Separate reviews for product variations woocommerce - wordpress

I've been looking for a solution for a few hours now and haven't found an answer.
My customer has an eshop using woocommerce selling protein shakes and wants to have separate reviews for each variaton (flavour in this case) of each product.
How can I do this?
Thanks in advance for your answers

WP Product Review would be of help. You can review individual products and grade different details about them. Each product has a list of pros and cons, plus a general description box. There is also an option to enable user reviews and then decide if they should be taken into account when displaying the final rating of the product. A helpful plugin.


WooCommerce additional booking form

in advance apologies for my English. think i speak better than my write.
so i have tour agency web site, with woocommerce Booking. this is my sample situation: I use bookable product for my services products. when i click on a product this shows normal tittle, then pictures and on right side the booking form fields. (here is ok)
But, i dont know if there is an a plugin or shortcode for this?...i have two differents categories into the same product, sample:( Chichen itza tour) for this i have 1.Regular Group Tour package and 2.Deluxe Private Tour
i would like to have into the product page an additional booking form, first one for Regular Tour and second for Deluxe tour.
so the tittle product, pictures, then right side with two options booking form.
hope my situation can helps to more people. and hope someone can help me to solve this.
im attaching a picture of a sample product page with two booking forms.
Without the picture it is a bit difficult to say, but you could use WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate. This allows you to add custom fields to a product variation based on a condition.
So, for example; Show this field if the variation is Deluxe Private Tour.
More info here:

How to add the stock and the price of my products, in google search results?

I have a multilingual eshop in wordpress, and I try to add, in google search results, the stock and the price of my products.
I would like to ask is there any plugin to make this?
Thank you in advance!
What you're after is called Rich Snippits which is structured data on your web page that tells Google specific information about your products. See

How to get woocommerce stock quantity from another woocommerce shop

I have two woocommerce shops,
one of them have a lot of products and one of them is new.
both shop products are the same and the new one have some different products too.
now I want my new shop, get stock quantity and prices from the old shop and sync it automatically every one hour. because I don't have enough time to manage both.
is there any easy way to do this?
I don't know php coding as expert but I can edit some php codes if there is any clear guide.

(woocommerce) different shipping method per product

Im working with woocommerce but i can not finde the solution for different shipping per product. I have two product.
First one: You can pick up at the store OR express shipping
Second one: You only can pick up at store we can not ship it.
Is there any way to set this ?
Thank you for the answers!
Yes per product shipping is possible in woocommerce, have you read this?
There are also multiple Wordpress plugins to achieve this if the default behaviour doesn't fit your needs. I'm not gonna link them though, it's easeri for you to choose if you Google them :)

woocommerce add extra product product page

I'm pretty new to woocommerce so if i'm asking something stupid....please forgive me.
At the moment I'm building a webhop. The product are toys. Some toys also have a manual which can be purchased seperatly.
On the single-product-page I can see my product and I can add it to my cart. But this is only the product itself without the manual for that product. On the same single-product-page I want that vistors can add the manual for the product to the cart also.
I played with variables, grouped etc, but it's not the same as what I want.
Can this be done easily?
