Google Data Studio connect to cloud datastore - google-cloud-datastore

Is it possible to connect the cloud datastore to data studio? I just can find the Cloud SQL and BigQuery connector only.

It's not possible directly.
But the quickest workaround is to use this feature where you can load your Datastore backup into BigQuery, and then connect that BigQuery dataset to Data Studio.


How to export data from Firebase Firestore emulator to actual Firebase Firestore database

I am working on a POC locally where I am using Firestore as my database. As it is my local setup I am using Firestore Emulator. Now my POC is successful and I want to move local database from emulator to actual Firestore.
Is it possible to achieve what I am trying to do?
So far I am not able to find any relevant content on internet around this. I did find couple of examples where there is demonstration of exporting data from Firestore and importing to local emulator but I was not able to find the vice-versa option!
Firebase does not provide any sort of tool or service to do this. Your easiest alternative will be to write a program to query the data out of the emulator and write it into your cloud hosted instance. You might find the Firebase Admin SDK helpful for writing to the cloud in a program that you run locally.

Can I connect Alteryx to CosmoDB

I have a project where my end users are using Alteryx to combine data sources and import into SQL server. We are investigating changing SQL server to CosmoDB but I'm not sure if connecting to CosmoDB is supported by Alteryx.
Do anyone know if there is a connector? Am I overthinking this? I don't know Alteryx very well.
There is currently no dedicated connector from Azure Cosmos DB.
However, the Azure Cosmos DB ODBC driver enables you to connect to Azure Cosmos DB using BI analytics tools.
Also, there is an existing REST API for Cosmos DB, it should be possible to access it through a Downloaded tool. You can suggest in the idea section of Alteryx Community to request one.

What are the options to load data from Datastage ETL tool into Google Cloud Storage and Google BigQuery

What are the options to load data using Datastage ETL tool into Google Cloud Storage and Google BigQuery?
I see that a third party provides 'Simba' which enable ODBC/JDBC connectors for querying data from BigQuery. But I am looking doing a direct load into Google Cloud Storage or Google BigQuery using DataStage ETL which is on premise.

Access Google Datastore via BigQuery

It looks like Querying Google Cloud Bigtable Data is possible with BigQuery, with a url like:[PROJECT_ID]/instances/[INSTANCE_ID]/tables/[TABLE_NAME]
Even though Google Datastore is built on Google Bigtable, there's no indication of what the PROJECT_ID, INSTANCE_ID or TABLE_NAME would be, where
[PROJECT_ID] is the project containing your Cloud Bigtable instance
[INSTANCE_ID] is the Cloud Bigtable instance ID
[TABLE_NAME] is the name of the table you're querying
Is connecting to Datastore via a live connection possible via BigQuery? (i.e. not just via datastore-backup)
BigQuery allows you to query below sources
CSV files
Google sheets
Newline-delimited JSON
Avro files
Google Cloud Datastore backups
[Beta] Google Cloud Bigtable
BigQuery allows you to query below Google Cloud Datastore backups. But to do that you need create a table on BigQuery using the Datastore backup.
Follow the steps:
Step 1 - Create a bucket on gcs to store your backup. (link)
Step 2 - Take a backup of datastore. (link)
Step 3 - On Biguery load your backup creating a table (link)
Some considerations about Step 3:
You need import table by table.
The location will be the files ended on [Entity Name].backup_info.

Storing Graph Databases in Google Cloud

I have a dataset of 6 million entries. Each entry has one-to-many relationship with other entries. Previously this data has been stored in a Neo4J instance.
Does Google Cloud provide a product that can store Graph Databases? Or is there a way to adapt an existing Google Cloud Database product to work as a graph databases engine?
I am trying to avoid running a Neo4J instance on a Google compute instance.
JanusGraph is an open source graph database solution which can use Google Cloud Bigtable as a storage backend; here's a guide for deploying JanusGraph with Cloud Bigtable on GCP.
Some of the folks from Google even help maintain the project. So that might be close to what you looking for.
