Kibana: Traffic Light visualization broken on 5.5.0 - kibana

The traffic light visualization doesn’t work with Kibana 5.5.0.
This should be a show-stopper for all those who are already using it. Does anyone know how to fix it? Thanks.

Use the Fork of Nico:
Change all versions in package.json to your kibana version.


Atom suddenly causing a warning malware popup from MacOS Monterey

I've been using Atom for years on my Mac. I know it has been end-of-lifed by its dev team. I haven't installed anything new on it like plugins for many months. After the latest MacOS update, I get this popup when trying to open it:
Does anyone know if there is a way to tell if my copy has somehow become corrupted, or if this is a false positive?
Many thanks!
OK I found out that github revoked the Apple code signing certificate and is now enforcing that. I found the answer on the Atom blog. So, I was able to download an older version and it works well.
thanks for the info, i think it's the best time to find alternatives on text editors since Atom has been officially sunset (Sublime text?)
If you want the current installation to continue working:
$ xattr -cr /Applications/
I'm not sure what the security risks of this are.
You might consider the Pulsar fork of the Atom project:
I can't fully vouch for it because I'm just starting to use it, but it looks and feels the same to me.

Configure helm to connect to nexus

I searched on internet to find a tutorial to connect helm with nexus, without success.
DO you know a tutorial who can help me to do that ?
i found that one
but they dont tell how to configure a registery on nexus to add helm packages .
Thank in advance for your help
UPDATE: As of 3.21 (deployed 2020-02-18), Helm is automatically in NXRM3 and connection steps are documented on rather than in GitHub since it's no longer a plugin. The below will just be used for older instances and anyone making their own modifications to the plugin not using NXRM internal codebase. I believe is what you're looking for.
If you need further help with the plugin, you can try an issue on that project or asking in gitter.

Migrating dashboards from Kibana 4 to Kibana 5

I'm trying to migrate my old dashboards fron kibana 4.1.2 to kibana 5.0.0. , but haven't been able to successfully do it.
I took an export of my searches, visualisations and dashboards from the older version and imported it to the newer version. But, the visualisations said they didn't find they couldn't locate index-pattern.
Saved Objects: Could not locate that index-pattern (id: [logstash-]YYYY.MM.DD)
Error: Could not locate that index-pattern (id: [logstash-]YYYY.MM.DD)
at updateFromElasticSearch (http://development-log-server*****.com:5601/bundles/kibana.bundle.js?v=14438:25:9602)
at http://development-log-server*****.com:5601/bundles/kibana.bundle.js?v=14438:25:13725
at processQueue (http://development-log-server*****.com:5601/bundles/commons.bundle.js?v=14438:38:23621)
at http://development-log-server*****.com:5601/bundles/commons.bundle.js?v=14438:38:23888
at Scope.$eval (http://development-log-server*****.com:5601/bundles/commons.bundle.js?v=14438:39:4619)
at Scope.$digest (http://development-log-server*****.com:5601/bundles/commons.bundle.js?v=14438:39:2359)
at Scope.$apply (http://development-log-server*****.com:5601/bundles/commons.bundle.js?v=14438:39:5037)
at done (http://development-log-server*****.com:5601/bundles/commons.bundle.js?v=14438:37:25027)
at completeRequest (http://development-log-server*****.com:5601/bundles/commons.bundle.js?v=14438:37:28702)
at XMLHttpRequest.xhr.onload (http://development-log-server*****.com:5601/bundles/commons.bundle.js?v=14438:37:29634)
I would really appreciate if someone could steer me in the right direction and even more grateful if someone could point me to a tool to do the migration.
And please let me know if more information is needed.
Ashutosh Singh
I doubt you could do that in a simple manner, considering a downtime. Maybe you could give it a try by using elasticdump. Moving the index data to another instance could be a pain but then you could use the python elasticsearch library (SO).
Or else you could store it as Objects and then import them back. Storing it as a JSON, was added back in Kibana 4.1. Hope this helps.
A clear guide to managing kibana visualizations and dashboards.

Kernel specific compile

I need help to generate a "specific hardware" .config for my kernel.
Yesterday evening i've installed on an old Asus EEE-Pc 900HD the latest version of Xubuntu 14.10, and I'm trying to optimize this installation. I'd like to know how to do the "make menuconfig" for compiling ONLY the modules and the components that my hardware requires, and not all the rest. I'd also like to add the Grsecurity patch for this version.
Goal of this project could be a very minimal and optimized kernel for this old but gold machine.
Can someone help me, please?
Many thanks
If you really, really care about this... There is something called Ktest that will figure this out for you. But it's through automated trial and error.
Take a look at the make_min_config option.

Cannot add squid module to Webmin

G'day All,
I cannot find any threads on my problem which is that after much trying I cannot get the Squid module to appear in my servers list. It is installed and running and Webmin knows it is the latest version but I have no way of configuring it beside the CLI.
How do I get the module to appear if reinstalling (without errors) fails to work? Any help gratefully appreciated.
The solution is to install it from the command line. Webmin will find it then.
