Google Adwords and Facebook Ads attribution - google-analytics

I'm trying to work out a solution to work out a better attribution model for each user registration on my website.
When an user completes a registration they are taken to /register/complete/[user_id]
My current solution is to pull all visits to /register/complete with the RGoogleAnalytics package querying for page path and campaign without any sampling.
However, it doesn't account for example users that might have been shown/clicked on a facebook ad a few days before and either googled or visited the site directly to register.
I'm searching for a solution which can attribute each registration to the mix of facebook and google adwords campaigns
Any help is greatly appreciated.

You can begin attributing your Adwords traffic by linking your GA account to your Adwords account. Instructions for this can be found here: GA setup
To attribute Facebook ads to your registrations, you can implement a Facebook pixel on your site. Facebook pixel instructions can be found here: FB Pixels
I would also recommend setting up google tag manager on your site, that way you only need to add one script on your site.


Install Referrer in Flutter from Google Ads

Is there a way in Flutter to get the install referrer from google play?
if possible both Android and iOS.
My Goal is to identify if the user was installed/downloaded from Play Store Search, on our Website, and in our Google Ads.
For our Play Store Search and on Our Website Download/Install is already handled by Firebase Dynamic Links.
My Current Problem was about the Google Ads Universal App Campaign. I can't attach links in Universal App Campaign.
I'm struggling with this as well. You can solve it partly with dynamic links but the install referrer is a bit trickier... Let me know if you get to the bottom of this!

I have a UA code for Google Analytics but I don't remember which account the UA code is associated with

I manage a website for a friend and there is a Google Analytics script installed on her website. There is a UA code but I can't find the account that the UA code is associated with so we can recover the website data/statistics. Does anyone know how I can retrieve the Google account information using only the UA code from the Google Analytics script on the website? Thank you in advance.
There is a filter, I always filter for UA's there:
It will search across all your accounts

Google Tag Manager - Track Linked In Shares from Website

I am trying to track Linked In shares via Google Tag Manager to Google Analytics but I am struggling with it. Facebook likes and Twitter tweets we are currently tracking succesfully, but we struggle to track the LinkedIn share from button on blog post.
Do you have some idea or experience how to do that, please?
Is there some smooth way to achieve how many Linked In shares there were from certain blog post?

Link Wordpress website to a different Google Analytics Account

I am maintaining a Wordpress website, and use Google Analytics to track visits.
The problem is that to do this I have linked the site with my personal Google account. Now I am going to hand over to a new webmaster. I don't want to hand over the details of my Google account, so it will have to be set up with a different Google account. I can find previous answers that tell me how to set up Google Analytics with Wordpress from scratch, but not to change to a different account.
Can anyone suggest what might be the best way forward?

Google Analytics--My second profile to an existing domain not tracking

I created a second profile to my Analytics account to track SEO keywords. This is a second profile for my existing working domain. It has been 4 days and I still do not see any traffic on this secondary profile. The profile shows a Staus of "Unknown". But I do not see a way to validate it like you have to when you create your first profile and this should not be necessary for a profile to my existing domain. Any ideas what I am missing? Thanks!
Just had the same problem. This solution worked for me.
Click Edit beside the profile that
is giving you problems.
On the upper-right of the page click
the Check Status link
This should jump-start Google Analytics.
Solution found at:
Without much info, here's what I can offer:
Why is Google Analytics not tracking some of the pages on my website?
Or contact Google Analytics.
