Twitter Bootstrap LESS css - css

I am wondering why I cant set variables within twitter bootstrap using LESS. I am using ruby on rails which has a bootstrap_and_overrides.css.less file. it has the following statement
// Your custom LESS stylesheets goes here
// Since bootstrap was imported above you have access to its mixins which
// you may use and inherit here
// If you'd like to override bootstrap's own variables, you can do so here as well
// See for their names and documentation
// Example:
// #linkColor: #ff0000;
So my understanding is that i can set my variables within here. So i set
#black: #333;
and then tried using it in my application.css calling #black file but it does not work? i.e. doesn’t render #333.
Am i understanding this incorrectly?, do all my variables and css styling go within the bootstrap and override file?
Any advice appreciated

Follow the instructions at to make sure your updated less is used, if you are using it client side.
Compile your updated less into CSS and then copy over the updated CSS.
Here's a list of tools that can do the compile.
For suggestions on how to organize your bootstrap modifications see the SO question Twitter Bootstrap Customization Best Practices
As an aside, I wouldn't recommend changing #black. Changing it would alter many, many things, including some you might not expect.

If I understood you correctly, you are modifying your bootstrap_and_overrides.css.less file, but the one being used is the application.css file.
If that was the case, of course it's is just natural not to reflect the changes you've made. You must compile your .less file first to .css. to reflect that changes to your .css file.
For a try, use LESS via the client-side and setup your environment like so:
For instance, in your index.html file, put
<link rel="stylesheet/less" type="text/css" href="application.less" />
in the document head. and below it add
<script src="less.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Download the less.js file from here. and put it inside your root directory, or you may of course customize the location and make the necessary path in the href attrib.
After doing the above, you're ready to modify your application.less file (not the application.css). You may copy you're existing custom styles from the application.css file.
application.less is where you should put your variables.
You may rename your bootstrap_and_overrides.css.less file into application.less and make sure it is the one linked to in the header tag.
For more info about LESS CSS checkout the wiki.


Svelte/Sapper Build - Seemingly old CSS still exists after building?

I just committed and pushed a minor CSS tweak. On my server I git pull, npm run build, and forever restart __sapper__/build
Now there seems to be more than one version of the same CSS rule across different files, as per the below screenshot (this is after disabling browser cache):
The correct rule is the third one (vertical-align: top; margin-top: 1px;), which seems to be a combination of CSS files.
Any idea where the 'old' rules are coming from? Cached somewhere somehow?
/EDIT This is my rollup.config.js:
/EDIT2 The styles in question are in a /style/global.scss file, which is included using the following code in /routes/_layout.svelte:
<style lang="scss" global>
#import "./style/global.scss";
main {
background-color: white;
padding: 5rem 1rem 0 1rem;
Guessing this is somehow the issue? Where is the right place to 'inject' global stylesheet for colours/theme/typography etc?
/EDIT3 The styles being included via _layout.svelte are being included more than once in dev as well, here's a screenshot:
These selectors don't seem to come from a Svelte component, since they're not scoped (e.g. .split-button.svelte-a9ylb1)? Or are you using :global(.split-button) in a Svelte component?
Anyway... I failed to reproduce your issue, but my intuition is that your problem probably comes from the postcss plugin. It has an inject option that is enabled by default. What this option does is injecting a <style> tag in the <head> of your doc; the code that does this is appended to your modules' JS by the postcss plugin. This behaviour might very well clash with what svelte-preprocess or rollup-plugin-svelte is doing.
Try adding inject: false in the 3 places where you're using postcss in your Rollup config, and see if this helps.
Another possibility might be the service worker. I don't think an issue there could produce your result you get, but we never know... You should try options like "Update on reload" and "Bypass for network" (I don't know what are the equivalent options in your browser) to see if that makes a difference.
Otherwise, you may have to show more of your code. Where does this precise CSS rule come from (e.g. style tag in a Svelte component, SCSS file in node_modules, ...)? How is it imported into your project (e.g. import './app.css', #import './app.scss', etc.), and where? Also, I'm surprised that you have the postcss rollup plugin only in the server (the one that is not registered in sveltePreprocess)... What do you need this for, that you don't need on the client?
EDIT: Follow up
Wait, what? You've got some style files under your routes directory?? routes/style/global.scss?
Even with that, I don't appear to be able to reproduce your problem, but it's worth noting that Sapper will try to include every file it encounters under this directory. If you've got a plugin that lets you import *.scss files, then Sapper will actually see a global.scss.js, so it will think it's a server route. Without a plugin that can eat SCSS, it should... crash. If the plugin in question is postcss with its default inject option still to true, to me it looks like a star suspect...
Anyway, some further points of clarification...
svelte-preprocess enables lang="xxx", global attribute in <style global ...>, in .svelte files only.
rollup-plugin-postcss can additionally be added, directly in plugins array (i.e. not as an option of svelte plugin). It gives support for import './foo.scss', in .js files, as well as in the <script> part of .svelte files.
(Of course, SASS support by PostCSS, or PostCSS support by Svelte preprocess are depending on the config you feed them.)
OK. So now there are multiple places where some CSS / SCSS can enter your build. That I can think of, there are the following ways:
<link rel='stylesheet' href='global.css'> in src/template.html: this one will copied as is without processing.
I suppose you can also have such a "custom" <link> tag in the markup (~HTML) part of a .svelte file, and it would be included as is in the resulting HTML (you'd still have the responsibility that the reference CSS file be accessible at the given URL).
import 'something.css' or 'import 'something.scss'in a.jsor JS part of a.sveltefile: these will get processed by bundler & plugins, and converted to some JS code, with optionally additional assets that the JS can reference (typically, a proper CSS file is generated, and some JS code dynamically injects atag for it at runtime; another approach is to generate some JS that will inject every CSS rule in the doc). PostCSS withinject: true` uses the CSS + inject tag method.
the CSS / SCSS style that you write in the <style> part of a .svelte file will also be processed by the Svelte plugin in a similar way as described just before (preprocess option required to accept anything else than raw CSS); depending on the plugin configuration, it may also try to write a '.css' file for your application (see docs. With the emitCss option, that is apparently needed for Sapper, it should output one CSS file per component (or maybe entrypoint).
In your case, you say that you've removed rollup-plugin-postcss from your config, so the 3rd point (import css from js) should not be possible anymore.
Well... I just hope this can help you investigate further.
I've pushed a Sapper + PostCSS example on a branch on this repo. As far as I can tell, it doesn't have the issue you're describing here. So maybe you can find the problem by comparing with what you have. See this commit for the diff with the vanilla official template.
I tried to also add rollup-plugin-postcss, like you initially had in your config, in order to be able to import .scss from outside of Svelte components. But I failed to find a way to do this that don't conflict with Sapper.
Oh, and just to be sure... Be sure to try a little rm -r __sapper__ && rm -r src/node_modules/#sapper (notice: node_modules under src, not the one in your project's root) before pursuing your investigation. I'm sure you've already done that, but better safe than sorry. Stale things can live in there.

