I have a mess in my head regarding redirect 301,mails and moving to a new website - wordpress

I'm new to the web world and i have a great mess in my head.
i got a project to build a website for a company and i did.
now this website was built with some cms and i built it with Wordpress.
So now i have to take care that some of the SEO meta tags will not ruin when moving to the new website, i used YOAST SEO plugin to do so.
Now my boss is keeping on asking about redirect 301 which i don't understand why do i need to use it?
if we dont transfer any campaigns and only moving to a new website why do i need it?
another problem is the mails on the domain.
the company has like 5 mails on the domain adress and the domain is sitting on the old company they used to work with,which are not cooperative.
how do i transfer the mails from their servers to a new one?
Thanks a lot.

The 301 redirects are for the newly created Url's.
Because every site has their own way or wwriting url's you need to make sure that you carry across the links to the old urls to the new url structure of the wordpress site.
sitename.com/about_us.html is now sitename.com/about-us/ you will then need to redirect the old about_us url to the new one.
This ensures that any old indexed or shared pages don't server a page not found error.
Very important and can be done using the HTACCESS file or a redirect plugin.


Wordpress - Use new URL, keep site files at old URL

I built a wordpress website for my client at firsturl.com. They own another URL at secondurl.com, and have decided that they would like their website at secondurl.com instead.
They don't actually have hosting with secondurl.com, they just own the URL, but both URLs are owned through the same hosting company.
Is it possible to keep my site at firsturl.com, but make it look like it is at secondurl.com? More than just redirecting, I need the secondurl.com to always be the main URL.
I would recommend try with domain masking. Here is the reference https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain_masking

Redirect page traffic to new urls in asp.net appllication

I have a WordPress site. which is now moving to asp.net cms (Sitefinity). In this process my url structures are getting changed but I want to keep the traffic of previous urls on the new urls as well.
Old as the domain will be transferred to new site old pages will not be found (404)
Things making it complicated.
Old and new site has lots of Dynamic urls
Old site has different urls structure than new url
I do not wan't to put all these urls in web.config file.
Solutions I tried
I tried to write 301 redirect on Robot.txt as I can capture old and new url at the time of migration
I searched for solutions all over net but didn't got any straight forward solutions
One of the forums mentioned that we should not write 301 redirects on Robot.txt
Don't know what to follow or where to search. Please guide me to correct path.
Thank You
If you have an identifiable pattern between the two using the URL rewrite module would be your best bet. Or write some code to insert the old urls as multiple URLs on the content items.
Do you have an example of the old URL and what the new URL will look like? It is possible that if you know how the URL pattern will change you can create a redirect rule in your web.config.
Also, Sitefinity allows you to create redirects as well. This includes creating alternative urls for pages or creating redirecting pages.
The exact solution really depends on how much the URL is changing and how many redirect urls are needed.

Redirect Ecwid URLs with fragment identifiers to new Woocommerce URL

I recently migrated a client's e-commerce site from Ecwid to WooCommerce. Ecwid's URL's use fragment identifiers which is now a problem as I can't set up a 301 redirect to the new URL using .htaccess. As I understand, everything past the # isn't accessible to .htaccess.
I'd like to try and preserve their SEO ranking as well as easily update all the old URLs to new.
There are dozens of Wordpress plugins which offer the ability to redirect pages, but I'm concerned I'll have the same issue. From what I've read Javascript redirects don't use the 301 response code, so search engines wouldn't know what the new URL is.
Is there any other way to redirect this:
to this?
As you mentioned, everything after the # isn't processed by the server.
However, if your old site was previously indexed completely by Google, you can presumably pick the "ugly" URLs for the snapshot pages and redirect those?

how to convert a asp website to wordpress?

i've a small website(with few of pages-- max 20) on asp running on windows server since last 3 years with a lot of traffic and all the pages are indexed and ranked high by google and other search engines, but now i decided to convert my existing asp website to wordpress on that same domain and host.i'll request the godaddy to change my hosting server from windows to linux, and that i'll install wordpress there and i'll recreate all 20 pages there, but the matter is that i'll lose my all traffic.is there anyway to redirect those asp indexed links to my new wordpress posts?
any kind of help will be appreciated-- Thanks in advance :)
You can use 301 redirect to redirect all your old asp urls to the new wordpress urls using htaccess.
You have only 20 pages so it would be easy for you to do it manually i think. Thanks
I found the following plugins to easily manage 301 redirects. Please use any of the one given below.
You just need to put the old asp url without the domain name and the new wordpess url with domain name. Thanks
Keeping the existing SE rankings must be the top priority and for that you have no other option but use 301 redirect.
It's good to know how 301 redirect works; so this article may be useful;
Since you will be porting your site into wordpress, it makes a lot of sense to use a known plug in for this particular task.
As always, download a known/rated/trustworthy/uptodate plug in.
Here is one that fits the bill, for you.

How should I implement 302 redirect for website transition?

I have an old website that hasn't gotten much love over the years and that's about to change. The existing site is based on a 3.* version of an ASP.NET portal framework called DotNetNuke (DNN).
I'm going to pull that site down and bring up a new site based on a static site generator called Nanoc (Ruby based). I'll be serving the site with nginx.
I'm not sure how to go about redirecting the old pages on the new site. Many of the new pages will be completely new; several of the old pages will not be back up. I suspect there will be a few that I'll want to keep alive in some form, but certainly not with the same urls.
Should I be concerned with doing a fine grained redirect on each of the pages on the site (it's not a large site), or just handle it with a general redirect?
You only need to bother with 301's (permanent redirect, better than 302) on links you want search engines to know changed, or if people might have them bookmarked. Other than that, I would just redirect 404's that look like an old URL to your new home page.
