Link Wordpress website to a different Google Analytics Account - wordpress

I am maintaining a Wordpress website, and use Google Analytics to track visits.
The problem is that to do this I have linked the site with my personal Google account. Now I am going to hand over to a new webmaster. I don't want to hand over the details of my Google account, so it will have to be set up with a different Google account. I can find previous answers that tell me how to set up Google Analytics with Wordpress from scratch, but not to change to a different account.
Can anyone suggest what might be the best way forward?


Google Adwords and Facebook Ads attribution

I'm trying to work out a solution to work out a better attribution model for each user registration on my website.
When an user completes a registration they are taken to /register/complete/[user_id]
My current solution is to pull all visits to /register/complete with the RGoogleAnalytics package querying for page path and campaign without any sampling.
However, it doesn't account for example users that might have been shown/clicked on a facebook ad a few days before and either googled or visited the site directly to register.
I'm searching for a solution which can attribute each registration to the mix of facebook and google adwords campaigns
Any help is greatly appreciated.
You can begin attributing your Adwords traffic by linking your GA account to your Adwords account. Instructions for this can be found here: GA setup
To attribute Facebook ads to your registrations, you can implement a Facebook pixel on your site. Facebook pixel instructions can be found here: FB Pixels
I would also recommend setting up google tag manager on your site, that way you only need to add one script on your site.

Google Tag Manager - Track Linked In Shares from Website

I am trying to track Linked In shares via Google Tag Manager to Google Analytics but I am struggling with it. Facebook likes and Twitter tweets we are currently tracking succesfully, but we struggle to track the LinkedIn share from button on blog post.
Do you have some idea or experience how to do that, please?
Is there some smooth way to achieve how many Linked In shares there were from certain blog post?

how to use google analytics records from my admin panel

i am new in google analytics
my problem is
suppose my website is and my admin is
i have create google analytics account and add my website( detail on it. now i have get google analytics records of my website into my admin( then how it possible?
i am working on c# and also i have get tracking id,client id,etc....from google analytics but i coudn't find how to display google analytics charts and report on my admin panel
If you have 2 options:
Track as a new site under the same google analytics account. You can switch between the two sites. See instructions here -
Track under the same site as It will be just like another page in the same site. For that you need to report to google the same tracking id as defined for Just add the tracking code with tracking id to pages.
From your old account you can give access to your new account. After which you can manage it from your new google analytics account.
For more information you can check this out.

Question about setting up Google Analytics with Google Apps Marketplace

I'm not sure if this is the best place to ask this question but if theres anyone who would know this is SO. If not, where is the best place to ask this question?
At the bottom of vendor profile when you log in at, there is a text box for you to insert your GA code.
Question: what does this do? What kind of stats am I expected to see in Google Analytics? I don't have the luxury of trial and error at the moment.
That field gives you analytics on visits to your Apps Marketplace's product page. Basically, for security reasons, Google doesn't let you add JavaScript to the page, but they provide the ability to specifically insert Google Analytics tracking.
There's a similar field on (Google Code -- for hosting code source), the Chrome Web Store (for web apps), and non-Google sites too... this is standard practice when a website wants to let a third party embed their Google Analytics but doesn't want to give them the ability to add arbitrary JavaScript to the page.

Google Analytics on non-public pages

Is good to place google analytics in pages like admistration, article edit page, ... ?
The reason why I use Google Analytics is to give important information to my clients about how their websites are being used. Because of that I wouldnt include the admin area of the website because it doesnt affect their sales or conversions.
By adding code into the admin zone you are inflating the total pageviews. If you really want to track this information then its not a disaster, you would just need to be sure to setup a profile which filters out these urls when making business decisions with your Analytics info.
Technically I think to use Google Analytics it is supposed to be on a free, public website but I guess having some of the pages locked isnt going to get your account closed.
Yes, it keeps stats on how often you or others use admin features. I also suggest that you use Google webmaster tools on them too.