Bootstrap 4 Sass - changing theme dynamically

New to sass I stuck with the problem how to enable the dynamic change of a website theme - lets say a dark and a light theme - through user interaction. The template I use as a base (coreui) has a _custom.scss file in which various variables are defined
$navbar-bg: #fff;
The values of these variables would need to be set dynamically depending on the user choice of the theme and I have no clue how to get this done. Any pointer how to implement this would be highly appreciated.
SASS is a preprocessor which means essentially it gets compiled down into regular CSS and then shipped to the client. If you want to change themes you'll have to dynamically load different stylesheets using javascript.
Case 1
In the case that you want the user to pick between multiple prepackaged themes. This can easily be done with multiple "theme" style sheets which import the various parts of your style. First import the different colors, then import the main bodies of your sass. For example:
#import 'theme1';
#import 'base';
#import 'other';
#import 'theme2';
#import 'base';
#import 'other';
Then in javascript you could remove the old stylesheet and add the new one when the user does whatever is needed to change the theme. For example inside the onclick of a button you could put:
document.getElementById('cssTheme').setAttribute("href", "/path/to/theme");
It's probably best to take a bit of care and put the element in the head of the document, but this is a good starting point. That could be made to look a lot nicer with Jquery, but I didn't want to assume you'd have that.
Case 2
In the case that you want the user to dynamically change colors of individual element colors it might be worth looking into CSS Variables. Current support in IE/Edge is crumby but it is pretty interesting. Then as the user changes the fields you could just be changing the css variable in a <style> tag somewhere on the page and it should propagate through the document.
If you want more browser support then I think really the best way would be with OK sure's answer. This one gives you the benefit of just changing a variable and not having to reset each element style that uses that variable.
You have 2 options I think.
Option 1) Recompile the styles whenever a change is made by running a command serverside to generate a new CSS file for the user. This will be potentially very resource hungry and probably not recommended.
Option 2) Take the variables you want to be accessible, find where they are mentioned in the bootstrap source and either generate a file or just inline these styles after the stylesheet is included in the template.
So for your example here, depending what language you're coding in, or templating (this is a twig example) you're using, you could inline the following in the head of your template:
.navbar {
background-color: {{ user_theme.navbar-bg | default('#eeeeee') }}
It's tough to tell you exactly how to do this without knowing what frameworks/languages/infrastructure you're using.
If you were using Twig & PHP for example, you could send a user_theme object to the template, and have an include file which contains all the styles that need modifying with default values as above.

