Set QWidget to 100% size - qt

I have a QTreeWidget inside QStackedWidget. How can I set that QTreeWidget to have 100% width and 100% height in QStackedWidget?
That QTreeWidget should have the same size as its QStackedWidget parent.
To have a responsive design.

In Qt Designer, click the 3x3 box near the top center for each element in your tree. It is called Lay Out in a Grid, and looks like the shortcut is probably Ctrl-G. The other two layout options are Lay Out in a Form Layout and Break Layout. It sounds like all of your widgets/containers currently are set on Break Layout.
This enables a QGridLayout for placing the sub-elements.
Without that, it is without a layout, and will only do absolute positioning. For any container in Qt Designer, these three buttons act like a radio button group for the layout of the widget.
Hope that helps.


Layout management in Qt

I have a small program which contains a QGroupBox with other widgets like this:
I tried many ways to manage the size of the QGroupBox to make the height as the same as the rest of the parts. Except for the way of using setMaximumHeight, because I want the size to change dynamically with the window size too. what else can I do to manage the layout?
Right now there are three items in a layout. The layout will try to fill the available space. QLineEdit and QSpinBox (or whatever your second widget is) have SizePolicy.vertical == fixed, so all extra space goes to the QGroupBox.
You have these choices:
Add a vertical spacer as fourth item below the groupbox to your layout.
Set maximum height of your groupbox - then the remaining space will be evenly spaced between the items.
Adjust the size of your window / widget / dialog (in Qt Designer or via code).

Qt Layout Flexible Grid

I have a bunch of buttons in Qt with a fixed size. Now I want to create a layout in which they are shown in a grid. I want the grid to be scrollable and when I resize my mainwindow, the grid should fit as much buttons in the layout as possible. The number of rows and columns are therefore not fixed.
I tried creating this with the hbox, vbox and gridlayout but they either put all the buttons below each other, or side by side. Also it resizes my mainwindow to an enormous size to fit all the buttons in.
Any Ideas?
Put QScrollArea inside your QMainWindow. Apply QGridLayout to QScrollArea's inside widget and put the buttons inside it.

QT - Place Buttons on Bottom Right

I am trying to place a set of buttons so that they are anchored to the bottom right of the screen. My problem is that whenever I resize the screen, the buttons are not anchored to the bottom right, but stay in its current position.
I have placed two Push Buttons inside a Horizontal Layout. I then placed this layout inside a Grid Layout, which contains a Horizontal and Vertical Spacer. I have modified the Grid Layout layoutSize property to SetMaximumSize.
What am I doing incorrectly, so that I can get my buttons to be anchored to the bottom right?
You have almost everything just right here, but you probably overlooked something that is really easy to miss when you first start using Qt Designer.
Your grid layout is sitting inside your widget with a fixed size and position. It too needs to be managed by a layout. If you take a look at the Object Inspector on the top right (that contains your hierarchy) you will probably see your top level widget with a red icon. This indicates that it contains no layout. You have two options to fix this...
Have your existing grid layout placed into another main layout (like a vertical layout). You would simply right click on your top level widget in the Object Inspector -> Lay Out -> [Choose a main layout type].
Have your grid be the main layout. To do this you would need to remove the grid layout and have your child items arranged exactly how you have them in that picture. Then follow the previous option, right clicking on the top level widget (or the blank background) and choose Lay out -> Grid. This will pop your widgets into a Grid at a best visual fit (which you can then fix if needed), and your grid will be the top level layout.
That grid layout will make placing other widgets quite hard. Try this instead:
Add (from left to right) horizontal spacer and the two buttons.
Multiselect them all.
Select "Lay Out Horizontally" (Ctrl-H) from the Qt Designer's (or Qt Creator's) top toolbar (not from the widget box in the left!).
Add vertical spacer on top of the previous widgets.
Select the main window by clicking it (none of the added widgets are now selected).
Select "Lay Out Vertically" (Ctrl-L) from the top toolbar.
It seems that you're doing it correctly. Just forgot to apply a layout to your central widget, right? The Grid layout should be arranged in your central widget. The more convenient way is to remove grid layout widget and lay out the central widget in a grid ;-)

Qt: How do i set the height on a Vertical layout?

I'm having trouble using the layout manager system with Qt. This is going to be a Symbian app, so it should resize to different devices.
This is done by using the Layouts.
On the image below I used the Vertical Layout, but I don't understand how I can decide how much each cell should take in width and height.
I want the blue to be a top label background, but I don't want it to be as high as it is now.
Does anyone know how I can do this? (I'm new to Qt :))
You can set the maximum size for a widget by right clicking it and selecting 'Size Constraints'. Under that menu you can find actions that allow you to set the current displayed size as the maximum / minimum size for vertical / horizontal or both directions.
You can also set the numbers by hand by selecting the widget and by setting the number in the 'Property Editor'. They should be under the QWidget properties.
You cannot set the Height of a vertical layout directly, but you can set the height of the widget in which the vertical layout is.
If you want to split your Widgets so that the top widget takes 33.33% of the space, use the Stretch values. Set the top widget to 1 and the bottom widget to 2.

QT Layout - initial directions

I am new to QT. I'm trying to understand the layout mechanism by trying to implement this small window seen below. It has the following elements under the QWidget that's the main window:
One big QWidget that stretches on all the client area.
Two QWidget containers on the top of the window. Both should have the same height, but the right one stretches horizontally, as the window grows/shrinks.
one button container widget on the top right, with fixed height and width
Large QWidget container filling the rest of the client area, that should resize as the window resizes.
The parent window itself is resizeable.
I'm looking for hints as to what layout I should use. How do I achieve this programatically? define what stretches automatically, what stays with a fix size? and how the proportions are kept where they need to be kept.
I'd appreciate any pointer you may have.
The easiest, and IMHO best, way to accomplish this is via the QHBoxLayout and QVBoxLayouts. You can do this via the designer in QtCreator, but I find it doesn't work perfectly if you need to adapt things over time. If it's a static set of widgets, I do suggest designing it using the QtCreator designer as it'll greatly simplify your life.
If you're going to do it programatically, the main window should be set to use a QVBoxLayout and then two sub-QVBoxLayout's after that, where the bottom one is configured to take any space it can get. Then in the top QVBoxLayout, add a QHBoxLayout with your two upper components.
to set a widget to fixed size in code you call setFixedSize( int h, int w ) on the widget. To do it in Designer click on the widget and look in the property editor in the QWidget section. open the sizePolicy thingy and set horizontal and/or vertical to fixed. Then open Geometry and set the width and Height.
To make them stretch at different ratios in code you use a separate argument when using a box layout. eg layout->addWidget( button1, 1 ); layout->addWidget (button2, 2); this would cause button2 to expand at twice the rate of button1. To do this in designer, open the sizePolicy property of the widgets and set the HorizontalStrech and/or VerticalSretch. Note that the size policy needs to not be Fixed in this case for the direction you want to set the stretch on. Also it will never let a widget shrink below its minimum size (it would rather mess up the ratio than shrink something too small).
