Is there any way to use Point Cloud Library (or similar) to get a skeleton from point cloud data like obj? - point-cloud-library

I've been stuck for some days searching some way to get the skeleton of a point cloud data (like OBJ) but not using kinect. Is it possible?
I found the Point Cloud Library which does a lot of tasks related to point cloud data, and in their documentation there is a body keypoints detector, but it also works with kinect grabbers.
In my case, I have a point cloud data like in the picture, which was generated by another depth sensor scanner. Is it possible to find the key points in such data?
I really would appreciate any help. Thanks in advance.

Even if it's not explicitly mentioned in the tutorial you linked, a quick to the code suggests that you can use different data sources (e.g. PCD files), so you're not stuck with the live capture from Kinect.
All the tutorial code really does is the following:
Setup the GPU for the people parts detection.
Pick the appropriate data source.
Load the tree files for the body part detector.
Run the PeopleDetector on a single frame captured from the live grabber stream/PCD file.


How do I use texStorage2D?

Does anyone have a working, end-to-end example of this API in WebGL 2 or could point me to one? I did a search already and couldn't find anything but the API documentation.
I'd like to know how the calls would differ from what I currently do? Do I still need the following calls? Are there equivalents for them for Storage 2D?
texSubStorage2D? (how do i upload data?)

Is there an easy to use way to print a small file as QR-Code on a sheet of paper?

Assume I have sensitive information (passwords, private keys,...) that I saved to a file which I encrypted.
Is there an easy to use tool to convert back and forth between a small file (say 0.5kB) and an image (QR code?) that I can print out to have a safe backup?
You can use LaTeX with the ps-tricks and pst-barcode modules, it produces nice QR codes, and yesm we used it exactly for this purpose: Paper backup of SSH private keys.
Denso Wave of QR code developer distributes software on their site.
Membership registration on the site is required to obtain it.
Even if you can not print with this, there are various tools regardless of free/commercial, so please search.
The maximum amount of data that can be stored in the QR code is 2953 bytes in binary mode.
However, it depends on the ability of the scanner to use.
QR code FAQ #6 Can an image or sound be stored in a QR Code?
I wrote a linux program to do this, called qr-backup.
In researching similar programs as part of it, I discovered a number of alternative projects as well. All of these are also linux-only.
paperbackup. Focused on GPG/SSH key backup. See also the paperkey preprocessor, to reduce the size of keys.
qrdump (incomplete)
If your file is very small (0.5KB is a good cutoff), you can generate one single QR code. An example command-line program to generate it is qrencode. Several web converters are also available.

Use Julia to perform computations on a webpage

I was wondering if it is possible to use Julia to perform computations on a webpage in an automated way.
For example suppose we have a 3x3 html form in which we input some numbers. These form a square matrix A, and we can find its eigenvalues in Julia pretty straightforward. I would like to use Julia to make the computation and then return the results.
In my understanding (which is limited in this direction) I guess the process should be something like:
collect the data entered in the form
send the data to a machine which has Julia installed
run the Julia code with the given data and store the result
send the result back to the webpage and show it.
Do you think something like this is possible? (I've seen some stuff using HttpServer which allows computation with the browser, but I'm not sure this is the right thing to use) If yes, which are the things which I need to look into? Do you have any examples of such implementations of web calculations?
If you are using or can use Node.js, you can use node-julia. It has some limitations, but should work fine for this.
Coincidentally, I was already mostly done with putting together an example that does this. A rough mockup is available here, which uses express to serve the pages and plotly to display results (among other node modules).
Another option would be to write the server itself in Julia using Mux.jl and skip server-side javascript entirely.
Yes, it can be done with HttpServer.jl
It's pretty simple - you make a small script that starts your HttpServer, which now listens to the designated port. Part of configuring the web server is that you define some handlers (functions) that are invoked when certain events take place in your app's life cycle (new request, error, etc).
Here's a very simple official example:
However, things can get complex fast:
you already need to perform 2 actions:
a. render your HTML page where you take the user input (by default)
b. render the response page as a consequence of receiving a POST request
you'll need to extract the data payload coming through the form. Data sent via GET is easy to reach, data sent via POST not so much.
if you expose this to users you need to setup some failsafe measures to respawn your server script - otherwise it might just crash and exit.
if you open your script to the world you must make sure that it's not vulnerable to attacks - you don't want to empower a hacker to execute random Julia code on your server or access your DB.
So for basic usage on a small case, yes, HttpServer.jl should be enough.
If however you expect a bigger project, you can give Genie a try ( It's still work in progress but it handles most of the low level work allowing developers to focus on the specific app logic, rather than on the transport layer (Genie's author here, btw).
If you get stuck there's GitHub issues and a Gitter channel.
Try Escher.jl.
This enables you to build up the web page in Julia.

MapBox sqlite layer from OSM

New to MapBox.
I have read the tuto on how to create a layer from OSM which relies on a PostGIS connection. Tried it. So far, so good.
Nonetheless, given the very limited magnitude of the project i'm working on (single user...), i'd really rather avoid having to have a pgsql instance running just for that. sqlite comes across as an option of course!
Can someone help with the following questions:
Any reason why sqlite would not do the job ? The data set i'm pulling from OSM is about 30MB
Any recommandable and tried script to convert OSM .xml or .pbf to .sqlite ? There is a bunch of osm2sqlite out there on github and where-else, but can't see any reference to them that let me think they will still be maintained in a foreseeable future...
How straightforward will it be to link such sqlite output to a tile mill layer ? Clearly, I have no idea on the underlying data model and subsequent sql statement to bring it across...
Many thanks
Use mbtiles (this is basically sqlite if you didn't know).
Mbtiles will work perfectly for you. In fact Mapbox uses it for their maps
As you've seen from that link, tilemill can export your project to mbtiles . Personally I would import to postgres using imposm3, it's fairly fast and doesn't use up ask your memory. After importing I'd style the map with tilemill then use it to generate mbtiles.
Seems like you're already comfortable with the first 2 steps of this. The docs cover the exporting step
Never used mbtiles but I can't see why you would have difficulty with them.
Nb In the future you'll be better off asking questions these at

Get the next direction help provided GPS location

I am working on proof of concept project that is an augmented reality based navigation system. Basically, it is supposed to provide users a video of real scene with additional navigational signs that are created with the use of GPS location.
The thing I need to do is not a complete useful system but rather a proof of concept. There were mainly two tasks that I had to do. First real image of the scene is processed to determine the road in it, and with the use of GPS I will place the navigational sign like turn right, go straight on the road. The challenge I have here is how i can fetch the required navigation information. I considered Google Maps Api but it requires you to have your google host. I also made some research about how to get directions from it, but it seems that results are not very well structured for my purposes. I mean I need something like having a certain number of outputs and rigorously defined (e.g. turn right, turn left, etc) but its output is very unstructured. How do you think I can achieve this task. Thanks for any help.
This Link might help for Google Map Location extraction
You can use Layar , or other available AR sdks(Metaio, QUalcomm also provide one ) for AR related Overlays
Good luck !
