Wordpress - Use new URL, keep site files at old URL - wordpress

I built a wordpress website for my client at firsturl.com. They own another URL at secondurl.com, and have decided that they would like their website at secondurl.com instead.
They don't actually have hosting with secondurl.com, they just own the URL, but both URLs are owned through the same hosting company.
Is it possible to keep my site at firsturl.com, but make it look like it is at secondurl.com? More than just redirecting, I need the secondurl.com to always be the main URL.

I would recommend try with domain masking. Here is the reference https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain_masking


Migrate website has cdn images

I have to migrate a website that no longer using its Media library but cloudfront, I wonder the process to migrate it will be any different?
Normally I use WP plugin Duplicator, All in one migration, or just copy files & database (change domain name) directly to the new server.
I wonder will it work the same for cdn content website or I have to do something else?
At the first day, I may use a temporary domain name and testing if it's ok we will redirect the live domain name to it.
Please give me advice if you have experienced this.
Thank you very much.

old wordpress website url is still redirecting to my new shopify website?

old website is not accessible anymore I think! There is no hosting for that.
New website is accessible of course.
website is www.rowingjewellery.com.au
old website domain name is www.strokesidedesigns.com.au ( this is not set as subdomain so rowingjewellery is the main. )
so why this is still redirecting me to my shopify site???
I'm no expert, but I would guess the strokesidedesigns.com.au domain still contains old nameservers, so it points to the new website.
Removing the nameservers for that domain should prevent that from happening.
Try checking for old domain records in database and replace them if needed with this tool:
DB replace
Also refresh Permalinks in wp-admin.
Please refer to this answer
clear your all browser cache and refresh your site. I hope it would be helpful for you

I have a mess in my head regarding redirect 301,mails and moving to a new website

I'm new to the web world and i have a great mess in my head.
i got a project to build a website for a company and i did.
now this website was built with some cms and i built it with Wordpress.
So now i have to take care that some of the SEO meta tags will not ruin when moving to the new website, i used YOAST SEO plugin to do so.
Now my boss is keeping on asking about redirect 301 which i don't understand why do i need to use it?
if we dont transfer any campaigns and only moving to a new website why do i need it?
another problem is the mails on the domain.
the company has like 5 mails on the domain adress and the domain is sitting on the old company they used to work with,which are not cooperative.
how do i transfer the mails from their servers to a new one?
Thanks a lot.
The 301 redirects are for the newly created Url's.
Because every site has their own way or wwriting url's you need to make sure that you carry across the links to the old urls to the new url structure of the wordpress site.
sitename.com/about_us.html is now sitename.com/about-us/ you will then need to redirect the old about_us url to the new one.
This ensures that any old indexed or shared pages don't server a page not found error.
Very important and can be done using the HTACCESS file or a redirect plugin.

wordpress: domain mapping and site URL display

i am a wordpress newbie and have not much experience with their settings. Basically, i have recently set up a domain mapping for an existing wordpress site that i took over and that i had to move to another host, so domain mapping seemed to be an easy option to point the old URL to the new host. I have set up the domain mapping to point to the new site from:
to the new one:
So far the content migration worked in wordpress. The problem is that when i type in the old URL in the browser, it redirects the old page and shows the new site for the main home section as expected, but for all the subsequent links such as About, Contact, Products etc. it shows the new URL with the subfolder path, whereas i would like them to display the old URL as the base URL, so i am not sure if i need to change anything on the domain mapping site, or does this need to be done on the wordpress side? Does wordpress offer something like a base URL rewrite? I could only find in the general settings the Site URL and Wordpress URL, but i am not sure if changing those values to point to the old URL would break the site.
Many thanks for any ideas.
I think, this is url problem. When you are migrating wordpress site from one server to another server or same server but different folder, so its create url problem like http: //theoldserver to, for example, http: //thenewserver.com is problematic. So download file from this site and put this file, where blog files placed on server. Then do step, which define on this url.
This is very handy tool
Search and Replace for WordPress Databases Script" tool that's very handy (make sure to read the instructions and have a backup of the db before using it).

how to convert a asp website to wordpress?

i've a small website(with few of pages-- max 20) on asp running on windows server since last 3 years with a lot of traffic and all the pages are indexed and ranked high by google and other search engines, but now i decided to convert my existing asp website to wordpress on that same domain and host.i'll request the godaddy to change my hosting server from windows to linux, and that i'll install wordpress there and i'll recreate all 20 pages there, but the matter is that i'll lose my all traffic.is there anyway to redirect those asp indexed links to my new wordpress posts?
any kind of help will be appreciated-- Thanks in advance :)
You can use 301 redirect to redirect all your old asp urls to the new wordpress urls using htaccess.
You have only 20 pages so it would be easy for you to do it manually i think. Thanks
I found the following plugins to easily manage 301 redirects. Please use any of the one given below.
You just need to put the old asp url without the domain name and the new wordpess url with domain name. Thanks
Keeping the existing SE rankings must be the top priority and for that you have no other option but use 301 redirect.
It's good to know how 301 redirect works; so this article may be useful;
Since you will be porting your site into wordpress, it makes a lot of sense to use a known plug in for this particular task.
As always, download a known/rated/trustworthy/uptodate plug in.
Here is one that fits the bill, for you.
