Customizing Bootstrap 4 css - css

I am following this link:
Customize Bootstrap 4 with our built-in custom variables file and easily toggle global CSS preferences with new $enable-* Sass variables. Override a variable’s value and recompile with the included Gruntfile as needed.
I have never used Gruntfile before. Can I use other tools to compile scss into css? Also, what the outcome of such compilation is going to be? A _custom.css that must be placed in the same folder where original bootstrap.css is?
Thanks for help.

While there is not an "official" Bootstrap 4 customizer like there was in 3.x, there are several tools that can do this. These all convert from SASS to CSS, and some provide a UI if you're not familiar with SASS. Customizer
Bootply Customizer
Also see this answer for details on how to customize with CSS overrides or SASS.

You actually do not need to know too much about Grunt. Bootstrap 4 provides doc on how to setup build tools which can be found at,
Run grunt (or a specific set of Grunt tasks) to rebuild distributed CSS and JavaScript files, as well as our docs assets.
My suggestion is to clone the Bootstrap Beta 4 from Github change the variable and rebuild using the reconfigure gruntfile.


Tailwind, how to build css file with all supported classes

I'm using dynamicaly generated classnames in React/Tailwind. I know that it doesn't supported. So I need to generate a css file including all Tailwind functionality. How can I achive it?
My advice would be to refactor the code so you support the "tailwind way" because loading the entire library will possibly hurt your performance ,if you are not going to do that you can add all the classes you do not want purged to the safelist in your tailwind.config.js
Here is a link to official doc

Is it possible to extract and bundle only necessary css classes in a web application

I think this should be possible, though dont know, I use tools like 'gulp' and 'webpack' to bundle asset files but is there any tool that extracts the necessary css classes, only that are being used, from the css files and pack them.
What you are looking for is called tree shaking, and usually it's already done in the build process with webpack,
You can install this plugin for css specific tree shaking or you can look for more info here about how it works with javascript (something similar happens in css)
In Gulp there is package called Uncss
and also an addon that is available for firefox
which will help you in removed unused css
Take a look into tree shaking, there are several that are for specific css.

Multiple bootstrap themes with webpack

I am building an app with theming requirements that can only be determined at run time. At build time it is possible to have theme variables available for all themes.
Is it possible to get webpack to build node modules - in this case bootstrap - with different variables file? I guess at build time I would want it to build multiple versions/themes of bootstrap. Then at run time I could reference the correct css file based on some prefix.
I am using bootstrap 4, with webpack 2.
Is possible with webpack and how can I achieve this?
Definitely. I'm assuming you are determining the themes based on a user profile type system. Take a look at below and add an if statement to look for the variable in sql then simply apply the css. simple. Try creating it and if you run into trouble post the code you have on here and i'm sure someone can help. Add stylesheet to Head using javascript in body script-in-body. also if you aren't using already bootstrap allows for theme file so you can keep the overall style loading and simply apply the color scheme you want so that you only need to load the bulkier script once.
You can use the webpack plugin themes-switch, put all your theme files in a directory, the plugin would compile themes to individual files. Then use function changeTheme to switch themes at runtime.

Best way to integrate bootstrap with symfony3

I know how to use bootstrap with symfony without any bundles: download bootstrap, put compiled css and js files under web directory and its ready to use, working fine.
However I would like to use LESS or SASS mixins, in order not to use bootstrap classes like "row" or "column-X-Y", but my own, and include bootstrap CSS inside it. Some time ago I tried it with LESS and it was nightmare - every LESS change was compiling very long time. Also I had to compile it manually in console.
I tried MOPA bootstrap bundle, but it wasn't working well (I'm using symfony3).
Any suggestion on how to do that best way ?
I think what you are looking for is the asset manager Assetic. This is not included by default in symfony3, but check out this page for more information:
Assetic enables you to compile and minify resources. The documentation page linked to even uses the bootstrap library as an example.

How to configure Cakephp and Bootstrap-sass?

I'm new to Cakephp and I have been developing a website for my client. I'm not satisfied with the look of the website and I've been trying to figure out how to use Bootstrap with Cakephp. I have been introduced to Sass and it seems like this is a great way to write css. So I want to use Bootstrap-sass. But after seraching a lot I still cannot find a good tutorial on how to approach this matter. Most of the tutorials are for Ruby on Rails with Bootstrap even the official Bootstrap-sass Github page
I would be gratful if someone could guide me through this or if this is not the way to go, which Bootstrap should I use If I want to have the sass functionality as well.
Also there is another doubt that I have:
Is it possible to overwrite Bootstrap css without using LESS or SASS?
That is more than one question.
SASS and CakePHP, easy. First of all, understand there are 2 SASS dialects. Original SASS tries to use the minimum of characters and is indent-sensitieve like Python. SASS 3 brought SCSS, which is more like CSS on steroids and easier to use. Then - outside of Ruby - you need a SASS compiler. SCOUT for SASS - Windows and Mac - is dead simple and does the job. You indicate your source SCSS folder, sits in webroot in my CakePHP, a target folder, the CakePHP CSS folder and a temp folder sitting in CakePHP/tmp for me. That is all it takes, save a SCSS file and Scout watches this and generates the CSS.
Bootstrap. Not easy to integrate in CakePHP templates. Additionally it uses some questionable JavaScript. Take a look at Compass, the same thing integrated in Scout.
If you want Bootstrap for a responsive grid, use SimpleGrid instead. As the name says simple and CSS only. Drupal is based on it.
Remember SCSS is a CSS superset; copy your CSS to your SCSS folder and start adding to it.
Good luck, André Hartman, Belgium.
