IPhone X Swiping up to switch app activates buttons at the bottom of the screen - gesture

We are currently checking if our app is compatible with the upcoming iPhone X and its new form factor and gestures.
We noticed a problem regarding the switch to home screen gesture where swiping up actually triggers the action on the buttons located at the bottom of the screen.
In our case, this is problematic, because our app is a remote controller for very high end amplifiers and the buttons located at the bottom of the screen are volume buttons..
See image:
Anyone here had to deal with this kind of issue lately?
I was thinking of some kind of event that could be triggered by the swipe up gesture and disabling the buttons maybe?
Thanks for your help.

So we finally decided to go for the safe area principle and stick our bottom bar to the bottom of the safe area as suggested by Apple.
It's a bit annoying as it adds a big empty space at the bottom of the screen but I guess every app having actions there will have the same problem (tab bar for example)
Here's the article I used:
If you found another solution, I would be happy to read about it.


iOS app with Gluon, get app in full screen and keep screen alive

I am making a simple iOS application with two Views using gluon. In one of the views I need to be able to keep screen alive indefinitely, prevent it from rotating and have it full screen without the status bar showing. The other View should have the default behaviour(rotating normally, let screen go off when there is no touch input by the user and status bar should be showing).
I have seen some tutorials on how to do this on Android binding an interface to native code. Is this possible to do in iOS? I have looked around everywhere online and no one seems to have done this. Any pointers ? Thank you.

Qt Screenshot sharing app - How to select the area of a screen

I am trying to code an app in Qt for capturing and then sharing the screenshots. For now my application captures the screenshot, shows a preview and saves it. I am yet to do the upload part. but before that I would like to be able to select the area of the screen of which the screenshot needs to be captured.
I tried searching and I couldn't find any helpful articles or documents in Qt. So can anyone help me?
PS: The idea is to create a similar app like lightshot and several other similar tools.
Thanks in advance
There are two methods that you can use for this: -
1) Capture an image of the screen and then display that, full screen to the user, essentially allowing the user to crop the image.
2) A more commonly used method is to create a full-screen, topmost window that has no title bar and is transparent. This allows the user to drag out an area, which you can draw an outline to represent the area the user requires.
I recommend the 2nd method and creating a transparent window is simply a matter of changing the window flags, as you can see here.

swipe gestures and Wordpress templates

I'm looking to do a mobile web app in Wordpress. I need the template to have a thin (~3/4 inch) horizontal rectangular section at the very top that can be swiped to the left/right to serve as the navigation. Basically, every time you swipe this section to the right/left, it changes the page below it. I've seen templates where the whole page swipes, but not split in this was as I described it here. If anyone has any pointers for me on how to customize the template like this, I'd really appreciate it.
Try this plugin. They support Swipe left, right, up, down and double tap. you can specify the area where you want wordpress to register the gestures, say in your case it would be the ID of the Div you want user to swipe in. Let me know if you face any difficulty.

Swiping through content on Blackberry Playbook

I am creating a Playbook app in Adobe Flex/AIR.
I have a situation where there is too much content to show all on one page so I would like it where the content overflows vertically, the user can swipe to scroll down, like they were viewing a website on an Ipad.
I am extending the View class to make my screens, I could place every screen in a one element List or surround it all in a Scroller but surely there must be an inbuilt way to do this on the Playbook?
With the limited Blackberry documentation, I'm struggling to find the solution, any ideas?
I'm developing my own Blackberry Playbook app myself. Here's some advice:
Take a look at the List View options available. You might be interested in using a TileList
Review listening for Swipe Events to update the position of your List (be it TileList or SectionList).
Check out the Blackberry Tablet documentation. It's not that limited!

How accessible is Fullcalendar?

I'm having problems making FullCalendar fully accessible. I'm using the default month view and can't access the next, previous, and today buttons on the top right without using a mouse. If I run a screen reader, I can access those buttons but not without running the screen reader.
And on another note, I currently am using tool tips that pop up when you mouse over an event title to display more information. If anyone has any tips on how to make those accessible to a screen reader or accessible without a mouse, I'd greatly appreciate it!
Regarding the buttons, I would advice that you write new buttons if accessibility is important. These buttons you could then hook up to your own javascript functions that moves to previous and next.
Check out this documentation example
Regarding the second problem, I think that's the same problem not just for physically impaired but also for things like mobile browsers. My tip would be to avoid onmouseover if the information that appears is really important.
