WebDAV (IIS) Authentication - asp.net

I'm currently building a system where users can list Word and Excel files in an ASP.net webapp and click on files to edit which will open them up in Office from an IIS WebDAV server and allow the users to edit the files.
I have all of this working with Windows Authentication enabled and using the server's hostname to address the file on the WebDAV server:
However the client has a subdomain (resolved by internal dns on their network) and ssl cert they want to use for the site. When I address the file with this domain name:
I get a windows authentication prompt when opening it in Word that will not accept my domain credentials.
If I switch the WebDAV server to Basic Authentication and set the domain Word will prompt for authentication and will accept my domain credentials, but it will prompt on every file I open.
Is there a way to address the file using this internal subdomain name that will open the files without prompting the user for authentication?
This will only be accessible on their internal network so I'm open to considering any authentication scheme that would achieve this goal.

Because of security reasons the client will not send credentials to hosts that are not recognized as local intranet.
When using a (sub)domain instead of a hostname every client has to add the (sub)domain to it's intranet zone:
Internet options > security > Local intranet > Websites > Advanced > Add.
This can also be done by using a Group Policy or setting a registry key.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\software\microsoft\windows\current version\internet settings\zonemap\domains\[domain]\[subdomain (optional)]
DWORD name: http of https value: 1


I have problems when I want to access the WSO2 admin

When I configure API Manager instead of localhost I use the IP address of the server, it does not show text or icons of the admin module, but on the local server it does show.
I modified the value of lcalhost in the depoyment file to the server's ip.
When I access the module from an external client, it shows the following error in the browser debug.
Access extern
Debug browser
When I log in from a browser on the same server where the API manager is installed, I have no problems.
Access in browser from same server of API Manager

IIS: published asp.net app replace ip with domain name

I have already rent an online server.
I'm installing IIS on it, hosting a website on it.
to access the site from internet, I must type: {ipaddress}/siteAppName
My question is how to use a name instead of ip address? should I buy and register a new domain name? if that the case how could I configure this ip with a new domain name?
More Details:
I am renting a dedicated server... so I have full access to the server as I'm hosting my website on it. but I don't have a domain name. either from local machine or remotely I can successfully access the hosted website using the ip address of my server/webAppName.. but the problem is that I'm trying to get ssl certificate, but the generated CSR is rejected from all SSL suppliers because the url is not accepted, and I think that it's not accepted because of using IP instead of a domain name. I mentioned many self-conclusions here, but I'm not sure about any of them... That's why I'm asking.
It depends on your hoster but most allow you to use a registered domain name. They should have instructions on how to set this up.

Web application not accessible using server name or IP address

I have a web application published on our Windows Server 2008 R2 (running IIS7). I can access it through
http://localhost/WebApp without any problem.
However, if I try using http://servername/WebApp or http://IP_address/WebApp (from both server machine itself or from a client machine) then it won't show the page correctly (Access Denied Message while login my apps).
My application is developed in ASP.NET and and uses Crystal Reports 2008.
Permissions: Authenticated user and Iuser (folders).
Authentication: Anonymous and Forms are enabled
Please help me to access my application by both IP address and server name
A simple answer is that you need to configure IIS Host file for your server. This is located here: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts. localhost
You can add another line similar to the one above, and give it the server name.

Where do I find my ftp login details in this scenario?

Normally when I want to connect through ftp, everything is provided such as the ftp name and username and password by my hosting service. But now I don't have all these details about a local server in my company office because the server is actually not hosting any sites. It's just a server where documents are stored.
But I need a way to connect to this server through my web application.
All I know are:
It is possible to connect through remote desktop to that server
There is an ip address for that server ( The server machine is in my company office)
I have a username and password that allows me to access network drive on that server (I can do this only by directly plugging the cat5 cable to my laptop)
When I configure my outlook email using microsoft exchange server, this is how my settings look like (example.net.au is just for example sake):
Server: server1.example.net.au
User name: jack#example.net.au
Does the ftp detail exist for this server? How do I find out?

Certificate not trusted error while accessing WCF with SSL security in IIS

I am facing the following issue.
1 - I have deployed WCF service with SSL enabled on remote IIS machine and trying to use it from my web client.The problem is my browser is not allowing this service to be called.Before using my web client i have to hit the service url from my browser directly and then allow the certificate.
2- Got suggestion from somewhere to export the certificate on the machine where WCF is deployed and include that certificate file in Trusted certificates group on my machine.After I did that I got same problem when tried to access web service from web client.So I hit the service url from browser and got the same page which needs me to trust the certificate with a different message that "You attempted to reach address of the WCF machine), but instead you actually reached a server identifying itself as "WMSvc-domain" where "WMSvc-domain" is the value of "Issued To" field in the certificate.
I hope I have made myself clear.Waiting for suggestions.Thank you.
WMSvc-machinename is the IIS Windows Management Service which runs by default on 8172/tcp and is used for remotely managing iis. When installed the default is to create a self-signed certificate. That wouldn't trusted. It could be replaced with a "proper" CA signed cert through the Management Service icon in IIS Manager.
