Website is not accessible after force SSL - wordpress

I have a big problem with a website I edited for a client.
My client said he enabled his free SSL from his host. I installed a force https plugin on his wordpress installation. After that, I edited the address to https instead of http (In general settings).
Now I can't access the website or the wp Login. Apparently the SSL wasn't activated.
This is the error I receive : ERR_SSL_UNRECOGNIZED_NAME_ALERT
Is there a way to either change the website address (from the settings) or disable the plugin?

To disable a plugin:
Using FTP, go to wp-content/plugins/, find the https plugin folder and rename it to something else it.
For change in general settings:
You could try to add the following code in wp-config.php file:
Another way is to change those values directly in the database. Here is one article that shows how to do that.


Can't login after using ssl in wordpress

I have two wordpress sites running in dedicated server using nginx. I have ssl certificate for * and I face problems with one site ( running through ssl. I am using really simple ssl plugin. After enabling ssl I can't login to admin area and no errors are shown in logs or console, the site says incorrect password. If I force disable the plugin, I can login using http with same credentials. With disabled plugin https site works, except the login. (Same configuration is used on site and it works without errors).
I tried emptying cache, deleting and reinstalling plugin multiple times without success. Do you have any ideas what can I check?
I would recommend you to check what exactly you have in _options table in the fields
You should have there
also you need to check your wp-config.php. There might be rules added regarding siteurl and home using incorrect protocol.

how to access to wordpress dashboard?

hey there i hosted my site on AWS and it was all okay when i used ssl insecure content but unfortunately i deactivated that plugin by mistake and it made me logout of my admin panel.
So, now when i try to access my dashboard by typing correct username it is not allowing me to sign in into it. please help me in this. The first image shows how my login page looks (different from each time) and a popup box that appears when i try to login in my account and after clicking on it it reverts me back to same login page. please do help me i am depressed now.
First thing, better to attach the valid SSL certificate as it's not only about your dashboard but the end-user will also face the same issue when they try to access your website.
Or if you think that you were able to access your website with that plugin, then do the following
Ssh to your instance
install the plugin from the command line that you have removed and it will start working back.
wp plugin install <plugin-name>
This is because your wordpress site is attempting to load your assets over HTTP rather than HTTPS.
Your SSL comes back as valid when running SSL labs so there is no need to worry about your SSL being invalid.
This will come down to your site actually loading on HTTP behind the load balancer so it is not aware it should be loaded over HTTPS.
There is a small change you can make that fools your blog into believing that it should return HTTPS urls. At the top of your index.php file add the following
$_SERVER['HTTPS'] = 'on';
By doing this only HTTPS urls will be rendered on your site allowing it to be fully accessible as intended.
This is happening because of SSL Issue. Do the Following
Install Really Simple SSL Plugin
Change Site Url and Home URL Prefix from http:// to https://
Note:- Disable SSL and Install Plugin First in order to be Succesfully run it

Theme's Js and Css not loading after SSL enabled

I installed the SSL certificate. I changed the WordPress URL and site URL to https in general setting. But the theme js file and CSS file still working on the Http. And it's showing me the mixed content error.
Most SSL issues are due to plugins/themes using the wrong code to load CSS/JS.
Under WordPress General Settings change the WordPress Address (URL) and the Site Address (URL) from HTTP to HTTPS. If you don't have access to your admin you can change this via your wp-config.php
Use the proper url paths for your themes and plugins: for example hardcoding the WP_PLUGIN_URL will not work as opposed to plugin_dir_url. The functions are generally SSL friendly because they have time to check if the site is SSL enabled, the constants are not.
For the admin/login you can force SSL via the wp-config.php:
Login: define('FORCE_SSL_LOGIN', true);
Admin: define('FORCE_SSL_ADMIN', true);
Of course any hardcoded assets will be a problem or plugins/themes that incorrectly load assets.
You can also update your themes and plugins via SSL if your server has libssh2 , you can also define the port# and Auth keys. If this is enabled you do not have to define anything it will just magically show up in the admin settings.
I found the issue. static URL defined in the header file.

Reverting the WordPress site name to localhost

I am a WordPress beginner and in the dashboard, under Settings --> General I changed WordPress address (URL) to and Site Address (URL) also to just in the curiosity to try the feature unknowing of the fact that it will lock me out.
I am using xampp for a localhost environment.
The canonical article to resolve this problem is on the WordPress website.
If you have a local copy of the website, you can edit your wp-config.php file and upload it to the site. Or, if you have SSH access to your site you can use a curses-based text editor such as Nano to make the necessary amendments remotely.
You need to override the domain settings you have made, and you can do so using this code:
Upload this file if necessary, and then refresh your admin screen. You may have to log in again. Once you get access to your control panel, fix your incorrect settings. You can then revert the changes to your wp-config.php file.

Wordpress admin stuck in https, how to turn it off?

The admin side of my wordpress site is stuck in HTTPS and very slow as a result.
I am trying to set the admin to HTTP.
Here is my setup and what I've tried so far.
Godaddy VPS with Godaddy SSL certificate
In wp-config.php I have: define( 'FORCE_SSL_ADMIN', false );
Tried installing the wordpress-https plugin. The admin https checkbox is greyed out / disabled.
Here are the settings on that plugin.
Check httpd.conf and htaccess files for any rewrites - none found.
Server does have Vernish installed - asked Godaddy support to check for any relevant configs in Varnish. None found.
I have tried commenting out code in wp-includes/functions.php based on suggestion here (see comment by user joelbair).
I always flush caches, and sometimes reboot the VPS completely after making changes.
Any suggestions?
Could it be related to SSL signing certificates or how SSL was installed on the server initially?
Was the HTTPS server sending the Strict-Transport-Security header? If so, your browser received instructions to always use HTTPS version of the site. Try opening the HTTP version in another browser, or try clearing your browser cache in an attempt to remove that header's control.
Install WordPress Force HTTPS plugin.
Change you're WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL) in General Setting to https://yoursite.domain
Clear browser cache
No configuration needed.
