I am trying to run a for loop in Julia using bounds for integration where fI and r are arrays of the same length. I know this is incorrect, but this is the gist of what I want to do.
a = zeros(1:length(fI))
for i = 1:length(fI)
a[i] = (fI[i+1] - fI[i])/(r[i+1] - r[i])
How can I set increments of n+1 in Julia? Haven't had any luck finding the answer elsewhere.
Just let me know if I can clarify anything. I'm still pretty new to the language.
Ranges are specified by start:stepsize:end. Thus the answer is for i = 1:(n+1):length(fI).
I am not completely sure what you want to do, but it looks as you want to create a new variable based on the difference between elements in the other variables. If that is your use case, you can use diff, e.g.
fI, r = rand(10), rand(10)
a = diff(fI) ./ diff(r)
Your code will crash since for the last "i" you access beyond the array length
fI[i+1] = fI[length(fI)+1]
a = zeros(1:length(fI))
for i = 1:length(fI)
a[i] = (fI[i+1] - fI[i])/(r[i+1] - r[i])
Maybe you intend the following
n = length(fI) - 1
a = zeros(1:n)
for i = 1:n
a[i] = (fI[i+1] - fI[i])/(r[i+1] - r[i])
I am trying to extract values from a vector to generate random numbers from a GEV distribution. I keep getting an error. This is my code
for i in 1:10 append!(t, maximum(rand(GeneralizedExtremeValue(2,4,3, x[i])))
I am new to this program and I think I am not passing the variable x properly. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks
If I am correctly understanding what you are trying to do, you might want something more like
x = rand(Truncated(Poisson(2),0,10),10)
t = Float64[]
for i in 1:10
append!(t, max(rand(GeneralizedExtremeValue(2,4,3)), x[i]))
Among other things, you were missing a paren, and probably want max instead of maximum here.
Also, while it would technically work, t = [] creates an empty array of type Any, which tends to be very inefficient, so you can avoid that by just telling Julia what type you want that array to hold with e.g. t = Float64[].
Finally, since you already know t only needs to hold ten results, you can make this again more efficient by pre-allocating t
x = rand(Truncated(Poisson(2),0,10),10)
t = Array{Float64}(undef,10)
for i in 1:10
t[i] = max(rand(GeneralizedExtremeValue(2,4,3)), x[i])
Which python code written in the client side of #dask is really added to the task graph?
In this script for example, I am reading an hdf5 dataset of 4 dim, using a loop for the fourth dimension.
I calculate the sum for each dim called here g for generation and subtract the result of this generation and the one before it.
Then i am calling the deriv.visualize() to see how it generates the graph.
alive = []
derivate = []
board = []
deriv = 0
rest_1 = 0
hf5 = h5py.File('Datata.h5', 'r')
hds5 = hf5.get('dataset')
last_gen = hds5.attrs.get('last_gen')
for g in range(0,generations):
board = hds5[g]
arr = da.asarray(board, chunks=(4,5,4))
res = arr.sum()
if g!=0 :
deriv = res - rest_1
rest_1 = res
Here is the graph i am getting
Here without calling .compute() the subtract operator is added to the dask graph apparently, how do we explain this ?
If i add a .compute() in the "res = arr.sum().compute()" and keep the rest as it is, where the subtraction will be executed ? in the client side or in one of the workers ?
An other question which is more general, if i wanna keep the partial sums in the workers, and perform the subtraction (on partial sum of the current and last generation) in the workers, is there a way to say that i want theses operations to be performed on the same chunks over different generations? (for example the worker 0 will operate always on the 3 first rows of each generation, like in mpi even if it's not the same thing at all)?
Dask does not look at your Python code, and so can not see anything other than what you give to it. In this case it is these two lines:
arr = da.asarray(x, chunks=(4,5,4))
res = arr.sum().compute()
I have am using the makeContrasts function as part of a pipeline (with limma).
I have several studies, which are entered into the pipeline one after the other. For two of which, the makeContrasts functions looks like this:
aarts_1_cm = makeContrasts(R10d = labelR - labelP,
R1nMRap = labelR1 - labelP,
R10nMRap_OSKM = labelR10 - labelO,
levels = Design)
aarts_2_cm = makeContrasts(OSKM14 = labelO14 - labelP14,
OSKM14mTORsh_OSKM14p21sh = labelOT14 - labelOp14,
OSKM20mTORsh_OSKM20p21sh = labelOT20 - labelOp20,
levels = Design)
As the contrasts are different for each study, I cannot incorporate them into the pipeline. I have therefore turned the contents of the function into a string:
aarts_2 = "OSKM14 = labelO14 - labelP14,
OSKM14mTORsh_OSKM14p21sh = labelOT14 - labelOp14,
OSKM20mTORsh_OSKM20p21sh = labelOT20 - labelOp20,
levels = Design"
So that I can then do makeContrasts(unstring(aarts_2)), but I don't know how to unstring aarts_2 so that the function will read it. Or if there is a better way to do this. I would appreciate any help with this.
