Visual Studio and Remote IIS Site: Unable to access remote IIS after working in local-machine IIS -

My company has an older, Sharepoint-based website hosted on our development environment (Windows Server 2008), managed by IIS 7. Most of the devs in my environment work on these sites by logging into the environment via Remote Desktop, then using the remote Visual Studio 2012 installation.
I don't love using a remote installation of VS for development work, so for the past several weeks, I've been using the following workaround:
I added the drives of our remote environment as network locations on my local machine.
From there, I gave my local Visual Studio 2015 installation the paths as \\{remote_machine_name}\c$\inetpub... etc.
Visual Studio gave me no complaints, and everything went quite smoothly. Today, I had to work with an IIS installation on my local machine. Our company is preparing to switch from Sharepoint to DNN, so I'm doing some preliminary porting and testing on a local installation of DNN using IIS 10. That's when the error started up.
During the configuration process of DNN, I had to change a few lines in the config file at %systemroot%\System32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.xml. This was because DNN was giving me 500.19 errors after installation. IIS's support said this was likely related to locking of permission regions in this file, and directed me to change the behavior of any locks that gave errors from "Deny" to "Allow".
I can still work via Remote Desktop, but it would be nice to fix this.

I solved the issue by installing IIS 10 using the downloadable installer. I realized I would have to do this when Visual Studio 2015 would not allow me to create any web projects.


Visual Studio 2017 throws error on debugging an ASP.NET MVC application

I am setting up my new workstation (Windows 10 Pro) with my ASP.NET projects with Visual Studio 2017. I have enabled local IIS and the project throws a timeout error while trying to debug the project.
It is not failing 100% of the time though, mostly fails but when it runs it is taking longer than expected to give the startup page. The error thrown is
Unable to start debugging on the web server. The operation has timed out
I did notice that the IIS worker process (w3wp.exe) was only executed in the completed console output. So it looks like the IIS worker process is not always being executed.
Any help would be appreciated!
Thank you!
The project runs successfully on an old workstation (Windows 10 Edu) with Visual Studio 2017. App pool settings has been compared between both and it seems same. IIS reset is tried as well. Visual studio has been repaired and IIS local has been restarted as well (unchecking and enabling followed by restarting the machine). Default app pool is used and its been recycled as well. Nothing worked!
Possibly the Visual Studio project version does not match the ASP.NET configured application pool. Update the ASP.NET version in the application pool and restart it.
Make sure you have the correct version of ASP.NET installed on IIS. A version mismatch between ASP.NET in IIS and the Visual Studio project can cause this issue. May need to set the framework version in web.config. To install ASP.NET on IIS, use the Web Platform Installer (WebPI).
If the issue is not related to IIS configuration, try the following steps:
Restart Visual Studio with administrator privileges and try again.
For example, using the Web to deploy some ASP.NET debugging scenarios that require elevated Visual Studio privileges.
If you are running multiple instances of Visual Studio, reopen your project in one instance of Visual Studio (with administrator privileges) and try again.
If using a HOSTS file with a local address, try using the loopback address instead of the computer's IP address.
If not using a local address, make sure the HOSTS file contains the same project URL as in the project properties, Properties > Web > Server or Properties > Debug, depending on the project type.
Reference link:
Visual Studio "Unable to start debugging on the web server. The web server did not respond in a timely manner.".

Application not appearing on IIS after running setup

I have created a web setup in visual studio 2013. When I install it, only the bin folder is created in IIS, hence I cannot browse my website. Help please.
I have added the Primary Output in the Web Application folder in my setup.
Your question is too confusing. Are you uploading your files on to the web server? Or are you trying to setup your visual studio for debugging, test, editing and coding purposes?
If you are trying to run Visual Studio locally, IIS is setup for you automatically.
If you are trying to setup files to a webserver, try to talk to the live support. Sometimes, we, users, dont have full control or lack of knowledge debugging it on the dedicated server.
Other thing to consider is reinstalling your visual studio carefully.

Unable to attach to application [iisexpress.exe/webdev.webserver40.exe]

As of right now, I'm unable to debug any of my ASP.NET web application projects on a completely fresh machine because of the error message above. I'm trying for hours now and it's driving me completely nuts because I'm getting paid for working, not for debugging strange environment errors. :/
Installation Procedure / Environment
Installed Windows 8 Professional x64
Installed Visual Studio 2012
Installed Visual Studio 2012 Update 3
Installed IIS through Windows Programs And Features
Nothing else has been done - no addins, no further configuration etc. Administratior permissions are available...
Error message
Unable to attach to application 'webdev.webserver40.exe_00001254_
(PID: 4692) using '*myhostname*'.
Operation not supported. Uknown error: 0x80040d10.
Do you want to continue anyway?
Same error occurres with Local IIS Web Server (IISExpress too...)
In other forums / threads, various solutions have been mentioned, but none of them really fixed it.
Rebooting machine
Reinstalling VS
Terminating running web server instances
Has anyone else faced this annoying error?

Not able to create an ASP.NET website with visual studio 2008

I have installed ASP.NET along with my Visual Studio, but when I tried to create a website from File-->New Website and put Location as http and language as C# it throws an error. I have installed IIS manager 7 in the machine but when I check in Services.msc IISadmin is not listed, but I do have a directory C:\inetpub\wwwroot\
Installing the umbrella 'IIS' is not enough. You have to go deeper into IIS in Windows Features and physically select everything that error dialog tells you to install.
You need to install those features as well.
If you're running Windows 7 Home Basic and Starter Editions, you may not get all of them as available options.
This will help:
check from the window features if iis components are all installed.

IIS6 Metabase Compatiblity not installing correctly for Vista IIS7

I've been bashing my head against this one for a few days, and haven't had any luck with it. I'm unable to get my VS2010 ASP.NET project to deploy to IIS. I receive the error
"Unable to create the virtual directory. To access local IIS Web sites, you must install the following IIS Components
IIS 6 Metabase and IIS 6 Configuration Compatibility
In addition, you must run Visual Studio in the context of an Administrator Account"
I've most certainly installed the metabase option, but it still shows up. I'm also not sure why it's telling me to install ASP.NET.
Google is being entirely unhelpful, I was wondering if anyone here has any suggestions. I'm running Vista Ultimate 64Bit
You've started VS2010 with 'run as Administrator', otherwise you might not have enough rights to do such a thing.
Also, the virtual dir doesn't already exist within the default IIS website?
This article describes "Using Visual Studio 2008 with IIS 7" but the principles likely apply to VS2010 and Vista also. [][1]
I am using both VS2005 & VS2010 to develop websites that use a deployment project, which creates a setup.exe and project.msi files. I wanted to know why IIS 6 Metabase compatibility is required, but still do not really understand it. If absent, the installer quits very early with a message that the installation was 'not installed correctly', nothing more. It seems like a kludge between existing MS development tools and IIS 7.
