How to use Payum Stripe Checkout Button in our own template? - symfony

I just added the Payum Bundle to my e-commerce application so users will be able to pay online. However, I'm having a problem with Payum templates.
When the user chooses to pay using stripe, I redirect them to the prepareAction in the PaymentController as described by stripe documentation. The payment works fine. However, the user arrives first in a blank page only with the stripe button and then he sees the popup window to fill the payment information. What I wanted is that he arrives directly on this form without this blank page.
I am trying to find a way to override this template or include it in my template but I cannot figure out how to do. I think I must have been doing something wrong. It should be easier to integrate stripe from what I read. Could anybody help me?


Open messenger with product info

I have searched for this feature, but I'm not sure if it is possible and maybe someone has done this before. I would like to integrate chat messenger (facebook) with my website, and I would like to have a buy button on my products, and when someone clicks it, it would open the messenger popup with the info about the product clicked already filled in, so I can just follow up personally with extra questions (quantity, address,prices, etc)
Is it possible?
The website is being built with nextjs by the way.
You can not popup the chat extension provided by Facebook automatically the way you are wanting. But, what you can do to achieve your goal is to use Chatbot and referral codes. You can identify which product page the user have come from by checking the referral code. And your chatbot can then provide response of that product as per referral code.
Reference: Messenger Link

How to publish Telegram instant view template for review

I created an Telegram IV template from my website. All checks are green and the template is working fine when published through:
How can I publish my template for approval? so any URL from:
will be considered as Instant View in Telegram?
Instant View only support few domain for now, I think they will accept templates after contest.
I have the same problem. It looks like currently you need to publish your template through the contest (this page).
Mark as 'Tracked' in an editor as minimum 10 of articles/posts on your site. If each one is successful, do the follow.
Press button 'Submit template'.
As of 2021, it doesn't seem that Telegram is opening Instant View to more domains. I have tried to publish / submit a template plenty times, with no success.
On My templates page, clicking Submit Template, then Confirm, does nothing at all.
Publishing templates
If the Instant View page has been processed successfully, you'll see a
View in Telegram button in the top right corner – you can use it to
view the resulting page in-app.
For your own audience
Note that if you send the resulting link to
other Telegram users, they will see an Instant View page built using
your template (the rhash parameter in the link determines which
template is used to create the page). This means that, as a website
owner, you can create a template for your page and publish links with the corresponding rhash to your Telegram
channel — and your subscribers will be able to view your articles in
the Instant View format right away.
For all Telegram users
If you'd like your template to become truly public and seen by all
users, regardless of the link they get, the template will need to be
approved by the Telegram team.
The problem is that there is not documentation about how "the template will [...] be approved by the Telegram team" when there are no contests.
At the moment (2022) it seems it's not possible to submit an InstantView template for review. The support said to me it's only possible if there is an ongoing context.
This is strange, since in the interface says that it's possible to submit a template without participating to a context:
If you confirm, the web page tries to send the template in a context (see sendToContest):
The request fails without any human error. I think it's a bug in the Instant View submission platform, that does not work without a context.
Here a bug report related to "Cannot submit InstantView":

Express checkout is not returning to website (currently in sandbox)

I don't use paypal all the time but I have a wordpress plugin I built to handle some basic payments. I have started to implement this plugin on a new site and new paypal account and am running into some issues. I am using a technique very similar to the selected answer in this post: Easier way to integrate PayPal express checkout? (that's me, actually).
I'm not sure if there was a change with Paypal that is affecting the redirect after payment but I am setting the return, notify, etc url's in the form before passing it off to Paypal. I have tried to match up the settings with the other paypal accounts I use this plugin with but the "Profile" page on Paypal seems much different on this new account (? did it change, maybe I signed up for the wrong type of account or have a settings misaligned). I know one obvious solution would be to enable the auto return url within the profile page but my other Paypal accounts do not have this option enabled and also when I attempt this it does not help.
I am also having trouble locating the proper settings for changing the shop name (currently showing my email address) on the Paypal checkout page.
Any help would be appreciated.
Sandbox settings are not tied to account settings at all, I just needed to make the changes when logged into when I was making them on only.. Maybe this will help someone else in the future. Feel free to delete.

S2Member Wordpress Plugin Configuration

Hi I am a newbie in Wordpress.
I want a registration form and paypal button in a page.
User will fill in the details and click the paypal payment button .
The user information gets saved and the url will be redirected to the paypal website for
I have installed the s2member plugin ,read the configurations but somehow unable to achieve the same.
TO ANSWER NEED YOU TO CONFIRM WHETHER you will need different access levels, will you want any free users BEFOR paying and your subscription model. no point using sledge hammer to crack a nut user registration and payment can just be setup with Gravity forms and PayPal but need to know more to answer properly.
Let us know and can then help .

UMBRACO - Adding Google Analytics e-commerce code to Umbraco transaction confirmation

From what I understand, to track successful e-commerce transactions using Analytics, you need to insert the tracking code into a 'thank you for your order' type confirmation page/template.
I'm pretty new to UMBRACO CMS and can't seem to find this confirmation page anywhere. There's just a template for a re-direct to SagePay which is the payment gateway. Also, the site doesn't seem to be using any kind of e-commerce 'package'.
Anybody have an idea where I need to go or what I need to do to successfully implement the GA e-commerce tracking to Umbraco?
A couple of questions.
When a user has completed an order on your site, what would be the url where he gets the order confirmation displayed?
A common way of using Umbraco is to dynamically change the template of a page, by adding it to the url, so that might be what is going on here. An Example.
The content tree would look like this:
- Home
- - News
- - Cart
Now the cart page would have a url of /cart.aspx as default. But you could access the same page, with a "confirmation" template by using a url like /cart/confirmation.aspx. in this case, there would be no "confirmation" content page, but there would be a "confirmation.master" template in your "settings" section in the Umbraco backend. And that would probably be the place to insert your google tracking code.
