I have problems when I want to access the WSO2 admin - wso2-api-manager

When I configure API Manager instead of localhost I use the IP address of the server, it does not show text or icons of the admin module, but on the local server it does show.
I modified the value of lcalhost in the depoyment file to the server's ip.
When I access the module from an external client, it shows the following error in the browser debug.
Access extern
Debug browser
When I log in from a browser on the same server where the API manager is installed, I have no problems.
Access in browser from same server of API Manager


Error loading my web app after deploying .NET Core console app to Azure

My app is running locally without any issue but when I try to run it from Azure console I have the following error :
An error occurred while starting the application.
SqlException: Cannot open server 'Server-name' requested by the login. Client with IP address 'w.x.y.z' is not allowed to access the server. To enable access, use the Windows Azure Management Portal or run sp_set_firewall_rule on the master database to create a firewall rule for this IP address or address range. It may take up to five minutes for this change to take effect.
Microsoft.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionPool.CheckPoolBlockingPeriod(Exception e)
SqlException: Cannot open server 'server-name' requested by the login. Client with IP address 'ip' is not allowed to access the server. To enable access, use the Windows Azure Management Portal or run sp_set_firewall_rule
I have added IP in firewall setting on azure portal still the issue is happening
This error was caused because your IP was not added in the SQL server tab(azure portal). So you must add the IP address of your SQL Server on Azure portal
You have to update the settings of the "Firewalls and virtual networks" of your SQL Server.
Browse to your SQL Server, add the IP address and allow other azure services and resources to access the server. Refresh and wait at least 5 minutes before trying again.
I also had my ubuntu server firewall blocking my request once, so be sure your webserver is not responsible.
Have you tried enabling this setting?

Google Cloud PHP my admin is not getting connected with ssh

I've been trying connecting my PHP my admin via ssh Client tool putty, but my URL gets redirected to my website URL from to example.com:8080/phpmyadmin which throws me the following error
For security reasons, this URL is only accessible using localhost ( as the hostname.
This is a built-in security feature. In order to access your server using SSH using Putty, you must create an SSH tunnel to route your request.
I found this guide that explains in detail how to get this set up:

WebDAV (IIS) Authentication

I'm currently building a system where users can list Word and Excel files in an ASP.net webapp and click on files to edit which will open them up in Office from an IIS WebDAV server and allow the users to edit the files.
I have all of this working with Windows Authentication enabled and using the server's hostname to address the file on the WebDAV server:
However the client has a subdomain (resolved by internal dns on their network) and ssl cert they want to use for the site. When I address the file with this domain name:
I get a windows authentication prompt when opening it in Word that will not accept my domain credentials.
If I switch the WebDAV server to Basic Authentication and set the domain Word will prompt for authentication and will accept my domain credentials, but it will prompt on every file I open.
Is there a way to address the file using this internal subdomain name that will open the files without prompting the user for authentication?
This will only be accessible on their internal network so I'm open to considering any authentication scheme that would achieve this goal.
Because of security reasons the client will not send credentials to hosts that are not recognized as local intranet.
When using a (sub)domain instead of a hostname every client has to add the (sub)domain to it's intranet zone:
Internet options > security > Local intranet > Websites > Advanced > Add.
This can also be done by using a Group Policy or setting a registry key.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\software\microsoft\windows\current version\internet settings\zonemap\domains\[domain]\[subdomain (optional)]
DWORD name: http of https value: 1

Google JavaScript API v3 unauthorized on 192.168 connection

I'm working on a project that uses the Google Maps JavaScript API v3 to render directions on an integrated map.
The website it built with Jekyll and I run the server using the following command:
jekyll serve --host
The given IP address is the IP Address of the system running the server.
The reason I made it listen to that IP Address is because I want to test the application on my mobile devices, following this answer
In the API Console I whitelisted 192.168.*, so that any local connection can use the API.
However, when I go to that IP Address on my phone or computer, the API says the application is not authorized despite me having whitelisted it.
What am I doing wrong here and how can I solve it?
Jekyll serve
The --hostname flag doesn't exist. Use --host or host: in _config.yml. Target address will then be as 4000 is the default listening port for Jekyll webrick server.
Google API withelist
It's not necessary to white list domain, as with no domain white listed you have Any referer allowed
Google authorization
Verify that you've set your API key to something else than https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=API_KEY you are supposed to have something like this : https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=AIzaSytitittototoX7RhHn-drLRRYututu7eX2hVo
If you still have problems, you can give a repository url to have it fixed quicker.
Happy Jekyll ! is a private IP address and is not publicly accessible. To use that you will probably need to get a license.

azure connect between azure myWebRole and nonazure server not working

My webapplication hosted on windows azure, needs to communicate with TFS Server. When any one login to my web app using live id, I want the logged in user to use my Team foundation server(TFS) credentials -username,password and domain to programatically authenticate and connect to our TFS server and create some work items.
I configured my azure connect for the communication to happen between azure WebRole and TFS server (our TFS is non-azure ).I added both the WebRole and the TFS Server into single Connection Group
In my azureportal ,I can see mywebrole and my TFSServer as connected the machine endpoint is active, and that it refreshes since the last connected updates
.But when I try to run my web application from azure and when it tries to communicate with our TFS server ,its throwing error message saying Error message : Team Foundation services are not available from server eg.,http://xyz-abcxyx-01:8080/tfs/eas/. Technical information (for administrator): The remote name could not be resolved: 'xyz-abcxyx-01'
Any suggestions to resolve this issue ?
You should enable remote desktop on your WebRole and connect to one of your instances. Then, try to ping the IP of your TFS server (not the hostname xyz-abcxyx-01). Maybe this is simply a DNS issue (even though using hostnames works with Windows Azure Connect).
If pinging the IP works, but pinging the hostname doesn't work you have a few options left:
Use the IP instead of the hostname. This won't work if you configured your TFS to use host headers.
Create an elevated startup task to modify the hosts file and map the IP to the hostname. In your code you can keep working with the hostname.
Try to modify the DNS server configured in your WebRole to use the default DNS server + your internal DNS server. But to me this doesn't look like a clean solution.
Anyways, in each solution you'll want to store the IP/hostname in the ServiceConfiguration and make sure your code supports changes to the ServiceConfiguration. This will allow you to change the IP/hostname without having to redeploy.
You should check if TFS server is listening on all network interfaces, include the one created by Azure Connect (start with 2a01). Next try to connect to TFS from a machine on the local LAN, just to make sure it is configured correctly. You don't need to use IP for referring to TFS, DNS name is definitely supported out of box.
