Grafana throws 'Templating init failed' error after upgrade when using graphite backend - graphite

I'm trying to upgrade my Grafana setup from version v4.0.2 (commit: v4.0.2) to version v4.4.3 (commit: 54c79c5) on CentOS 7. Both old and new versions of Grafana are installed from official RPM packages.
When I'm trying to open any dashboard that I have I'm getting a following error message:
Templating init failed
Maximum call stack size exceeded
Also in the browser console log I see the following messages:
RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
at RegExp.exec (<anonymous>)
at RegExp.[Symbol.replace] (<anonymous>)
at String.replace (<anonymous>)
at Object.replace (http://<my_grafana_host>/public/app/boot.07485e0c.js:10:23129)
at Object.get (http://<my_grafana_host>/public/app/boot.07485e0c.js:45:5205)
at Object.get (http://<my_grafana_host>/public/app/boot.07485e0c.js:45:5235)
at Object.get (http://<my_grafana_host>/public/app/boot.07485e0c.js:45:5235)
at Object.get (http://<my_grafana_host>/public/app/boot.07485e0c.js:45:5235)
at Object.get (http://<my_grafana_host>/public/app/boot.07485e0c.js:45:5235)
at Object.get (http://<my_grafana_host>/public/app/boot.07485e0c.js:45:5235) <plugin-component type="query-ctrl">
I'm getting the same error in browser console when I'm trying to Save & Test settings in Graphite datasource. In this case I'm seeing a progress bar that says Testing... but never completes.
I've checked behaviour in Chrome and Firefox and it breaks in the same way in both browsers.
I've double-checked and graphite is up and running and is listening on the selected URL. Also when I'm trying to revert the change and run Grafana 4.0.2 it does work with the same settings.
I've also tried to run new Grafana with default configuration coming from RPM with no luck.
I know that's not much information and I would be glad to provide any additional info that might help resolving this issue.


Solidity Deployment Error - "ProviderError: HttpProviderError"

Been attempting to deploy a new instance of a contract I've deployed before, from an environment I haven't used in a while (though which has successfully deployed before). None of the details of the contracts or my configuration have changed, and it appears that the http error is unrelated. What can I do to debug and resolve?
ProviderError: HttpProviderError
at HttpProvider.request (/home/user/Solidity/env/node_modules/hardhat/src/internal/core/providers/http.ts:78:19)
at LocalAccountsProvider.request (/home/user/Solidity/env/node_modules/hardhat/src/internal/core/providers/accounts.ts:187:34)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
at ChainIdValidatorProvider._getChainIdFromEthNetVersion (/home/user/Solidity/env/node_modules/hardhat/src/internal/core/providers/chainId.ts:33:17)
at ChainIdValidatorProvider._getChainId (/home/user/Solidity/env/node_modules/hardhat/src/internal/core/providers/chainId.ts:17:25)
at ChainIdValidatorProvider.request (/home/user/Solidity/env/node_modules/hardhat/src/internal/core/providers/chainId.ts:55:29)
at EthersProviderWrapper.send (/home/user/Solidity/env/node_modules/#nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers/src/internal/ethers-provider-wrapper.ts:13:20)
at getSigners (/home/user/Solidity/env/node_modules/#nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers/src/internal/helpers.ts:45:20)
at getContractFactoryByAbiAndBytecode (/home/user/Solidity/env/node_modules/#nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers/src/internal/helpers.ts:288:21)
at main (/home/user/Solidity/env/scripts/deployVerify.js:6:27)
error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit for documentation about this command.
Found some great advice here:
Turns out my Alchemy RPC app had ceased working. I reset to a new app, and worked immediately as intended.

using node-inspector with meteor on windows

I am trying to use node-inspector to help debug my meteor app on windows. As indicated here:
running meteor debug should start the node-inspector portal at http://localhost:8080/debug?port=5858 by default.
I can navigate to the url, but do not see any files under "Sources" (or anywhere for that matter)
I've tried setting the port manually, and tried installing node-inspector via npm as well in case it was needed, and tried running "meteor NODE_OPTIONS='--debug' ...but those don't seem to help (and the NODE_OPTIONS parameter doesn't even work...)
what am I missing/why don't the files show up? how can I debug this debuggng issue...?
PS - i do see Notifications permission has been blocked as the user has dismissed the permission prompt several times. See for more information.
in the dev console on the debugger tab. Could this cause any issues? Not really sure what notification permissions I supposedly blocked.
Also getting these 3 errors popping up in the console:
Runtime.js:358 Assertion failed: Unknown experiment canvasInspection
Runtime._assert # Runtime.js:358
21:53:06.599 Runtime.js:367 TypeError: Cannot read property 'createSetting' of undefined
at WebInspector.FilterBar.setName (:8080/ui/FilterBar.js:62)
at WebInspector.NetworkPanel (:8080/network/NetworkPanel.js:47)
at Function.WebInspector.NetworkPanel._instance (:8080/network/NetworkPanel.js:408)
at eval (:8080/node/network/NetworkPanel.js:13)
at eval (<anonymous>)
at evaluateScript (Runtime.js:153)
at scriptSourceLoaded (Runtime.js:136)
at <anonymous>
Runtime._reportError # Runtime.js:367
21:53:06.772 Runtime.js:367 TypeError: Cannot read property 'sources' of undefined
at WebInspector.SourcesOverrides._hideChromeSpecifics (:8080/node/sources/SourcesOverrides.js:12)
at WebInspector.SourcesOverrides (:8080/node/sources/SourcesOverrides.js:5)
at eval (:8080/node/sources/SourcesOverrides.js:63)
at eval (<anonymous>)
at evaluateScript (Runtime.js:153)
at scriptSourceLoaded (Runtime.js:136)
at <anonymous>
many thanks for any help.

