Xamarin form Navigation page back button not displaying - xamarin.forms

I need to add a back button to my navigation page. I tried NavigationPage.SetHasBackButton(page, true); but it didn't work and I tried in xaml also, still does not work. Can anybody help me?

Your code isn't right. In App.xaml.cs you need to set Main page to be new NavigationPage(new ProductDetail());
Then when you navigate away from ProductDetail, you will see the back button.
Also normal page navigation will use PushAsync. Are you wanting a modal popup for your second page?


Sidepanel does not disappear after clicking somewhere else

I am working on alpha.dubaiexporters.com.
Upon resizing the browser, the blue button panel comes and after clicking on it, it shows the navigation side bar.The issue is that after clicking somewhere else, it does not disappear.
I don't seem to find the issue here. The home page is not creating any problems. Rest pages do.
You can add to end of your code when you activate the menu and
$(".container").on("click", function(){
And inside the menu-btn.click() add a $(".container").off(); so it toggles the behaviour.

How to navigate to a new Screen when using SideBarController in Xamarin.iOS

I have an application with a lot of screens, let say HomePage, Section Screen and Detail Page, Category Screen.
I use a NavigationController to Navigate from HomePage to Section Screen.
In the SectionScreen I have used a SideBarController component (https://components.xamarin.com/view/sidebarnavigation) to implement a navigation drawer or a flyout menu.
The problem is how to navigate from Section Screen to Detail Page or to Category Screen. I need to make this kind of navigation from MenuController or ContentController.
I don't want to just change the contentView. I want to push another UIViewController.
I have used the usual one:
this.NavigationController.PushViewController( new UIViewControllerExample(), true);
but there are some problems:
In the details page I can't access the NavigationBar
When I press back, the app crashes with an error:
Cant add self to subview
This is how to it should look like.
This is the problem. The first image display what happen when i use the above code,
Any idea how to solve this.
as you can find in that page of component you should use SidebarController as your navigationcontroller
SidebarController.ChangeContentView(new OtherContentController());

Navigation Controller Back Button is there two times

I have a Navigation Controller in my project, when I click on a Button to show a detailView it works great. But when I click on "Back" in the detailView, it only changes the title of the back button to my title in the first view controller. So i have to click two times on the button to get back.
I saw the solution somewhere on a Youtube video a few months ago but I don't remember :/
It would be awesome if anybody could help :)

Custom Back Navigation operation

i need a help
my app is Tab & navigation based.
in the navigation model i have a section to get input from user and store it to SQLLite thats working fine when i clicking the "save" button
prob here is once its saved i need to navigate user to the preveios level of the navigation controller (same operation like Navigation Back button).
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance
Try calling popViewControllerAnimated:
[self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES];

Open create content form modal and refresh view display in Drupal

I have a website developed using Drupal. What I want is to create a link which launches a modal window with a custom content create form, then when the form submits and the child window closes, a view or a display of a view in the parent must be refreshed.
I have tried using an excellent module like automodal and ajax_views_refresh but I can't get to set it right.
Any clues?
Figured out how to do this not so long ago, and while looking for a method to Preview content from the Modal Frame, came across your post. Hope this isn't to late to help.
Open parent.js under modules/modalframe/js
and insert location.reload(); around line 250 within this if statement:
if ($.isFunction(self.options.onSubmit)) {
self.options.onSubmit(args, statusMessages);
Now, when you click "Save" the child window closes and triggers a parent page refresh.
