add reset to css without interfering old files - css

I just inherited a CSS/SCSS project that doesn't use any CSS reset or normalize.
My project structure is something like this:
- config/
- utils/
- blog/
- style.scss (imports everything)
Basically I want to add a reset.scss files somewhere and create new pages by using that reset.
My problem is how can I add a reset to my CSS without interfering with the older .scss files?

You can do it only by IF statement somewhere in <head> and <link> on server side or create two different index.html (for example) files with own <link>s to stylesheets. Solve this problem only by CSS is impossible, you can't use global styles like normalize.scss for local needs.


Angular global class how to implement it?

I am very new to Angular and currently I am trying to add styling to an existing project.
The project has been constructed using components. So for each page there are 4 files,
I can easily style the page by adding the styles to the css file in the component and the page style works perfectly.
However the issue is there are many pages that require the same styles again and again.
I can copy and paste the same styles to each css file and it works.
But this is not the most elegant or efficient way to do this.
I want to know what the correct way to add a global.css file so that it can be accessed by each page. So that way the css is only written once.
I have googled but haven't found anything that explains how to do it in simple ways.
Angular adds the style.css/scss file by default to your project once you created it using the ng new command, and include it within the angular.json config file to be available across the components of the project.
So you can add any global styles within src/styles.css(or scss) file, to be implemented everywhere.
you can add your generic css into style.css/style.scss.

Using CSS inside Rails 3.2.13

Checked out some links, but it seems that people who answer assume a little bit more than I know.
I'm using Rails 3.2.13 and I need to add some styling to my Views.
I have the assets/stylesheets/trade_page.css. What steps do I have to take, where do I have to reference it, what line do I put inside the View pages to use this styling?
Take a look at the asset pipeline documentation. You will need to require the file within your application.css file (if you are not already requiring the whole tree) and then the most common place is to include the application.css file using a stylesheet__link_tag in the application.html.erb file

Combine multiple css files in one

I have this Joomla! site and I have set up a yoo theme template but my site is very slow because the template has 30 external CSS files and approximately 20 script files.
I have managed to combine all JavaScript files into one with component ScriptMerge, but for CSS, the component doesn't work as it should because it messes up my site when I combine all of the CSS files into one.
I have also tried other components like jch optimizer and jbetolo but without success!
Does anyone know a component or a plugin that can do this job for me? Or something else maybe, I also tried some script for combining in .htaccess, but also without success.
I know that this Q is posted way way back but since I once had this kind of problem, I thought I can share a link to these two task manager I frequently use when creating templates for Joomla, namely:
A simple grunt task can combine your CSS in an instant (see below example)
cssmin: {
target: {
files: {
'css/output.css': [
You can use #import url'file' to include each css file into one then just include the one file in your main page.
e.g. in my site
#import url("nav.css");
#import url("popup.css");
#import url("latestPosts.css");
#import url("home.css");
This code is placed at the top of common.css and then common.css is just included into index.php
Might want to take a look here:
Maybe Factor CSS can help you out? Run your combined file through it and see if that makes a difference. But don't disregard the disclaimer, which states that it might not work well when the stylesheet depends on the order of the rules. Such is the nature of Cascading StyleSheets.
A quote on stylesheets from
A stylesheet is intended to cascade through a series of styles, like a
river over a waterfall. The water in the river hits all the rocks in
the waterfall, but only the ones at the bottom affect exactly where
the water will flow.
When you say it messes up your site when you combine the stylesheets. Have a think about the order in which the files are added. An automated stylesheet combining script can never know how you want the end result to look, all it can do is take what you have and combine it based on a pre-defined set of instructions, not based on how good it will look in the end. So make sure the input is right and the files are combined in the right order.
Here's an interesting link on the cascading order and inheritance in stylesheets, which might be of help.
This is a common problem with template driven CMS's that allow for the loading of various extensions.
The Joomla! extensions directory has an entire section for enhancing "Site Performance" there are a range of popular extensions for combining CSS and Javascript files.
RokBooster is fairly popular.
If you like getting into coding's a solution.
You can bundle your css files into one, dynamically, by creating a php file with something like that:
# File combcss.php
Then you may call your stylesheet like that :
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/combcss.php" />

Will #import css files still be cached if parent css file use querystring

I am about to do upgrades to webpages and css-files in our production environment. I would like to prevent css caching in the web browser, since this would otherwise disrupt the design if the new html is used together with the old css. I have made changes to three css-files in total:
Main css-file (referenced in the head section of the page with tag)
css-file A (referenced inside the main css-file using #import "css-fileA.css" syntax)
css-file B (referenced inside the main css-file using #import "css-fileB.css" syntax)
To prevent browser caching I have added a querystring to my main css-file like: href="main.css?rev=20121024"...
I now wonder if the use of a querystring on main.css helps prevent caching of the css-files A and B that are referenced inside main.css with #import statements? Or do I need to also apply querystrings for them like #import "css-fileA.css?rev=20121024" ?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
I expect each file to be treated independently. Why would it make a difference whether css-fileA.css was loaded directly or via #import? It's still the same URL and the cache should be used the same way.

Twitter Bootstrap LESS css

I am wondering why I cant set variables within twitter bootstrap using LESS. I am using ruby on rails which has a bootstrap_and_overrides.css.less file. it has the following statement
// Your custom LESS stylesheets goes here
// Since bootstrap was imported above you have access to its mixins which
// you may use and inherit here
// If you'd like to override bootstrap's own variables, you can do so here as well
// See for their names and documentation
// Example:
// #linkColor: #ff0000;
So my understanding is that i can set my variables within here. So i set
#black: #333;
and then tried using it in my application.css calling #black file but it does not work? i.e. doesn’t render #333.
Am i understanding this incorrectly?, do all my variables and css styling go within the bootstrap and override file?
Any advice appreciated
Follow the instructions at to make sure your updated less is used, if you are using it client side.
Compile your updated less into CSS and then copy over the updated CSS.
Here's a list of tools that can do the compile.
For suggestions on how to organize your bootstrap modifications see the SO question Twitter Bootstrap Customization Best Practices
As an aside, I wouldn't recommend changing #black. Changing it would alter many, many things, including some you might not expect.
If I understood you correctly, you are modifying your bootstrap_and_overrides.css.less file, but the one being used is the application.css file.
If that was the case, of course it's is just natural not to reflect the changes you've made. You must compile your .less file first to .css. to reflect that changes to your .css file.
For a try, use LESS via the client-side and setup your environment like so:
For instance, in your index.html file, put
<link rel="stylesheet/less" type="text/css" href="application.less" />
in the document head. and below it add
<script src="less.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Download the less.js file from here. and put it inside your root directory, or you may of course customize the location and make the necessary path in the href attrib.
After doing the above, you're ready to modify your application.less file (not the application.css). You may copy you're existing custom styles from the application.css file.
application.less is where you should put your variables.
You may rename your bootstrap_and_overrides.css.less file into application.less and make sure it is the one linked to in the header tag.
For more info about LESS CSS checkout the wiki.
