Track ad Conversions with Clickfunnels and Google Analytics - google-analytics

We would like to advertise on Social Media (Facebook, LinkedIn, ..).
In the ads we link to a Clickfunnel Webinar Page.
The Webinar has a contact form that sends us an E-Mail.
I would like to track conversions from the different ads using Google Analytics.
I struggle how to correctly integrate GA.
So far I have figured out that, in the ads we need to use URL parameters linking to the Clickfunnel to figure out which ad is generating the most leads. (utmsource=linkedin, ..)
I have embedded the GA Tracking Code into my clickfunnels page. Which tracks good so far, but of course I cannot see the sources right now.
How do I track the conversions to see which ads generate the most sent contact forms?


Why are GA4 Conversions not appearing when using utm tags to track them?

I'm having trouble getting purchase conversions to record correctly on GA4 for a LinkedIn Ads campaign. I'm tracking traffic for the Ad using a utm url and the users, sessions, etc are all being recorded correctly, it's just the purchase conversions from the ad that aren't showing up. All other conversions from the website are being recorded correctly. This is part of the utm url we used: utm_source=Articles&utm_medium=Blog&utm_campaign=ISO_ads&utm_id=iso_campaign+&utm_content=dekra
I did a test purchase by clicking on the LinkedIn Ad to see if maybe we just had 0 conversions, but GA4 recorded that purchase. However, it did not assign it to the LinkedIn Ad campaign, it listed the purchase as "Unassigned". I was hoping someone might have an idea on why this is happening? I spoke with GA4 support and they checked the tags on the site and said everything looked good and said that since we were using utm, then they couldn't really help further. Thank you!

Check if Facebook/Instagram ads comers clicked on a specific button on my website

I would like to track clicks of a specific button on my website of people who came from the Facebook/Instagram ads I created.
I implemented the Facebook pixel which triggers on pageview.
I also put gtag('send', 'event','apply btn') on the Apply button. This shows me reports on Google Analytics but it doesn't show if those people came from the ads I created.
Is there a view on google analytics where you can see the name of the campaign the user came from, or is there something specific I might be missing in the configuration of the campaign or the gtag?
You have to add parameters to URLs to identify the campaigns that refer traffic.
utm_source: Identify the advertiser, site, publication, etc. that is sending traffic to your property, for example: google, newsletter4, billboard.
utm_medium: The advertising or marketing medium, for example: cpc, banner, email newsletter.
utm_campaign: The individual campaign name, slogan, promo code, etc. for a product.
There are also utm_content and utm_term.

Adding additional information for referral links in Google Analytics

I've been trying to do a bit of research into this but am not really able to find a proper answer.
I have a number of ad campaigns for my site and I want to see where referrals are coming from and which ad campaigns are working best.
For example, I want to tell how direct email marketing campaigns are performing compared to one another. Normally I think most of these come up as 'direct' traffic in Analytics.
However, I want to know if there is some way I can change the URL's in the various ad campaigns like:
And then be able to see these in Google Analytics as referrals like Google, Facebook etc,.
I am using Google Tag Manager to handle advanced ecommerce tracking in Analytics
For future reference this is what is needed:
utm_source // the source it came from
utm_medium // the medium used
utm_campaign //the advertising campaign it is part of

Tracking ecommerce conversions

I'm looking to run a PPC campaign on LinkedIn, and I'm just wondering what the best way would be to show how many people that have clicked on ads, have placed an order. LinkedIn don't provide any form of conversion code - and I'm not sure how I could set this up within Google analytics?
use campaign tracking .This is the only way we can track visits from relevant campaign banners. Campaigns in Google Analytics :
Use this line below to create your campaign code.
use “Campaign Content” to separate banners (names) .
you can use Advance segments to track the number of conversions.

Creating a campaign to track links

I'm new to google analytics and I'm a little confused on how to get an unpaid campaign up and runnning. I'm making the campaign in order to track links to a page from different sources (website buttons, emails, newsletters, etc.). What I'm trying to do is set something up in GA so that I can track how people are getting to a specified page. I've been reading this as well:
Do I have to create the campaign in google analytics (and if so where) or do I just apply the appropriate campaign/tracking tags to the links I need tracked and it automatically creates it? Also, how would this work with emails?
Thanks for any help!
Essentially, you will build the campaign tracking URL in URL Builder and put those links in your email, newsletter, etc. Once visitors start to click the links via the email, a campaign will be created under Acquisition > Campaigns.
You do not need create campaigns at Google Analytics: when you tagged campaign manually or at URL builder, your campaign data(source name,campaigh name and others) will be categorized by Google Analytics automatically.
GA parses tags at your links and save data about you campaigns.