I don't think there's a way to write the unstring function you want, but you can do this:
makeContrastsFromString <- function(s)
eval(parse(text = paste("makeContrasts(", s, ")")))
should give you want you want. I haven't tested it, since I can't install limma to get makeContrasts. My function is pretty fragile; if a user breaks up the lines into separate elements of a string vector, it won't work. I'll leave it to you to make it robust against that kind of thing.
What's happening, folks.
So, I've done a fair amount of research on merge sort, and in spite of getting the "gist" of it, I am still baffled by how one is supposed to store the subarrays in order to merge them back together—in other words, save them somewhere so that they would "know" each other, as you would otherwise—in classic recursive fashion—have all these independent function calls returning data that I would assume would go out of scope.
Here's what I first thought: create a new array named "subs" to store the subarrays in upon each division (I also considered using a closure to do this and would like to know whether this is advisable). But, as you proceed to the next division, what are you gonna do—replace each element in subs with its subarrays? Then, you would be facing more costly work, especially once you consider how you're gonna move things around in subs in order to ensure that each subarray has its own index.
Heh—I have a bad feeling that this might be a far cry from what's actually supposed to be done. I understand that this algorithm is a classic example of the divide-and-conquer approach, but it's just strange to me that one couldn't just cut to the chase by splitting the array into all of its elements right off the bat (after all, that's the base case, and what would be wrong with throwing in a greedy approach to solving the problem?).
Alright, so I figured it out.
To sum it up: I used indices to track where to place elements (and obviate the need for built-in list functions that may slow down runtime).
By using nested functions and a (hidden) pointer to the new array, I kept data in scope. An auxiliary array buffers data from the subarrays.
In retrospect, what I originally had in mind vaguely resembled insertion sort was, in fact, bottom-up merge sort. Having previously questioned the efficiency and purpose of top-down merge sort, I now understand that by breaking down the problem, it expedites comparisons and swaps (especially when operating on larger lists, which insertion sort would prove to be less efficient in sorting). I did not attempt to implement my initial idea because I did not have a clear enough picture of recursion and how data is passed.
import sys
def merge_sort(arr):
def merge(*indices): # indices = first, last, and pivot indices, respectively
head, tail = indices[0], indices[1]
pivot = indices[2]
i = head
j = pivot+1
k = 0
while (i <= pivot and j <= tail):
if new[i] <= new[j]:
aux[k] = new[i]
i += 1
k += 1
aux[k] = new[j]
j += 1
k += 1
while (i <= pivot):
aux[k] = new[i]
i += 1
k += 1
while (j <= tail):
aux[k] = new[j]
j += 1
k += 1
for x in xrange(head, tail+1):
new[x] = aux[x-head]
# end merge
def split(a, *indices): # indices = first and last indices, respectively
head, tail = indices[0], indices[1]
pivot = (head+tail) / 2
if head < tail:
l_sub = a[head:pivot+1]
r_sub = a[pivot+1:tail+1]
split(l_sub, head, pivot)
split(r_sub, pivot+1, tail)
merge(head, tail, pivot)
# end split
new = arr
aux = list(new)
tail = len(new)-1
split(new, 0, tail)
return new
# end merge_sort
if __name__ == "__main__":
loops = int(raw_input().strip())
for _ in xrange(loops):
arr = map(int, raw_input().strip().split(' '))
result = merge_sort(arr)
print result
I want to retrieve all the elements along the last dimension of an N-dimensional array A. That is, if idx is an (N-1) dimensional tuple, I want A[idx...,:]. I've figured out how to use CartesianRange for this, and it works as shown below
A = rand(2,3,4)
for idx in CartesianRange(size(A)[1:end-1])
i = zeros(Int, length(idx))
[i[bdx] = idx[bdx] for bdx in 1:length(idx)]
However, there must be an easier way to create the index i shown above . Splatting idx does not work - what am I doing wrong?
You can just index directly with the CartesianIndex that gets generated from the CartesianRange!
julia> for idx in CartesianRange(size(A)[1:end-1])
A[idx,:] = [0.0334735,0.216738,0.941401,0.973918]
A[idx,:] = [0.842384,0.236736,0.103348,0.729471]
A[idx,:] = [0.056548,0.283617,0.504253,0.718918]
A[idx,:] = [0.551649,0.55043,0.126092,0.259216]
A[idx,:] = [0.65623,0.738998,0.781989,0.160111]
A[idx,:] = [0.177955,0.971617,0.942002,0.210386]
The other recommendation I'd have here is to use the un-exported Base.front function to extract the leading dimensions from size(A) instead of indexing into it. Working with tuples in a type-stable way like this can be a little tricky, but they're really fast once you get the hang of it.
It's also worth noting that Julia's arrays are column-major, so accessing the trailing dimension like this is going to be much slower than grabbing the columns.