Wordpress: Totally different theme on Twitter mobile - wordpress

I have a Wordpress website and I noticed a weird behavior on Twitter. When I post a link on Twitter and tap on it on my iPhone, the website looks totally different. Like a "Reader" view. Nearly no design. And no Google Ads. I don't have that behavior when I do the same on Facebook, or use Twitter on my computer. My Wordpress theme works on the computer and on the phone. It looks a little different, but similar on the phone. As I said, on Twitter/Mobile it looks like no theme at all. I have Jetpack, but mobile theme is off there.
Does anyone have an idea?

OK I figured it out. It was the AMP plugin. Twitter called my link with ".../amp" at the end. Now I have the problem that it can't the page, when the plug in is disabled. But thats ok, perhaps I change the links somehow.


Wordpress site not rendering properly on mobile

I am a newbie to wordpress development and somehow managed to put together a website - http://www.checkgaadi.com.
However, I am simply not able to get this to work properly on a mobile device.
Have tried several plugins (e.g., WPtouch, WP Mobile detector etc.) which are supposed to help. Here when I tried WPtouch for the first time it went to a "mobile site" and was more or less responsive. There was also a button to switch to desktop site. I clicked this button and now I only see a distorted version of desktop website on mobile, but now I don't find the button to go back to mobile theme. I have tried deleting the plugin and reinstalling, deleting the "wptouch-data" folder etc hoping to clear the cache and several other tricks but nothing seems to bring back that button to switch between desktop and mobile themes.
Anyone who has some experience with WPtouch (or any other simple plugin you recommend) may perhaps tell me how to get that "switch mobile<->desktop" button back? For the moment I have disabled WPtouch on the website so you may not see it.
As a second option, it seems to me that only certain parts of the landing page need fixing (e.g., some CSS tinkering with the topmost part) and mostly it should be okay without really getting into the WPtouch stuff. Could someone please give me guidance with the CSS modifications needed to fix the issue?
Thanks so much.
Just click the "core settings" of Wptouch. Then you will see the general settings. There is a "Desktop / Mobile Switching" option under the "Landing page" option. Put a tick into "Show switch link in mobile view" box. I hope it will work for you

Wordpress mobile homepage lost formatting during server migration

I recently migrated my wordpress theme to blog.nearlynewlywed.com. The site renders fine on desktop, however, the homepage on mobile has lost all formatting. Just the homepage. Interior pages on mobile are fine.
It looks like the site is displaying a mobile theme template but I'm not sure and honestly I can't figure out how to identify the cause.
Probably you are using some conditionals to select the correct style sheets, and some of them could be missing or pointing to a wrong url.
Use firebug and in the "Net" tab check if something is missing or giving any error.

How to force desktop mode in Wordpress when viewing in mobile phone?

I would like to ask how to force desktop behaviour in wordpress with mobile phones?
I have tried some plugins (http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wordpress-mobile-pack/, http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/mobile-smart/, etc.) with no success.
I switched to desktop mode user agent on my phone with no success.
Wordpress site still shows in some mobile mode. Layout is different and some elements are even missing.
Any ideas? Thank you.
See, it all depends upon two things, first the theme you choose and then on mobile browser.
Let's discuss theme first, if its responsive theme, then it surely will change the layout of site and even might miss some div blocks.
And now a days most of the themes are responsive, they automatically adjust to mobile browser, even wordpress default theme twenty eleven and twelve are responsive.
Secondly, most of high end mobile browser are made to change the look of site, just to facilitate users and irritate developers (lol)
Well, i would suggest, please check it this theme responsive, if yes, make it static.
I just figured out how to do this. I found out accidentally that when you setup domain forwarding (and use masking) in GoDaddy, it will always show the desktop version of the site when you visit the domain on a phone. Now, you don't want to buy a different domain for every website you want to be "non-mobile". So, simply setup a sub-domain and forward it to your website (using masking). When you visit that subdomain on a phone, it will show the full desktop version. Hope this helps you as much as it helped me :)

Trying to Use mediaelement.js alongside infinite-scroll plugin for Wordpress

I'm using Paul Irish's Infinite-Scroll plugin with Wordpress, and I'm also trying to use John Dyer's mediaelement.js plugin with it. Works great on the individual posts, and, oddly enough, no problems on iPhone, but when viewing in Firefox, the audio defaults to a placeholder image of the player, that when you click on it, then turns to an "X" like i'm missing a flashplayer plugin or something. Like I said, I don't have the issue on the individual post pages, just on the index, so I know Firefox can handle the files properly.
I'm sure this has to do with needing to add some javascript in the settings of inifinite scroll to re-initialize mediaelement.js for each new page that is brought in, but I'm at a loss as to what I should add. Any help would be really appreciated. Thank you.
John Dyer was awesome enough to answer this one for me.

is there a wordpress "lightbox" type of plugin that works on the iPhone?

Here I go again,
Anyone know if there's a Wordpress "lightbox" style plugin that works with mobile devices , specifically the iPhone -- or if theres a way to tweek one to be used ?
I've tried Slimbox2 Shadowbox JS and a few others -- but they all seem to break on the iphone -- specifically when the browser is re-sized.
It's a bummer because I rreally like the way my site looks on the iphone - except for showing images .
thanks -MW
Yes nearly :-) There is great AND USABLE expample at http://www.jaipho.com/ but it is not in plugin form
