Wordpress admin stuck in https, how to turn it off? - wordpress

The admin side of my wordpress site is stuck in HTTPS and very slow as a result.
I am trying to set the admin to HTTP.
Here is my setup and what I've tried so far.
Godaddy VPS with Godaddy SSL certificate
In wp-config.php I have: define( 'FORCE_SSL_ADMIN', false );
Tried installing the wordpress-https plugin. The admin https checkbox is greyed out / disabled.
Here are the settings on that plugin.
Check httpd.conf and htaccess files for any rewrites - none found.
Server does have Vernish installed - asked Godaddy support to check for any relevant configs in Varnish. None found.
I have tried commenting out code in wp-includes/functions.php based on suggestion here (see comment by user joelbair).
I always flush caches, and sometimes reboot the VPS completely after making changes.
Any suggestions?
Could it be related to SSL signing certificates or how SSL was installed on the server initially?

Was the HTTPS server sending the Strict-Transport-Security header? If so, your browser received instructions to always use HTTPS version of the site. Try opening the HTTP version in another browser, or try clearing your browser cache in an attempt to remove that header's control.

Install WordPress Force HTTPS plugin.
Change you're WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL) in General Setting to https://yoursite.domain
Clear browser cache
No configuration needed.


Can't login after using ssl in wordpress

I have two wordpress sites running in dedicated server using nginx. I have ssl certificate for *.domain-name.com and I face problems with one site (sub.domain-name.com) running through ssl. I am using really simple ssl plugin. After enabling ssl I can't login to admin area and no errors are shown in logs or console, the site says incorrect password. If I force disable the plugin, I can login using http with same credentials. With disabled plugin https site works, except the login. (Same configuration is used on domain-name.com site and it works without errors).
I tried emptying cache, deleting and reinstalling plugin multiple times without success. Do you have any ideas what can I check?
I would recommend you to check what exactly you have in _options table in the fields
You should have there https://sub.domain-name.com
also you need to check your wp-config.php. There might be rules added regarding siteurl and home using incorrect protocol.

Site not secure, while SSL certificate is installed. Site only secure on Wordpress dashboard

I am using a Wordpress site with an installed SSL certificate. When accessing the site, it shows that the connection is "Not secure". When clicking on the "Not secure" tab, it shows that the certificate is installed but no further information. Only when accessing the Wordpress wp-admin dashboard, it shows that the connection is secure.
Why does it not show that the connection is secure when accessing the main website? What do I need to do to show that the connection is secure?
The connection is not secure because that pages include images that are not secure. To fix that, you can use the Better Search Replace plugin to replace the 'http' by 'https' in the image links. After doing that, restart apache (sudo service apache2 restart) or your web server.
I think it is because of mixed content error just try adding really simple SSL plugin and in the setting there will be a option for mixed content so just turn it on
Hope this works

Website is not accessible after force SSL

I have a big problem with a website I edited for a client.
My client said he enabled his free SSL from his host. I installed a force https plugin on his wordpress installation. After that, I edited the address to https instead of http (In general settings).
Now I can't access the website or the wp Login. Apparently the SSL wasn't activated.
This is the error I receive : ERR_SSL_UNRECOGNIZED_NAME_ALERT
Is there a way to either change the website address (from the settings) or disable the plugin?
To disable a plugin:
Using FTP, go to wp-content/plugins/, find the https plugin folder and rename it to something else it.
For change in general settings:
You could try to add the following code in wp-config.php file:
Another way is to change those values directly in the database. Here is one article that shows how to do that.

wordpress "The provided host name is not valid for this server."

Moving an Wordpress SSL site to a dev server. Deleted the certificate. Change the domain name through mysql. Getting this error.
What else would I need to do to fix this? Something on my end through apache? Done this countless times with other non-ssl sites...I am missing something I know it...
Thanks guys. Appreciate your help.
This is a common Drupal error -- see https://drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/145286/what-does-the-provided-host-name-is-not-valid-for-this-server-mean .
I suspect that your web server is redirecting the request to a directory where a Drupal site is installed. Check your DNS A records and Apache configuration files (at /etc/apache2/sites-available on Ubuntu 18.04). Good luck!
Checklist While moving a WordPress installation from one server to another (different URL)
Update siteurl and home field in Database Table 'wp_options' with http version of the url.
Check .htaccess file and remove ssl redirect.
Check if any plugin is used to replace non-https url with https url. Then disable this plugin.
I just experienced this exact issue with a WordPress site and want to add a third solution on top of what #tgeller and #Bikram Pahi said.
Check that you have a self-signed certificate installed on your webserver or a purchased certificate. I solved this issue by installing a self-signed certificate and when re-opening the WordPress website, the error was no longer present.
Also, in my case, I enabled HTTPS in the site's URL settings.

Cloudflare 525 over Wordpress with HTTPS

I am getting a Cloudflare error 525 in my Wordpress.
I'm working on a subdomain where the domain has https that work fine through cloudflare but the subdomain does not.
Hosting: Godaddy
The SSL certificate is UCC bought from Godaddy.
Crypto SSL in Cloudflare: FULL
I made all the changes in Wordpress mainly following these steps: force https pages wordpress
And all URLs are changed from http:// to https://.
Can anyone help me, I'm running out of ideas and I do not know what else I should do?
That error indicates that the ssl handshake is failing on the subdomain. The subdomain might be configured differently at a web-server level, or there may be Page Rules that change the behavior
In case someone still get this error, here is how I fixed it.
This was driving me crazy because the site was working fine and then the error started to manifest intermittently: error page shows, then by refreshing a couple of times the site loaded but with some missing images. So it was a mess.
Tried to reach out for godaddy support but it was not very useful. They checked the files, database, open ports and even changed the propagating DNS, but still the error was persisting.
At the end I tried:
Disable my ssl plugin in wordpress (really simple SSL)
Go back to http setting
In cloudflare, set the SSL setting to flexible
I found out that Cloudflare takes over the writing of the https links, so the plugin was creating a redirect loop and that was causing the handshake to fail.
