How to publish Telegram instant view template for review - telegram

I created an Telegram IV template from my website. All checks are green and the template is working fine when published through:
How can I publish my template for approval? so any URL from:
will be considered as Instant View in Telegram?

Instant View only support few domain for now, I think they will accept templates after contest.

I have the same problem. It looks like currently you need to publish your template through the contest (this page).
Mark as 'Tracked' in an editor as minimum 10 of articles/posts on your site. If each one is successful, do the follow.
Press button 'Submit template'.

As of 2021, it doesn't seem that Telegram is opening Instant View to more domains. I have tried to publish / submit a template plenty times, with no success.
On My templates page, clicking Submit Template, then Confirm, does nothing at all.

Publishing templates
If the Instant View page has been processed successfully, you'll see a
View in Telegram button in the top right corner – you can use it to
view the resulting page in-app.
For your own audience
Note that if you send the resulting link to
other Telegram users, they will see an Instant View page built using
your template (the rhash parameter in the link determines which
template is used to create the page). This means that, as a website
owner, you can create a template for your page and publish links with the corresponding rhash to your Telegram
channel — and your subscribers will be able to view your articles in
the Instant View format right away.
For all Telegram users
If you'd like your template to become truly public and seen by all
users, regardless of the link they get, the template will need to be
approved by the Telegram team.
The problem is that there is not documentation about how "the template will [...] be approved by the Telegram team" when there are no contests.

At the moment (2022) it seems it's not possible to submit an InstantView template for review. The support said to me it's only possible if there is an ongoing context.
This is strange, since in the interface says that it's possible to submit a template without participating to a context:
If you confirm, the web page tries to send the template in a context (see sendToContest):
The request fails without any human error. I think it's a bug in the Instant View submission platform, that does not work without a context.
Here a bug report related to "Cannot submit InstantView":


Sending a firebase dynamic link over SMS from the desktop page

I have firebase deep links working in my app, and when a user visits them on desktop it takes them to a custom webpage I made that says "This content is only available on the app. Please download it to continue" with app store links for my app.
I want to add a form that says "enter your phone number to get texted the link to download the app" and I have no issues doing that with twilio.
Where I'm stuck is that I want to SMS the original deep link to the user. But the firebase deep link system already redirected me to the desktop page so I don't have access to the deep link anymore. Is there any way to get the original deep link?
I do have the path of the original deep link in the URL so I could possibly reconstruct it? But is there an easier way, or an existing solution to my problem of wanting to get users to install our app without losing the deep link context?
If you create your originally link manually you can use the Other Platform Parameters ofl to send a parameter of the dynamic link to be sent in text message to the desktop users.
See the doc's on how to manually create your link.
Alternatively, in the past I've added a parameter to the short link which has been passed through to the webapp, maybe you could use that to pass the dynamic link. Not tested, but should have the desired effect.

How to use Payum Stripe Checkout Button in our own template?

I just added the Payum Bundle to my e-commerce application so users will be able to pay online. However, I'm having a problem with Payum templates.
When the user chooses to pay using stripe, I redirect them to the prepareAction in the PaymentController as described by stripe documentation. The payment works fine. However, the user arrives first in a blank page only with the stripe button and then he sees the popup window to fill the payment information. What I wanted is that he arrives directly on this form without this blank page.
I am trying to find a way to override this template or include it in my template but I cannot figure out how to do. I think I must have been doing something wrong. It should be easier to integrate stripe from what I read. Could anybody help me?

Unable to "login" via twitter API

I have implemented a twitter login for my site, using a plugin called "Simple Twitter Connect".
Now what this plugin does is create a twitter login function for my site above the the comments section which allows users to use their twitter details rather than filling out name and email boxes.
Now the problem I am having with it is when it gets to the authorize page on, after entering the details and then going back to the site it loads page.
On the contents of the page it says
Failed connecting. Please try again later
I initially thought it must simply be something wrong with the plugin, however I have contacted the plugin author and he as said that gigya has nothing to do with his plugin nor does his plugin link to it.
I havent signed up to gigya nor implemented any of their functions on my site, so I'm not sure how this site gets into the equation.
If anyone wants to recreate the issue, the click here and login via twitter.
Can anyone suggest what the issue may be?
After the successful OAuth-Login you are redirected to the Callback URL associated with your Consumer key. The Callback URL can be configured - here's how you do it:
Log in to
Select the application which you are using in your blog
Go to the "Settings" tab and you'll find the Callback URL under "Application Type"
Set the URL to your blog base directory (where the index.php is).

Implement 'View in browser' functionality with Newsletter

We are using SDL Tridion 2011. We want to implement "view in Browser" functionality with NewsLetter.
We don't find any proper way to achieve this functionality using Tridion Outbound Mailings.
Can someone please help us to implement this ?
For time being we are publishing a newsletter page and we are linking this page from Newsletter.
Please suggest best approach.
I think that is the general approach.
There's nothing out the box to link a published web page to a page Outbound Email uses for a mailing.
I think last time I did this we just used a field in the component to allow an editor to enter the full url to the web page, e.g. I guess this could be replaced concatenating your site url to the page's PublishLocationUrl or using PageLink if you wanted a managed link.
They then published the web page first, then created a mailing using the same page.

Page Administration & Open Graph

I'm an Admin for this page
and I've also specified that my App can administer it too. I've Liked this page so I thought I should be able to access the admin screen for the page but I can't seem to. Any ideas on how I access the admin screen for this page in FB, so I can manually publish updates?
Additionally, when I try to update page programmatically I get the message
(OAuthException) (#200) The user hasn't authorized the application to perform this action
but the page has my App listed here
This was definitely a bug rather than a programming or setup issue. The bug has been marked fixed by Facebook as of 1/18/2012 and everything now works as it is supposed to! Bug report:
Until this recent fix, there was a problem where OpenGraph pages did NOT allow the admins of those pages to retrieve page access tokens for them. Which means they were locked out of posting "as the page" and apparently also locked out of the Admin area for their own pages as well.
I know that this is fixed for me now with this bugfix, and hopefully it will also be fixed for everyone else.
You will need to ask for manage_pages, read_stream and publish_stream. Once your admin accepts those permissions, the app can call me/accounts on the Graph (play here In there will be a list of all the pages they admin. In each listing will be a unique access token. This is called the page access token. Using that token you should be able to read and write to the me/feed for that page.
