Getting errors on declaring date in symfony - symfony

How to declare date and time in symfony? When I declare them, it is giving me errors like expecting date while declaring string and all. Please provide the correct format for date.
This is what I did:
$time = "09:11";
$date = "22-07-2019"
$entity = new Entity();
$entity->setDate(new \DateTime($date));

Why do you split date and time to two fields, use one field for both.
Use this to convert string to datetime:
$format = 'd-m-Y H:i'; (for example)
$date = \DateTime::createFromFormat($format, '22-07-2019 09:11');


How to cast an object in sqlite as only Date and pass date from a parameterised query

So I'm trying to check if some of my values match, for that I'm using an SQLite object and casting it as date and passing it as a parameter which is also a Date, I just want to know if this is the right way to do it?
new object[] { item.TIMING, item.VARIETY, item.JOBACRES, item.PLANTINGDATE.Date }).ToList();
This is written in C#, since I want to execute this query in C# with SQLite, any inputs would be helpful

Compare date part of datetime column with NamedQuery

I have a table containing entries with date and time. I try to create a NamedQuery which only compares the date part.
#NamedQuery(name = "Vote.findForDate", query = "SELECT v FROM Vote v WHERE v.createdAt = :date")
createNamedQuery("Vote.findForDate").setParameter("date", date, TemporalType.DATE).getResultList();
But it seems that it always tries to compare the whole datetime.
Is there no way without using date() function in SQL?
I try to be independent from the database. For example h2 has no date() function.
One possible solution is the usage of date as column type and reduce the information.
#Column(name = "voteDate")
#Temporal(value = TemporalType.DATE)
private Date voteDate;

Capture only month and year (or null) - then convert that to a date

I'm currently working with a client that has a VB.NET web application that was developed internally. They've got everything storing to an Access database which they cannot alter or change for their own reasons. I'm not familiar with any of these technologies, so I'm hoping you may have a solution.
The client has a date field that they are only capturing mm/yyyy or blank. They need this information to save to a datetime field in the database. I'm trying to work up a statement that will automatically take the date entered and convert from mm/yyyy to mm/01/yyyy if the date is provided, or 01/01/1970 if the field was left blank. Can anyone assist?
If we are talking about MS Access functions DateSerial is what you are looking for. The basic syntax is below. If the stored value is text you will need to use the Mid function to parse the text into the year and month and you can use use a hard coded 1 for the day.
DateSerial ( year, month, day )
This function can be used in a select or update. Additional logic will be required to provide a default value for the blank result. Typically in Access this type of logic is done with an IIF.
You can use a combination of the IIf,IsNull and CDate functions, like so:
This tests if your field is null and if yes it returns 1/1/1970, if no it will convert your date string to an actual date (e.g. CDate("04/2014") will return 4/1/2014)
This (MSAccess/VBA) function will do what you are asking. If you pass-in a string like mm/yyyy, it will return a datetime like mm/01/yyyy. However, if the string does not fit that pattern (or equiv), the function will return a date time of 1/1/1970, like you asked.
'in MSAccess:
Public Function mmyyyyToDate(mmyyyy As String) As Datetime
If IsDate(Replace(mmyyyy, "/", "/01/")) Then
Return CDate(Replace(mmyyyy, "/", "/01/"))
Return #1/1/1970#
End If
End Function
It would be more efficient to run it in MSAccess, but if you want to run it in instead, the syntax is different:
'in VB.NET
Public Function mmyyyyToDate(mmyyyy As Object, Optional defaultDate As DateTime = "1/1/1970") As DateTime
Dim re As DateTime
If Convert.IsDbNull(mmyyyy)
return defaultDate
ElseIf DateTime.TryParse(Replace(mmyyyy, "/", "/01/"), re) Then
Return re
Return defaultDate
End If
End Function
Example of running it:
'MSAccess query syntax
INSERT INTO NewDateTable (NewDateColumn)
SELECT mmyyyyToDate(oldColumn) FROM OldTable
If you can't add a new function to the MSAccess DB, you could turn this function into an inline statement (by using an IIF), but it looks pretty ugly:
'MSAccess query syntax
INSERT INTO NewDateTable (NewDateColumn)
SELECT IIF(IsDate(Replace(oldColumn, "/", "/01/")), Replace(mmyyyy, "/", "/01/"), #1/1/1970#)
FROM OldTable

Sorting an array of dates

I have created an array from a CSV of date values and now need to be able to sort them so that I can then get the latest date from the array.
I have tried:
but this doesn't sort correctly, I suppose because the array values are strings, any body got any ideas??
Thanks for any help.
'array string exampel: "19/07/2012,23/07/2012,23/07/2012,19/07/2012,25/07/2012"
Dim ArrDates As Array = ArrDates .Split(",")
Dim ArrAgentsReportCheck As Array = AgentsReportCheck.Split(",")
Dim ArrDates As New List(Of Date)
For i As Integer = 0 To ArrAgentsReportCheck.Length - 1
Dim LatestDate As Date = ArrDates.Max()
ArrDates = ArrDates.OrderBy(Function(d) DateTime.ParseExact(d, "dd/MM/yyyy", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)).ToArray()
Alternately, you can use OrderByDescending() depending upon your needs.
As astander said, It is very complicated to sort a array having datetime values. Instead just convert the array to List or ArrayList and make your life easy.
For ArrayList you can use the following syntax:
List<DateTime> dates = ... // init and fill
One way would be to convert strings to DateTime using DateTime.ParseExact
Another way just to write your own IComparer and pass to Array.Sort

Date comparision using Linq

I have a DateTime type column named "CreatedDate" in my sql table, and am passing the value for this column by using "DateTime.Now" from my application....
The datas in my CreatedDate column are,
2012-05-07 18:56:17.487
2012-05-07 18:56:28.443
2012-05-07 19:21:24.497
2012-05-14 15:22:04.587
I need to get the datas with this CreatedDate.
in my entity framework I tried the condition like
DataAccess.Entities dataEntities = new DataAccess.Entities();
DataAccess.Employee employee = dataEntities.Employees
.First(e => e.CreatedDate == DateTime.Today);
like this, I have data for this date(2012-05-14) , but the mininutes part differes (the DateTime.Today gives '2012-05-14 12:00:000' like this) here, and it shows error like, sequence contains no element....
How can I compare the 'Date' alone in Linq.....can anyone help me here,,,
Use the Date Property on the DateTime object
So your code will be
DataAccess.Employee employee=dataEntities.
Date Property returns the Date Component of the DateTime object and the time value set to 12:00:00 midnight (00:00:00).
Try this:
DataAccess.Employee employee =
I just declared two variable like
DateTime date1=DateTime.Now.Date;
DateTime date2=DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(1);
and in the condition I used these variables like
DataAccess.Employee employee = dataEntities.Employees
.First(e => e.CreatedDate >= date1
&& e.CreatedDate < date2);
its working....
