cloud actions feature that has just been released here https://console.bluemix.net/docs/services/conversation/dialog-actions.html#dialog-actions which is really simple and easy
I would create a server to intermediate the communication between your app (android) and the conversation service. This server could call/retrieve the required data before sending the conversation response to your app.
As you're using Bluemix, you could use Node-Red to easily do this.
Here is an example of an app that I made exactly this.
If you are starting with Watson and Bluemix, I strongly advice trying to use the Node-red starting pack. It's really easy to integrate Watson services and call REST API/web-services, even integrate with a database.
Here is a starting point to this:
Happy coding!

Adding an asp.net MVC page along with Azure Mobile services

I have backend(e.g. https://api.myapp.com) based on the Azure Mobile services(AMS), now I need
1. add one or two apis that doesn't require to be on AMS e.g. an heartbeat controller to check that service is online or not, that doesn't require Zumo Auth
2. an ASP.net MVC page(e.g. https://www.myapp.com) that explains about the application
Can I use the existing AMS to do this, I tried to add plain asp.net web api, but getting error that end point doesn't exist
Are you truly using Azure Mobile Services and not Azure Mobile Apps? You generally cannot have a custom domain on Azure Mobile Services. Since you mention ZUMO Auth 2, I'm assuming you mean App Service Auth and thus Azure Mobile Apps.
I'd recommend taking a look at Azure Functions for any APIs that do not require ZUMO. However, you can just add a custom API to your service. I cover all the options for you in my book - http://aka.ms/zumobook - chapter 4.
As to a service controller for checking heartbeat. If the intent is to ensure that the service is alive, then just create an unauthenticated custom API that tests the database connectivity (maybe does an SQL command to get the count of rows in your main table) and returns success or failure. You can then use Azure Functions, Azure Scheduler or OMS to do a query of that custom API.

IBM-Bluemix Push migration

I have a Push-Notification service set up that I had to migrate (because IBM is closing the old service).
I used the original app and just opened a new Push-Service.
Now, when I try to test the installation with the REST-API online, it tells me that the app secret isn't valid.
Do I have to open a new app as well? (besides, I can't find the app-secret in the new interface)
What happens to the old mobile apps. Does the service run side by side for a while?
The app-secret value for the new push service is the VCAP credential, not an overall application secret like it was with the old services. The new services are more decoupled and thus only push requires the secret value at this time (added to prevent malicious usage of the REST API) and it is located in a different spot than in the old services.
Here are the steps to grab the app secret from your new push service instance (taken from: https://console.ng.bluemix.net/docs/services/mobilepush/t_restapi.html). Note where it says to click Show Credentials this is in reference to the new push service instance tile on your application dashboard's Connections tab.
With that said I highly recommend migrating completely from your app using the old services (Push, Mobile Data, Mobile Application Security) to a new app using nothing but the new services (Push Notifications, Cloudant NoSQLDB, Mobile Client Access). The services are not intended to work together cross-generation, and should be taken wholesale.

Determine If Signalr Scale Out Is Necessary

I am having trouble wrapping my head around whether or not my scenario will require scale out. I have a process in a windows service that pushes messages to a hub hosted in a web app via the signalr .net client. These are user specific messages and are distributed using the Client(connectionid) approach. If this is deployed in a web farm scenario will I need to use a scale out approach? When a user joins I am storing that connection info in the database. I store the url of the webserver and connectionid so I can target that when I publish messages from the windows service.
I would use this if it is an option.
