Building a Custom Browser in JavaFx 8 - javafx

I am interested in building a custom browser in javafx 8 using the WebView component as a personal project. One of the features I hope to include is the ability to play flash video / sound. I'm not sure where to start so I'm hoping someone here could give me a few pointers as to how I'd go about accomplishing this.
Also, if you're aware of any resources out there that might come in handy when it comes to adding additional functionality I'd appreciate it. I'm hoping to make this fairly full featured.
Thanks in advance!

I'd stop this project because WebView does not support flash videos.

It looks like I found a component that meets my requirements. JxBrowser.


Drupal form - Popup

I would like to show some forms in my Drupal Website in a popup or accordion. I have tried popup module but it shows only for viewing nodes and not adding/editing. How can I do that?
Thanks for your help
This can be done with, but you need to do some programming in order to apply it (i.e. it can't be just configured via admin interface).
maybe this module help you Modal forms
In my personal opinion Popups API is a very good module.You could show the necessary contents that suites your purpose .It is quite easy to use.I think you just need to read the documentation.If you really change this module there are other modules available like Modal forms,Modal Frame API,colorbox, Chaos tool suite etc.You can find a lot of modules needed for your purpose. The following links might help you:

JavaFX able to control window components?

I have a general question regarding to JavaFX.
I am wondering if it is able to control window components such as file download / upload dialog (i.e: When you are using Internet Explorer, you may need to upload/download files. I want to automate the operation hopefully with javaFX). If they are possible, could you please, point me where to look?
What you're looking for is functionality similar to java.awt.Robot. JavaFX doesn't provide an API for this, but you can still use Glass to use Robot, see this question and this issue on javafx-jira

CKEditor running in Flex 3?

I'm interested in integrating CKEditor into my Flex 3 application so that users can generate full HTML documents. After some quick googling, I am interested in using CKEditor, but I can't find any home-run success stories on using it with Flex 3. For example, I found:
and a couple of similar blogs. Based on posted comments, however, it looks like there either may be integration issues, cross-browser issues, or similar gotchas.
I'd like some advice on scoping this effort and potential pitfalls, and any pointers to useful snippets, tutorials or blogs on similar efforts. I am also open to better HTML editors for flex -- I just haven't found any.
I was able to get mine working (with Bob Tate's help setting everything up) without having to use Drumbeat Insight's control. if you need some help or pointers, email me directly with CKEditor in the subject line.
You can't really integrate a non-Flex component into a Flex application.
Your best bet is to look into using the iFrame trick to make it appear as if CFEditor is part of your Flex application. Google around for iFrame trick to find more info on it.
There is an HTML Component from Drumbeat Insight that helps solve a lot of the issues w/ this trick.

developing plugin for eclipse

Anybody out there who had developed plugins for eclipse?
I am using eclipse for last 4-5 years and am just thinking about developing some plugins for eclipse. I dont know anything about that, like how its written and all. If someone who has experience on this can show light over that, it would be great. Some really good tutorials or links or any useful articles will do.
this might help you have a look
and for breif you can go here too
Here is one more tutorial:
You can start from creating a sample eclipse plugin project. You could also use their plugin-spy (Alt-Shift-F1) to gain insight into any screen. You can start from your first plugin.
Also have a look at the sample code that is generated by creating a new project using the various plug-in wizards.

Adobe Livecycle data services coaching

I would like to know about the LCDS. What it does? How to configure it? Do I need to know Java?
Can I get some sort of tutorial pdf for it?
I am a new flex developer.I would like
to know about the LCDS. What it does?
One of the major feature of LCDS is it provides a server side push implementation to your flex app.
How to configure it? Would not know, since it does not work in sync with c# have not explored it as much as I would have liked.
Do I need to know Java?
Yes, unfortunately Java is the major player in supported language, else I would be all over it.
AdobeĀ® LiveCycle Data Services ES is a powerful solution for creating data-intensive rich Internet applications (RIAs) that integrate with J2EE applications and business logic.
That is from the adobe site:
Can I get some sort of tutorial pdf
for it?
Best way is to go through the tutorials on the adobe web pages. If you are using hibernate here is an extra example. and
and welcome to the great world of Flex. One thing is for sure - your going to enjoy it.
It is always good to satrt with the official site:
if you want to see what can be done with Flex in general and with LCDS, install Tour-de-flex:
This Blog was a good start point to new guys where I work. The most important suggestions he made was to:
1. Get to know google
2. Check out this lynda course.
Last but not least, AdobeTV have great videos to watch! see: AdobeTV Data services search page
By the way, AdobeTV itself is fully build with Flex.
Be sure what LCDS can do for you with respect to Coldfusion and Flex/AIR.
There is likely something there that will save you a great deal of time, money and coding.
