EmberJS and a bower CSS - css

I am using a Bower package with Bootstrap and a theme in an ember app. The theme is called admin lte, and it looks like the it's loading adminlte.css and then bootstrap.css.
The problem is that Bootstrap is supposed to be first, according to the examples of the theme. How do I affect the CSS loading order?

You should be able to app.import them, and the ordering will be preserved.
See the see Ember CLI guides section on style for information on this.


How do I know if my WordPress page was made with Bootstrap?

I'm trying to figure out whether it would pay off to use Bootstrap on my existing Wordpress site and while researching it, I came up with the idea that the template I'm using might actually already be using Bootstrap.
I can't see any signs of Bootstrap in my functions.php file or through the FTP, but the template is using classes like these: ".col-md-4", ".col-sm-4". Is that because it was created with Bootstrap or is it just a convention?
Sorry if this is complete nonsense.
That's a classic bootstrap class.
You shouldn't check the PHP files but the css ones or javascript.
It may be a sign.
You can check more bootstrap classes Like container, row, and ...
And for being sure you can check asset files like CSS and JS files, if you found bootstrap css and js files you may be sure of using bootstrap in your template.
You can open asset files it may wrote the bootstrap version in it even.

Customizing Bootstrap 4 css

I am following this link:
Customize Bootstrap 4 with our built-in custom variables file and easily toggle global CSS preferences with new $enable-* Sass variables. Override a variable’s value and recompile with the included Gruntfile as needed.
I have never used Gruntfile before. Can I use other tools to compile scss into css? Also, what the outcome of such compilation is going to be? A _custom.css that must be placed in the same folder where original bootstrap.css is?
Thanks for help.
While there is not an "official" Bootstrap 4 customizer like there was in 3.x, there are several tools that can do this. These all convert from SASS to CSS, and some provide a UI if you're not familiar with SASS.
Themestr.app Customizer
Bootply Customizer
Also see this answer for details on how to customize with CSS overrides or SASS.
You actually do not need to know too much about Grunt. Bootstrap 4 provides doc on how to setup build tools which can be found at,
Run grunt (or a specific set of Grunt tasks) to rebuild distributed CSS and JavaScript files, as well as our docs assets.
My suggestion is to clone the Bootstrap Beta 4 from Github change the variable and rebuild using the reconfigure gruntfile.

Possible to use custom css when using a Nativescript core theme?

i'm busy with a Nativescript app, i'm using the core dark theme but would like to add some font-awesome glyphicons and custom css. I import the core dark theme in my global app.css but don't seem to be able to do anything more in that file after importing the theme... I've tried to add page-specific css by adding a component-common.css to a specific page but when I add the styleUrls: [...] declaration to the component declaration I always get a runtime error... Is it possible at all to use custom css ontop of the core Nativescript theme? If so how would I go about it (using css files not inline in the xml)?
Yes, it is possible to use both a theme and custom CSS files.
For example, check this sample where in the same time theme has been applied to the top CSS file.
Better check (and/or post) your runtime error - it might show you the reason why the app is throwing. Perhaps due to non-existing paths for your styleeUrls !?

Remove Bootstrap from Meteor app

I want to remove Bootstrap entirely from my meteor app because I use Thoughtbot's Neat and Bourbon as a responsive css framework. So I made sure I have no Bootstrap packages installed, but when I start the application and check the CSS, I see Bootstrap styles in the CSS file.
So I assume Bootstrap is enabled and loaded by default by Meteor?
Is it possible to remove it?
If you've removed all the bootstrap packages, meaning you can't see any when you do this
meteor list --using
That means you don't have any external bootstrap files included in your project. You can have them however from other sources like your own CSS files or anything you have put in yourself.
Meteor doesn't include bootstrap in projects by default.

meteor: how to change include order of packages

in this post on stackoverflow, the autor recommends to include the bootstrap.js before the jquery.js. in other circumstances he wrote, that the bootstrap modal won't work properly. So i had a look at the sources of my startpage, and i saw, that meteor includes bootstrap after jquery.
And now my question: How can i change the order of the included packages in meteor?
The reason, why i ask, is that i have problems with bootstrap modal. For example modals disappears when i press a button inside or type something into an input...
The order the packages are added depends on their filenames.
The default order should be fine, I also use the modal with both the jquery and bootstrap packages without issue. Are you adding these script tags yourself? You don't really need them.
Why not install the packages with meteor:
meteor add bootstrap
meteor add jquery
