IIS6 Metabase Compatiblity not installing correctly for Vista IIS7 - asp.net

I've been bashing my head against this one for a few days, and haven't had any luck with it. I'm unable to get my VS2010 ASP.NET project to deploy to IIS. I receive the error
"Unable to create the virtual directory. To access local IIS Web sites, you must install the following IIS Components
IIS 6 Metabase and IIS 6 Configuration Compatibility
In addition, you must run Visual Studio in the context of an Administrator Account"
I've most certainly installed the metabase option, but it still shows up. I'm also not sure why it's telling me to install ASP.NET.
Google is being entirely unhelpful, I was wondering if anyone here has any suggestions. I'm running Vista Ultimate 64Bit

You've started VS2010 with 'run as Administrator', otherwise you might not have enough rights to do such a thing.
Also, the virtual dir doesn't already exist within the default IIS website?

This article describes "Using Visual Studio 2008 with IIS 7" but the principles likely apply to VS2010 and Vista also. [http://www.iis.net/learn/develop/using-visual-studio-with-iis/using-visual-studio-2008-with-iis][1]
I am using both VS2005 & VS2010 to develop websites that use a deployment project, which creates a setup.exe and project.msi files. I wanted to know why IIS 6 Metabase compatibility is required, but still do not really understand it. If absent, the installer quits very early with a message that the installation was 'not installed correctly', nothing more. It seems like a kludge between existing MS development tools and IIS 7.


Visual Studio and Remote IIS Site: Unable to access remote IIS after working in local-machine IIS

My company has an older, Sharepoint-based website hosted on our development environment (Windows Server 2008), managed by IIS 7. Most of the devs in my environment work on these sites by logging into the environment via Remote Desktop, then using the remote Visual Studio 2012 installation.
I don't love using a remote installation of VS for development work, so for the past several weeks, I've been using the following workaround:
I added the drives of our remote environment as network locations on my local machine.
From there, I gave my local Visual Studio 2015 installation the paths as \\{remote_machine_name}\c$\inetpub... etc.
Visual Studio gave me no complaints, and everything went quite smoothly. Today, I had to work with an IIS installation on my local machine. Our company is preparing to switch from Sharepoint to DNN, so I'm doing some preliminary porting and testing on a local installation of DNN using IIS 10. That's when the error started up.
During the configuration process of DNN, I had to change a few lines in the config file at %systemroot%\System32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.xml. This was because DNN was giving me 500.19 errors after installation. IIS's support said this was likely related to locking of permission regions in this file, and directed me to change the behavior of any locks that gave errors from "Deny" to "Allow".
I can still work via Remote Desktop, but it would be nice to fix this.
I solved the issue by installing IIS 10 using the downloadable installer. I realized I would have to do this when Visual Studio 2015 would not allow me to create any web projects.

Not able to create an ASP.NET website with visual studio 2008

I have installed ASP.NET along with my Visual Studio, but when I tried to create a website from File-->New Website and put Location as http and language as C# it throws an error. I have installed IIS manager 7 in the machine but when I check in Services.msc IISadmin is not listed, but I do have a directory C:\inetpub\wwwroot\
Installing the umbrella 'IIS' is not enough. You have to go deeper into IIS in Windows Features and physically select everything that error dialog tells you to install.
You need to install those features as well.
If you're running Windows 7 Home Basic and Starter Editions, you may not get all of them as available options.
This will help: http://learn.iis.net/page.aspx/28/installing-iis-7-on-windows-vista-and-windows-7/
check from the window features if iis components are all installed.

My asp.net application needs the "IIS Metabase and IIS 6 Configuration Compatibility" - how to get rid of it?

Some while ago I've upgraded an asp.net 1.1 application (which ran on IIS 5 and 6) to .net 3.5 and later to .net 4.0 (and IIS 7.5)
Still, when I want to open it in VS, I need to install the "IIS Metabase and IIS 6 Configuration Compatibility". It works after I install it, but..
How to get rid of this requirement?
When debugging ASP.NET projects using Windows 7's IIS7.5 web server, Visual Studio 2010 RTM requires the IIS6 Metabase and IIS6 Configuration Compatibility components.
However Visual Studio 2010 SP1 fixes this dependency and VS2010 now works natively with IIS7.5 without any need to use the IIS6 bits.
I also proved this by knocking out a test project in Visual Studio 2003 and then copying to two different IIS7.5 machines configured as:
PC1: VS2010 RTM, no IIS6 Compatibility
PC2: VS2010 SP1, no IIS6 Compatibility
Here's a long-winded explanation (in case you need it) but the short answer (which also appears there) is to run
aspnet_regiis -ga <WindowsUserAccount>
I believe that this only happens when you upgrade a machine or you are not an administrator of the machine when you install .Net/Visual Studio. I recently had to do this on a brand new laptop with Visual Studio 2010 installed by others before I had admin rights. So, the way to get rid of this requirement from your end is to do the install as an admin.

Is is possible to enable metabase compatibility in IIS 7 programmatically?

I have an application that I am wrapping up in an installer. I would like to, either through the registry, or by writing a script, enable IIS 6 metabase compatibility in IIS 7.
Does anyone know if this is possible?
You should be able to use dism.exe or pkgmgr.exe or ocsetup.exe to automate the installation of this component. You can technically do this these days because Windows Vista ( as far as I know ) always caches the WIM file needed to install the component.
Still, I wouldn't do it. I'd just upgrade to InstallShield 2010 which has native II7 capabilities. Or you could use Windows Installer XML 3.5 which has the same. You eliminate the dependency and simplify the deployment in the process.
If you decide to do it anyways, check out this good article:
Install Typical IIS Workloads
UI Name Update Name
IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility
IIS 6 WMI Compatibility
IIS-WMICompatibility IIS 6
Scripting Tools IIS-LegacyScripts

Visual Studio can't create web site in IIS

After installing service pack 1 for Visual Studio 2010 cannot create web site in IIS. Here is error message:
Microsoft Visual Studio
Configuring Web http://localhost/MyWebSite for ASP.NET 3.5 failed.
You must manuallyconfigure this site for ASP.NET 3.5 in order for
the site to run correctly. Visual Studio cannot detect whether this
virtual root has been configured for use with ASP.NET 2.0. The likely
cause is that you do not have sufficient priviledges to access the
IIS metabase. You may need to manually configure this site for
ASP.NET 2.0 in order for your site to run correctly.
OK Help
Does anybody know how to fix it ? Thanks!
P.S. I'm using windows7 x64.
Have you tried run Visual Studio with "Run As Administrator" from right click?
This happened to me when I deleted the default application pool.
Thanks to a Microsoft Connect report, I was able to solve this by choosing a new default application pool under the "Web Site Defaults" properties of the Sites node in the IIS 7 Manager tree.
Try changing the .Net version your Application Pool is using.
Open IIS Manager from Administrative Tools.
Select Application Pools on the left.
On the right, double click 'DefaultAppPool' (or whichever you may have created)
Under .Net Framework Version select v3.5.
Click OK and restart IIS.
I don't know if you have to restart IIS or not, but it won't hurt.
I found the answer here:
Visual Studio 2013. You do not have sufficient privilege to access IIS web sites on your machine
IIS stores a config file on your personal drive. At my company our shared drive was down for maintenance and I was getting this error. Once the drive came back online VS.NET started working again.
