Capture wordpress default registration form to infusionsoft - wordpress

I'm not sure if this is possible. I'm trying to use the wordpress default registration form and have the information captured in infusionsoft. Before this, I tried creating a webform in infusionsoft and used that inside wordpress (from this tutorial, infusionsoft captures the login information but it doesn't create a user inside wordpress. Is there a way to capture it using wordpress default registration form or a maybe a plugin?

Yes, it's possible. Wordpress installation I sometimes work on uses Infusionsoft Order Form for registration, sending back HTTP POST to wordpress, to create a new user account using Optimizemember plugin.


How to send contact from data direct to email without saving it on database, in WordPress Contact Forms?

I am currently using WordPress's API to integrate it with Vue.Js, and the request is that contact form which I am using should not save any data to WordPress CMS, it only need to submit it at email.
I am using: Contact Form 7 Plugin for WordPress!
Is there a possible way to do that?
From what I could find, Contact Form 7 doesn't store submissions in the first place, see the screenshot down below.
Message displayed within the Contact Form 7 plugin:
However, if you want to stop plugins such as Flamingo from saving submissions on specific forms, you are able to give additional settings to your forms in Contact Form 7. To stop the messages from being stored you can add the setting do_not_store: true. More about additional settings here.
Follow the following path to change the settings.
Contact -> Contact Forms -> edit -> Additional Settings

Wordpress Authentication

I am currently coding a WordPress Plugin. The plugin basically, adds a custom login form to any post or page using short code and allows user to login a custom page.
However, I have been reading the WordPress codex and on forums about user authentication using the WordPress Authentication functions or using a custom coded authentication script.
So my question is which would be the best option to use?
I think you should use WordPress authentication. It would be fastest and better then custom authentication solution.

Allow users to upload a video in WordPress

How could you allow users to upload a video in their profile and display it on wordpress? Does anyone know of a plugin?
"Does anyone know of a plugin? in regards to the first question and topic"
very similar to this post:
WordPress Media as a Custom Post Type
Dated 2010.. which is why I started a new post.. alot has changed..
I have set up a login so far with WP User Manager and need to allow a user to upload a video link or video so that the video is displayed on their profile.
Using Advanced Custom Fields PRO to make it frontend.
In Wordpress there is a plugin called User Frontend Pro. This allows for you to create a frontend login for a user as well as it will give you the ability to create a custom frontend form. I used Advanced Custom Fields to create custom form fields for the data entered into this form. I was then able to make a custom post with CPT UI and create a single.php for the template of the post being created by a frontend user. This form allowed for the video with a Custom field to be entered as well as other types of information. There is a certain amount of coding you need to understand in php in creating the template structure, but the list of plugins in wordpress that will allow this to made rather simple are: ACF, CPT UI, and Frontend User Pro.

Access wordpress admin area without login

Currently I am developing a site in Opencart. For the blog, I am using Wordpress but my client does not want two different login sections for opencart and wordpress. Is it possible to redirect a user from the admin of wordpress to OpenCart and vice versa using a link without them having to enter a password each time?
Please advise. Your valuable suggestion will help me to sort out this problem.
This is possible by adding a simple plugin, which defines the needed (pluggable) login functions.
Basically, rather than logging into WP directly, you'd write the pluggable functions that authenticates the user using OpenCart's details. (Note that hooks allow you to make the login form redirect straight to the latter, too.)
Look for an existing plugin or module that does this. It would be surprising if none exist already.

Create custom aegir signup form

I want to create a custom sign up form for the aegir provisioning system in drupal and once the user fills out the form and submits, I want the website to be created on the domain name specified in the form and all other hooks that aegir executes while creating a website. Is there a way to accomplish this?
I think it should work out of the box.
If not, then the heavy-weight solution is to install Ubercart and the Aegir-Ubercart integration module, in addition to Aegir. Then you have to setup an appropiate product cart, with hosting features to each products, allowing automatic site creation.