What have I missed in jekyll and github pages to make syntax highlighting work?

Disclaimer: This is my first ever website project, in order to learn about html, css etc. I probably need a 'for idiots' guide'
I have a jekyll/github pages site here. I have read the jekyll documentation here, which suggests all you need to do is stick the liquid tag in. Which I have, for example here.
Further research has pointed out I need to set up my config file, like this which I have here. I also have a .css I copied from a site called sciviews which is here and I've made a link into the .css to call it here.
However, my page still displays in black on white in code blocks. What have I missed?
EDIT: I believe I've made another error, the source of my syntac .css was (i think) here. Is .scss maybe not compatible with this process as I've implemented it?
In your html ( inside the head tag ), you are referencing an incorrect path to "syntax.css"
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/syntax.css" type="text/css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/Pokemon_FieldStudies/css/syntax.css" type="text/css">
Following your edit, it seems the code inside syntax.css is a raw scss file. Such files need to be processed before they could be served to the client.
I suggest you read about SCSS and how to compile it ( A simple google search will yield more than enough tutorials ).
In case you're interested in a shortcut, you can use an online compiler such as but that will require you to define a value for some of the missing variables defined in the scss file.

Does Dojo have a default CSS file with no theme applied?

I am trying to build a new design on an old system that is using DOJO, eventually we are going to move to AJAX to handle the data calls. Is there a default or minified CSS file so I don't have to use their themes? (i.e. Claro, which is the theme that was and still is applied)
It says you can make custom themes, but there has to be a bare bones version out there somewhere.
Thanks for your time.
The bare minium CSS is available in dijit.css
(you can see the file on the CDN:
As dojo team says about this file :
Essential styles that themes can inherit.
In other words, works but doesn't look great.
So be aware it will be ugly!
But you can build your own theme starting from that.
dojo comes with out of the box the following themes:
There is no really a default CSS a part of the CSS which is included in on of the listed theme. But as ben point out in his answer, there is a dijit.css which is a very essential base of CSS which other themes can in-heritage from.
You can apply them adding the following in your HTML file:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="dojo/dijit/themes/claro/claro.css" />
<body class="claro">
Or you can use a CDN, example for claro (just change the name for css file in order to get a different theme):
The CDN version is an unique file and easy to include in your app but it is not minified.
If you need to have a minified version, you could use the dojo build to compact all your project files and included CSS for your theme minified.
More info here:

Combine multiple css files in one

I have this Joomla! site and I have set up a yoo theme template but my site is very slow because the template has 30 external CSS files and approximately 20 script files.
I have managed to combine all JavaScript files into one with component ScriptMerge, but for CSS, the component doesn't work as it should because it messes up my site when I combine all of the CSS files into one.
I have also tried other components like jch optimizer and jbetolo but without success!
Does anyone know a component or a plugin that can do this job for me? Or something else maybe, I also tried some script for combining in .htaccess, but also without success.
I know that this Q is posted way way back but since I once had this kind of problem, I thought I can share a link to these two task manager I frequently use when creating templates for Joomla, namely:
A simple grunt task can combine your CSS in an instant (see below example)
cssmin: {
target: {
files: {
'css/output.css': [
You can use #import url'file' to include each css file into one then just include the one file in your main page.
e.g. in my site
#import url("nav.css");
#import url("popup.css");
#import url("latestPosts.css");
#import url("home.css");
This code is placed at the top of common.css and then common.css is just included into index.php
Might want to take a look here:
Maybe Factor CSS can help you out? Run your combined file through it and see if that makes a difference. But don't disregard the disclaimer, which states that it might not work well when the stylesheet depends on the order of the rules. Such is the nature of Cascading StyleSheets.
A quote on stylesheets from
A stylesheet is intended to cascade through a series of styles, like a
river over a waterfall. The water in the river hits all the rocks in
the waterfall, but only the ones at the bottom affect exactly where
the water will flow.
When you say it messes up your site when you combine the stylesheets. Have a think about the order in which the files are added. An automated stylesheet combining script can never know how you want the end result to look, all it can do is take what you have and combine it based on a pre-defined set of instructions, not based on how good it will look in the end. So make sure the input is right and the files are combined in the right order.
Here's an interesting link on the cascading order and inheritance in stylesheets, which might be of help.
This is a common problem with template driven CMS's that allow for the loading of various extensions.
The Joomla! extensions directory has an entire section for enhancing "Site Performance" there are a range of popular extensions for combining CSS and Javascript files.
RokBooster is fairly popular.
If you like getting into coding's a solution.
You can bundle your css files into one, dynamically, by creating a php file with something like that:
# File combcss.php
Then you may call your stylesheet like that :
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/combcss.php" />
