Wordpress mobile homepage lost formatting during server migration - wordpress

I recently migrated my wordpress theme to blog.nearlynewlywed.com. The site renders fine on desktop, however, the homepage on mobile has lost all formatting. Just the homepage. Interior pages on mobile are fine.
It looks like the site is displaying a mobile theme template but I'm not sure and honestly I can't figure out how to identify the cause.

Probably you are using some conditionals to select the correct style sheets, and some of them could be missing or pointing to a wrong url.
Use firebug and in the "Net" tab check if something is missing or giving any error.


Sometimes my wordpress website loads without style

Sometimes my website loads without CSS,
So when it loads without CSS It Looks like this
but, it must look like this
but it only happens sometimes, not always, also when I log in as admin It is corrected immediately.
also, the website is https://33a.ge
what could be the issue?

My favicon is showing in my browser but not on google

I have a wordpress website which is showing the favicon on browsers but when searching on google using a mobile device it shows the wordpress icon instead. I tried many ways with no results, this is turning me crazy, any advice?
the website is https://simpleylisto.com
wordpress icon instead of custom favicon
Everything seems to be fine, even https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain=simpleylisto.com is showing your favicon.
  But if your problem is still automatically not solved, then try re-crawling the page.

Wordpress: Totally different theme on Twitter mobile

I have a Wordpress website and I noticed a weird behavior on Twitter. When I post a link on Twitter and tap on it on my iPhone, the website looks totally different. Like a "Reader" view. Nearly no design. And no Google Ads. I don't have that behavior when I do the same on Facebook, or use Twitter on my computer. My Wordpress theme works on the computer and on the phone. It looks a little different, but similar on the phone. As I said, on Twitter/Mobile it looks like no theme at all. I have Jetpack, but mobile theme is off there.
Does anyone have an idea?
OK I figured it out. It was the AMP plugin. Twitter called my link with ".../amp" at the end. Now I have the problem that it can't the page, when the plug in is disabled. But thats ok, perhaps I change the links somehow.

Wordpress youtube embed not clickable bootstrap

After I moved a Wordpress website to production server I noticed youtube embeds were no longer clickable. The image and play button show up but nothing more.
Tried to renew the embed code, using the build in embed function, embed via media browser,... Nothing is working and it's making me crazy.
After some trial and error things I noticed that the video does work when the main bootstrap.css file is removed. Can't seem to find a clue to the solution though.
Yes, I tried to disable all the plugins, with no result.
Changing back to the default twenty fifteen theme results in a working video embed. But since that one isn't build on bootstrap it's just a logic fact.
Anyone seen this before?
Web page with video embedded: click here
The website is sending lots of error messages in he consolu use F12 in Chrome, apparently your www-embed-player-new.js is causing the problem. Not even Edge is running the site correctly. I think you need a Chrome extension to make it work.
I would recommend you changing the plugin that imports the videos. Check this enter link description here
The chrome plugin Google Cast stops the error messages but still doesn't work.
The problem was with the wordpress loop on the single.php page.
A wrong code snippet caused the issue.

wordpress site not rendering correctly on mobile for any theme

I am new to wordpress, 10 days to be exact, My website does not render correctly on mobile devices no matter which theme i use. It displays strange i.e. some css issue and at the end is a button to switch to web view... when i click web view then it renders correctly.
Apparently web version works fine and responsive but mobile version which loads by default on mobile devices is not rendering correctly.
I have tried deactivating all plugins, switching between different themes, installing/uninstalling wptouch and jetpack, checking page source for viewport issues etc but of no use. I did not create this site but I am asked to fix this issue.
At the moment I am not using any plugin for responsiveness, theme is responsive.
url to the website : http://www.locksmithsdubai.com
let me know if you want to see code of any file from my wordpress site.
