Linking PDFs (files) To Entries - google-app-maker

I am working on a PO request/approval system and would like to be able to link PDF of purchase receipts to specific datasource entries.
ex: When you search for PO-00001 you have an entry with all relevant data, plus a PDF of the receipt.
Is this possible? Is there one of the samples that does this that I could reference?
I know there is the Drive Picker Widget that allows uploading files, but I haven't seen a way to link to a specific entry. Maybe just a string with a hyperlink to a Google Drive file?
Thank you!

I don’t think there is a template yet with your specific requirements but I think this is a great feature idea for the App Maker Templates. I did found an App Maker Sample that demonstrates how to use the Drive Picker which is available here
Note that the Drive Picker has special properties which are available in the Property Editor. There is a property in the Drive Picker called “selectedDocUrl” which can be used to bind the URL of the selected document (PDF) to a datasource entry. This property is set after the user selects the Drive file using the picker dialog.
I believe there are other ways but I was able to do a simple integration by creating an App with a datasource that has 3 fields (one of the fields will be for the PDF URL). I added a simple “Insert Form” into a Page and I placed the Drive Picker inside the Insert Form. Then I used the “selectedDocUrl” property and using bindings I simply assign it to my #datasource.item.pdf_link. Check image below:
I also included a datasource Table to the Page and added a “Link” widget at the end of the table which I styled as an Icon. I was able bind the “href” property of the Link widget to the #datasource.item.pdf_link. Upon clicking the Link icon, is simply opens a new Tab with the Drive PDF viewer and users can easily view or even download the pdf file. This is an output of the app:
Hope this helps!


Alfresco share:How to popup edit-metadata after upload

I am currently using alfresco community Edition 4.0d.
I have added a new content model in alfresco share.
in this one of my requirement is either before or after uploading the document the Edit properites pop up form should be appear..
Means if i click on upload the docuemnt and upload the document is succesfully done ,then edit properties form should be pop up. What should i do for this.
I do't wont to use addons.
Please reply..
you'll have to have to tweak Share's JavaScript components:
add a custom flag to "metadataRefresh" event object that is fired in x-upload.js
tweak handling of "metadataRefresh" event in documentlist.js to call the relevant action, e.g. onActionDetails()
I am a bit confused about your question, but I am working on a project somewhat similar to yours. What I did was, I looked to see how the upload button works then I interjected my code in the upload button js code to bring up my dialog before the upload brings up its own dialog.
Please let me know if this helps.

Using Custom views in SP2013 document sets

In sp2010 with a document set content type in a library i can have a default view on the library, showing my document set content types and on the welcome page of the content type i can define a different view showing the detail of the documents in the set...
In sp2013 I cannot see a mechanism of doing this. The document set welcome page holds a document set contents web part that will not allow me to set the view, it picks up the default view of the library... Has anyone figured out how to do this?
I don't have access (or skills) to visual studio, but am quite familiar with sp-designer and infopath, though i am hoping that it can be achieved through the SP UI
Create your view in the Document Library, then in your library settings, click on your Document Set content type and then select Document Set Settings.
On this page you should see a "Welcome Page View". You can select your view from the drop down box.

Web Application and Development

i have two pages:
1st page... let it be adminfileupload page
2nd page... home page(this will be site home page)
i have one folder in solution explorer named images.
what i want to do is
adminfileupload has one fileupload control and a button named update
when any one browse image file with file upload and click the button(update) then the image should be viewed in home page and also saved in images folder. each time we chose a file and click the button(update) the image should be changed. and this image should be background image, i mean i also have to show some data from database over that image.
working in c#
Do you need to keep the other pictures too?
If not, you could just upload a picture give it a fix name, Then in the home page you could just set the background image the path to the picture and the fix name. If you have trouble overloading the picture(does not write over you should delete the picture first).But this is a simple approach and depending on the browser you test on it might keep the first picture in their temp file.
If you want to keep the other images you need to do some extra work and have a storing mechanism that will keep track of your pictures or a dynamic variable that changes the path of the resources. I sugest you take a look at the ASP.NET Personal Web Site Starter Kit It has a mechanism that implement a random picture on the first page but the pages are stored in sql database.
Happy coding
The best way I can think of to do this is on the button upload click event, store the file to the server folder. At the same time assign a Session variable the name of the file uploaded.
You will need to manage file names that get stored on the server or check if they already exist, or if different users upload the same file name, etc.
So Session("myImage") = currFileUploaded
Then do a Redirect back to the current page to show the image, which will link to the session variable that just stored the file name that was uploaded.
You'll need to check for a post back and hide or show the image as necessary.

Create dynamic PDF in Flex

Trying to understand from a high-level how this would be accomplished.
Use case:
Flash application embedded in HTML used to create Certificates (just an example).
User enters a bunch of data into a form (Name, Address, What certificate is for, etc.).
User clicks a button which causes the application to create a Certificate in PDF form, with the form data displayed in a format that I define with a bunch of different images).
Ideally, Flex could use the browsers functionality to prompt the user with "What would you like to do with this document, 'Download', 'Open'. So it would function just like clicking on a link to a PDF document inside of a web page.
I already have the form and everything, its just a matter of how I create a PDF from that data. Is there a certain function that can take the current screen and create a PDF image of it? Or is there a certain library for creating PDFs? If anyone can point me in the right direction it would be much appreciated.
There is a AS3 PDF generator library called AlivePDF and can be found here.
is another actionscript library for creating Pdf file.

use html to get image and create link from database

I have a column in my database that stores images that are links, when i populate them in a gridview on my page I want it to display the image as a link but when i did it i just get the text below.
<img src="">
My goal is to have a list of the images and when a user clicks the image they will go to another page. This is a start of my page, and i was attempting to use a gridview but now I am not sure what to do
Don't save markup
Instead just save a URL. In your case two of them since one points to *.html and the other to *.jpg. Or just without extensions if they're always the same except for the extensions. This way you can easily change your markup later and still use the same data from the DB.
But apart from this fact of not saving non-data in DB you could at least provide some relevant code you're using. We'd much easier tell you where you're doing it wrong.
Using GridView
The problem you're having are column templates. Check this link out and see how you can customize the display of a particular column in a GridView. Essentially you will have to provide your own template and do whatever you please with your DB data.
