iOS app with Gluon, get app in full screen and keep screen alive - javafx

I am making a simple iOS application with two Views using gluon. In one of the views I need to be able to keep screen alive indefinitely, prevent it from rotating and have it full screen without the status bar showing. The other View should have the default behaviour(rotating normally, let screen go off when there is no touch input by the user and status bar should be showing).
I have seen some tutorials on how to do this on Android binding an interface to native code. Is this possible to do in iOS? I have looked around everywhere online and no one seems to have done this. Any pointers ? Thank you.


IPhone X Swiping up to switch app activates buttons at the bottom of the screen

We are currently checking if our app is compatible with the upcoming iPhone X and its new form factor and gestures.
We noticed a problem regarding the switch to home screen gesture where swiping up actually triggers the action on the buttons located at the bottom of the screen.
In our case, this is problematic, because our app is a remote controller for very high end amplifiers and the buttons located at the bottom of the screen are volume buttons..
See image:
Anyone here had to deal with this kind of issue lately?
I was thinking of some kind of event that could be triggered by the swipe up gesture and disabling the buttons maybe?
Thanks for your help.
So we finally decided to go for the safe area principle and stick our bottom bar to the bottom of the safe area as suggested by Apple.
It's a bit annoying as it adds a big empty space at the bottom of the screen but I guess every app having actions there will have the same problem (tab bar for example)
Here's the article I used:
If you found another solution, I would be happy to read about it.

Way to hide splash screen?

Is it possible to hide splash screen in MAF app and directly display some form/page to gather information from user at place of splash screen, and while user is being entering his values then initial loading process (which loads behind splash screen) can be continue at back-end?
The splash screen is of value to you as users know you app is loading. Its purpose is to load quickly as the rest of the app sets up.
Why would you want to move logic into this visual process? I want to caution you that I think it's a poor choice to reject industry standards. Work with the framework.

CSS Selector :focus not working with Chromecast

I am trying to adapt an HTML based app for Chromecast and everything is working fine, except that the ":focus" is not taken into account in the CSS.
I am using it to display differently some items (basically the equivalent of the "selected item").
The focus is handled properly (calling ".focus()" on some DOM node works fine), just the display is not done properly.
I suspect this could be intentional as there is no keyboard and such for Chromecast. I could always rewrite the whole CSS to add a "focused" class on the element, but rewriting the whole thing just for Chromecast as it is already working on a number of platforms seems a bad idea.
Is there a way to activate the support for ":focus" in the CSS ?
Is there a work around ?
Best Regards
The idea behind the chromecast is not to have a UI in the way that you are describing; the "control/navigation" is on the second screen and the consumption of content (playback of media, for example) is on TV. As an example, consider the Google Play Music. User picks up her mobile device, navigates through albums and such on her device till she finds the desired content. During this interaction, the TV screen doesn't try to show the navigation that is happening on her device and that makes sense since she is not even looking at the TV; in fact, it would have been pretty difficult to look at TV (assuming it was mirroring her mobile display) and navigate on her mobile device; user doesn't want to move her eyes from one to the other while she is searching through her content. Finally when she finds what she casts that to TV and can listen to that on her TV. It is the same behavior with the TV and Movies app, Netflix and Hulu+ as well and it is strongly recommended you follow the same pattern.

TV ergonomics in Flex

Im having fun toying with AIR and want to use it to create an application for my TV, but Im coping with a serious & dumb problem : TV ergonomics. Indeed, without a mouse, it is all about focus on elements and moving this focus in a natural fashion.
In HTML this is handled by the browsers perfectly, but in ActionScript Im having a real hard time ! For instance, I don't even know how to have an element on autofocus, so that when I load the app there is already something to click on (without it I just can't interact with my app at all!).
Do you have any idea on the best ways to create a listener for the remote controller arrows and OK button (should be enough) so that I never get stuck in the app ?
So whether you have already struggled with that or if you simply happen to know how to play with the focus and setFocus() parts of Flex, your help is very welcome !
I recommend you look at the Google TV Flash template. It's all about controls and navigation. I'm not sure if this works for Flex as I have not done any gtv development yet.

Swiping through content on Blackberry Playbook

I am creating a Playbook app in Adobe Flex/AIR.
I have a situation where there is too much content to show all on one page so I would like it where the content overflows vertically, the user can swipe to scroll down, like they were viewing a website on an Ipad.
I am extending the View class to make my screens, I could place every screen in a one element List or surround it all in a Scroller but surely there must be an inbuilt way to do this on the Playbook?
With the limited Blackberry documentation, I'm struggling to find the solution, any ideas?
I'm developing my own Blackberry Playbook app myself. Here's some advice:
Take a look at the List View options available. You might be interested in using a TileList
Review listening for Swipe Events to update the position of your List (be it TileList or SectionList).
Check out the Blackberry Tablet documentation. It's not that limited!
