How to replace filed value in solrcloud - solrcloud

How to replace a filed value in solrcloud. e.g update a collection field value?

The set modifier is basically used to do replace.Below is the snippet you can use to update the collection
Below is the following document exist in our collection
And when we apply the update command
The resulting document will be as below.


MikroORM Create filter query based on a value in the database

Simply put, is it possible to create a filter query where I reference a value stored in the row?
For example:
orm.em.findOne(Job, {
status: 'active',
startDate: {
$gt: '$anotherDateField'
My goal is to have a user-input defined filter (the status), but also only bring back certain rows where the start date is greater than another column's value.
You can use custom SQL fragment
orm.em.findOne(Job, {
status: 'active',
// expr helper allows to escape strict typing of the method, so we can use `em.raw()`
[expr('startDate')]: {
$gt: orm.em.raw('another_date_field') // this will have to be column name, not property name
Note that your em needs to be typed to the one exported from driver package to have access to the em.raw() method (if you work with orm instance, you need to type that to MikroORM<YourDriver> so orm.em can be properly typed).

is there a simple way to update a single record property in firebase?

Is there a simple way to update a single record property in Firebase? For example, let's say I wanted to simply update the Name property of Product id 1. I tried the following code but this eliminated all of the other properties for Product id 1:
//update a product
var ciRef = dbRef.child("Product");
1: {
Name: "my-prod-2"
Is there a simple way to configure my update command to update a single property for a record without eliminating all of the other properties?
Update more deeply into the location that needs to be changed. Try this instead:
//update a product
var ciRef = dbRef.child("Product/1");
Name: "my-prod-2"

How to access and change a specific attribute in a collection?

I have a collection called "Products". I want to access and change an attribute called "screenShots" inside the collection.
This code didn't work with me
screenshotsURLS: function(sshots) {
check(sshots, [String]);
when i console.log the sshots, i can see that the array exists, but the update function isn't working
how do i set the screenShots attribute inside the Product collection to whatever value passed in "screenshotsURLS" function?
For that you have to update the mongodb document.
THis is how you can update the doc in meteor.
upsert: <boolean>,
multi: <boolean>,
writeConcern: <document>
In your your case collectionName is Products and field is screenShots.
So for doing this. Your query will be
Products.update({},{$set:{screenShots:sshots}}) (Be careful this will update all of your doc)
For selecting doc update use the query like.
For more about update a please check this link.

How to delete specific item in DynamoDB

I have a list of elements in database that looks like this:
I would like to delete one of the items based on item characteristics (e.g.
How can I do that with conditional expression? From what I've read you can only remove list elements using list indexes:
REMOVE MyNumbers[1], MyNumbers[3]
How can I do this with UpdateExpression/ConditionExpression instead?
I believe the ConditionExpression is only for deciding whether to run/skip your whole update command.
In your case, you probably need to do a getItem to search for the index of remove target and remove the list item by index on updateItem.
You can also consider changing the List to Map and use the item's ID as key.
inventory: {
items :{
1 : { name : item1...},
2 : { name : item1...},
This way you can just use one db update command to remove the record.
remove inventory.items.1

Meteor simple-schema: how to get the value of another field that isn't set

I'd like to know the value of another field even when that field hasn't been set in this update, but is part of the document and was set in the past. Is this possible using aldeed:simple-schema?
No. Unless the other field is included in the modifier you have to lookup the document using Collection.findOne and get the field value from that.
Simple you can use for instance:
age: {
type: String,
optional: true,
defaultValue : function(){
return AutoForm.getFieldValue('profileInformation.dateOfBirth');
