Navigation Controller Back Button is there two times - button

I have a Navigation Controller in my project, when I click on a Button to show a detailView it works great. But when I click on "Back" in the detailView, it only changes the title of the back button to my title in the first view controller. So i have to click two times on the button to get back.
I saw the solution somewhere on a Youtube video a few months ago but I don't remember :/
It would be awesome if anybody could help :)


Buddypress members widget tab switching issue

When I click on the buttons shown by the arrows in the picture in the Buddypress member widget, it sends them to the /members/ page.
Normally, when the buttons on that page are clicked, the buttons need to change, not the page.
Please help with this.
for example: it should show the people who are the newest when you click on the newest button, when you click on the active button, it should show the ones that are active.

Xamarin form Navigation page back button not displaying

I need to add a back button to my navigation page. I tried NavigationPage.SetHasBackButton(page, true); but it didn't work and I tried in xaml also, still does not work. Can anybody help me?
Your code isn't right. In App.xaml.cs you need to set Main page to be new NavigationPage(new ProductDetail());
Then when you navigate away from ProductDetail, you will see the back button.
Also normal page navigation will use PushAsync. Are you wanting a modal popup for your second page?

Potential conflict between a Dialog and Back button

I nailed down a weird behavior on JQM.
Since the page is based on JQM Boiler plate, I do not include the full page here. I published the code on jsfiddle.
Here is a summary of the behavior click actions:
Here is the extract of the relevant code:
<div id="oneapart"
data-title="Home page">
I do not understand why the last click on the List button (a jquery mobile back button) requires 2 click to actually act on the link. In fact, the weird behavior is that a first click highlight the button in blue, but it remains as is without switching to the previous page until a second click happens.
Any help will be appreciated.
This issue can be fixed by adding the data-rel="back" to the button in the popup.
The issue posted on Github has been marked as resolved because of that.
The issue happens because data-rel="back" is missing in the link of the large cancel button in #jerone his fiddle. See "Closing dialogs" here:
The back button on pageTwo is dynamically created. When you don't use data-rel="back" on the link that brings you back from dialogThree (which is also a page) to pageTwo it adds an item to the history stack. That's why the back button on pageTwo then requires two clicks to actually bring you back to pageOne.
The active state is removed from a (back) button on the pagehide event. On the first click you stay on the same page, so this event doesn't fire and the button keeps the active state.
I added data-rel="back" and then everything works as expected:
Closing as resolved.
The bug you're describing consists of 2 parts;
why does it require two clicks to revert?
why stays the button active (blue)?
The first part of the bug is not a bug; you open a popup, but instead of going back (e.g. data-rel='back' you open a page that is the same as the previous one. So if you press the back button, it reopens the previous page that is actually the same page as you were on right now (if it make sense).
Why the button stays active, I don't know...
EDIT: I cleaned up your code a bit:

Combining a navigationcontroller and a root view controller with pages

I have a problem that has been solved on iOS6, but still appears if I use the iOS 5.1 simulator.
I have a default page based application. I added a "Main menu" view controller, that has three buttons that activate the root view controller containing the pages via a push segue, all defined in the storyboard.
I then added a navigation controller and made it the initial view controller.
If I pas the menu via a button and flip a few pages I can click the back button and it goes back to the menu. Good.
But I don't want the nav bar, so I hide it, and on the root view controller that contains the page view controllers I add a button which performs this action:
[self.navigationController popToRootViewControllerAnimated:YES];
This button works perfect on iOS6, I can flip a few pages, press the button and I'm back in the menu.
With the iOS 5.1 simulator however (and on my 5.1 iPad), a page flip occurs! It's a page filp until I'm on the last page and then I go back to the menu.
I searched for over two hours now but could not find a solution, I hope someone can help me with this?
Note: setting animated to NO does not solve the problem.
I did find the answer to my question, this is my first iOS project which explains why I did not find it any sooner myself.
In the default page based application there are two lines in the viewDidLoad method:
// Add the page view controller's gesture recognizers to the book view controller's view so that the gestures are started more easily
self.view.gestureRecognizers = self.pageViewController.gestureRecognizers;
First, it's not really adding but assigning that happens here, second, when I put the second line in comment, everything works as expected.
So I'm glad it solves my problem, however it raises some questions:
The gestures are started as easy as they were, so why was this line needed in the first place, what does it supposedly fix?
Why does it work in iOS6? It should have had the same problem, no?
Is it correct that it is an assignment and not an addition?
Any answers to these three are still appreciated.

Flex - Menu Created On Button Click

I created a Button in MXMXL. On button click, I create a Menu as a child of the Button. I am using an XML datasource. The reason for creating it this way, was due to the amount of custom skinning involved. A popupmenubutton was not an option. Anyway, so my question is this: when clicking the button, the menu is displayed. However, if you click the button again, the menu reopens. I want the menu to close if the user clicks the button a second time. Now, I got it to work by setting a var after opening the menu, and then I check that var on each click to make sure that the menu isn't already open. If true, then it will close the menu, instead of reopening it. This works, until the user clicks away, in which the HIDE event gets dispatched and the menu closes. My hack no longer works.
Any suggestions? I spent hours trying different things. The hardest part is trying to destinguish from that second button click when the menu is open, and when the user clicks away from the menu. They both dispatch the HIDE event.
Have you tried adding another eventlistener to the button...FlexMouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN_OUTSIDE ? You should then be able to set the preventDefault event to true to stop the event from firing anything else and stop the menu from closing.
