Allow users to upload a video in WordPress - wordpress

How could you allow users to upload a video in their profile and display it on wordpress? Does anyone know of a plugin?
"Does anyone know of a plugin? in regards to the first question and topic"
very similar to this post:
WordPress Media as a Custom Post Type
Dated 2010.. which is why I started a new post.. alot has changed..
I have set up a login so far with WP User Manager and need to allow a user to upload a video link or video so that the video is displayed on their profile.
Using Advanced Custom Fields PRO to make it frontend.

In Wordpress there is a plugin called User Frontend Pro. This allows for you to create a frontend login for a user as well as it will give you the ability to create a custom frontend form. I used Advanced Custom Fields to create custom form fields for the data entered into this form. I was then able to make a custom post with CPT UI and create a single.php for the template of the post being created by a frontend user. This form allowed for the video with a Custom field to be entered as well as other types of information. There is a certain amount of coding you need to understand in php in creating the template structure, but the list of plugins in wordpress that will allow this to made rather simple are: ACF, CPT UI, and Frontend User Pro.


Wordpress plugin service page

have spent hours of researching understanding the correct approach for developing plugin for wordpress which does have custom "service" URL.
So far done:
plugin registers custom capabilities and role
inits the db and entries using $wpdb
create rest-api hook that could be used with JS
Should do:
Only the users with custom role "service" shall have access to a service dashboard.
the service dashboard shall make use of $wpdb to query data from the db.
I am looking badly for a simple example to learn from which shows a custom page that isn't integrated into WP posts or the admin panel.
Something that does check current user and allow access for given role to e.g. "" and load some further data later as e.g. ""
Originally I wanted WP to query the data via its own custom restapi, but also did not find any examples that query rest-api within WP (providing nonce etc) as simple example.
I found a lot examples for admin panels, adding links to post etc, but to my surprise not really some examples which do load simple (form) page or do a quick custom DB query and show the results on a static link.
Any help is appreciated

Wordpress authentication for a custom page with access to plugin data

First, I am a Wordpress Noob. My company builds custom data dashboards. Our client wants to integrate our dashboard into Wordpress. They use plugins, mainly Gravity forms and WooCommerce, from which the dashboard needs to retrieve data.
The dashboard will be build as a custom page (HTML/JS/CSS) and we plan to served it as a Wordpress static item (like:
Ideally, it would work like this:
the clients' user logs in into Wordpress.
Within the Wordpress environment the user can click a button to open our dashboard.
The dashboard fetches the data from Wordpress / a Wordpress API and displays it.
The complexity starts with the last step, how can we access the data from Wordpress/Gravity forms/WooCommerce. I would prefer it, if the user does not have to login separately into our dashboard, but that the credentials provided in Wordpress can be used.
There are API's available for Wordpress/Ggravity forms/WooCommerce, but I am unsure about the authentication part.
I found something about cookie authentication (, but I am not sure if this would work or how this works. The information is related to PHP, while we will be using HTML/JS.
Are there other options available?
I know it is a broad question, but I hope to get some pointers to how to deal with this.

Capture wordpress default registration form to infusionsoft

I'm not sure if this is possible. I'm trying to use the wordpress default registration form and have the information captured in infusionsoft. Before this, I tried creating a webform in infusionsoft and used that inside wordpress (from this tutorial, infusionsoft captures the login information but it doesn't create a user inside wordpress. Is there a way to capture it using wordpress default registration form or a maybe a plugin?
Yes, it's possible. Wordpress installation I sometimes work on uses Infusionsoft Order Form for registration, sending back HTTP POST to wordpress, to create a new user account using Optimizemember plugin.

How can I upload custom profile picture of user in wordpress from front end other that gavatar without using plugin?

I have a custom registration form in wordpress frontend with custom fields. Everything is working fine. Now I need to upload custom user profile picture from same form. How can I handle file upload and tag with user as profile picture?
There is a good article explains how you can do that .
Here you will learn how to associate a user profile pic and also how to upload from front end.
Add Image Uploader

Wordpress Advanced Search Plugin

I want to design a Wordpress site that contains all of the usual Wordpress components (blog, contact us, image gallery, etc). I want to have a separate section of the site for "Books" and "Articles".
Admins will be able to enter a book/article with its detailed information (title, author, reference, etc.). I need to have a way for users (non admin) to be able to do an advanced search on these books entered by the Admin.
Should I use Wordpress for the entire site, and write a custom plugin for the book search piece? OR Have a custom PHP page for the searching? OR Is there a plugin that already exists where I could leverage Wordpress to do this advanced search for me? Any information to point me in the right direction would help.
Take a look at this Wordpress Plugin. It should provide you with what you need within the bounds of Wordpress. This should save time from having to write custom PHP code for this functionality.
There are probably other plugins available too that could work for you. One of the benefits of open source is there is a lot of user created content. This should help get you started.