webdriver-manager update --ignore_ssl no longer works on 12.0.1

I'm getting an error when performing the following in 12.0.1:
webdriver-manager update --ignore_ssl
It just returns
throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: self signed certificate in certificate chain
at Error (native)
at TLSSocket.<anonymous> (_tls_wrap.js:1060:38)
at emitNone (events.js:86:13)
at TLSSocket.emit (events.js:185:7)
at TLSSocket._finishInit (_tls_wrap.js:584:8)
at TLSWrap.ssl.onhandshakedone (_tls_wrap.js:416:38)
I tried with an older version and it works fine
webdriver-manager: using local installed version 10.2.5
[13:51:46] I/downloader - ignoring SSL certificate
[13:51:46] I/downloader - ignoring SSL certificate
[13:51:46] I/downloader - ignoring SSL certificate
The issue here is the recent rework to the binary class was not passing the optional parameters including opt_proxy and opt_ignoreSSl when calling webdriver-manager update. When angular/webdriver PR #208 is merged and released, this should be fixed.
Update: this has been merged and should have a release soon.
I'm using webdriver-manager 12.10 and --ignore_ssl is working fine on my end!

Problems starting a freshly installed Mean Stack application

I'm trying to start a new mean stack application. However i only get this error when I'm running grunt to start the server:
[nodemon] v1.2.1
Running "watch" task
[nodemon] to restart at any time, enter `rs`
[nodemon] watching: *.*
[nodemon] starting `node --debug server.js`
Debugger listening on port 5858
Mean app started on port 3000 (development) 0
throw message;
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at processResults (/Users/olehenrik/Sites/learn/mean_test2/node_modules/mongoose/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/db.js:1581:31)
at /Users/olehenrik/Sites/learn/mean_test2/node_modules/mongoose/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/db.js:1619:20
at /Users/olehenrik/Sites/learn/mean_test2/node_modules/mongoose/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/db.js:1157:7
at /Users/olehenrik/Sites/learn/mean_test2/node_modules/mongoose/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/db.js:1890:9
at Server.Base._callHandler (/Users/olehenrik/Sites/learn/mean_test2/node_modules/mongoose/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/connection/base.js:448:41)
at /Users/olehenrik/Sites/learn/mean_test2/node_modules/mongoose/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/connection/server.js:481:18
at MongoReply.parseBody (/Users/olehenrik/Sites/learn/mean_test2/node_modules/mongoose/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/responses/mongo_reply.js:68:5)
at null.<anonymous> (/Users/olehenrik/Sites/learn/mean_test2/node_modules/mongoose/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/connection/server.js:439:20)
at emit (events.js:107:17)
at null.<anonymous> (/Users/olehenrik/Sites/learn/mean_test2/node_modules/mongoose/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/connection/connection_pool.js:201:13)
[nodemon] app crashed - waiting for file changes before starting...
Have any one encountered this before? Can't find too many other people who have encountered this before.
I was also facing the same error and this info solves it.
"Upgrade to 3.8.23. 3.8.22 introduced better compatibility with mongodb server 3.0 by upgrading to latest version of the driver." credit to vkarpov15 from mongoose Github thread.
What I did was I edit my package.json to upgrade mongoose to "3.8.23". After I edited the package.json I ran npm install and bower install(just to make sure) again and that solved the problem.

sbt-release plugin logs git push as error, despite it succeeding

I am using the sbt-release plugin.
The process seems to work, however, sbt logs the final release step, pushChanges as error. Ideally, only actual errors are logged to error output as it can confuse the automation.
Sample output here:
Push changes to the remote repository (y/n)? [y] y
[error] To
[error] 67277ef..a1b959f my_branch -> my_branch
[error] To
[error] * [new tag] v0.1.8 -> v0.1.8
my_branch in this case is not the master branch (as I'm testing this process on my own branch before it goes to master), could that be the issue?
I don't know if something's changed in the latest version, but before sbt-release was warning you before this push step, that git sends it's info on stderr and so it will be shown with error messages in sbt although the process goes perfectly fine. So it's ok, don't worry.
