I want to retrieve all the elements along the last dimension of an N-dimensional array A. That is, if idx is an (N-1) dimensional tuple, I want A[idx...,:]. I've figured out how to use CartesianRange for this, and it works as shown below
A = rand(2,3,4)
for idx in CartesianRange(size(A)[1:end-1])
i = zeros(Int, length(idx))
[i[bdx] = idx[bdx] for bdx in 1:length(idx)]
However, there must be an easier way to create the index i shown above . Splatting idx does not work - what am I doing wrong?
You can just index directly with the CartesianIndex that gets generated from the CartesianRange!
julia> for idx in CartesianRange(size(A)[1:end-1])
A[idx,:] = [0.0334735,0.216738,0.941401,0.973918]
A[idx,:] = [0.842384,0.236736,0.103348,0.729471]
A[idx,:] = [0.056548,0.283617,0.504253,0.718918]
A[idx,:] = [0.551649,0.55043,0.126092,0.259216]
A[idx,:] = [0.65623,0.738998,0.781989,0.160111]
A[idx,:] = [0.177955,0.971617,0.942002,0.210386]
The other recommendation I'd have here is to use the un-exported Base.front function to extract the leading dimensions from size(A) instead of indexing into it. Working with tuples in a type-stable way like this can be a little tricky, but they're really fast once you get the hang of it.
It's also worth noting that Julia's arrays are column-major, so accessing the trailing dimension like this is going to be much slower than grabbing the columns.
I am trying to extract values from a vector to generate random numbers from a GEV distribution. I keep getting an error. This is my code
for i in 1:10 append!(t, maximum(rand(GeneralizedExtremeValue(2,4,3, x[i])))
I am new to this program and I think I am not passing the variable x properly. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks
If I am correctly understanding what you are trying to do, you might want something more like
x = rand(Truncated(Poisson(2),0,10),10)
t = Float64[]
for i in 1:10
append!(t, max(rand(GeneralizedExtremeValue(2,4,3)), x[i]))
Among other things, you were missing a paren, and probably want max instead of maximum here.
Also, while it would technically work, t = [] creates an empty array of type Any, which tends to be very inefficient, so you can avoid that by just telling Julia what type you want that array to hold with e.g. t = Float64[].
Finally, since you already know t only needs to hold ten results, you can make this again more efficient by pre-allocating t
x = rand(Truncated(Poisson(2),0,10),10)
t = Array{Float64}(undef,10)
for i in 1:10
t[i] = max(rand(GeneralizedExtremeValue(2,4,3)), x[i])
I'm a "write Fortran in all languages" kind of person trying to learn modern programming practices. I have a one dimensional function ft(lx)=HT(x,f(x),lx), where x, and f(x) are one dimensional arrays of size nx, and lx is the size of output array ft. I want to apply HT on a multidimensional array f(x,y,z).
Basically I want to apply HT on all three dimensions to go from f(x,y,z) defined on (nx,ny,nz) dimensional grid, to ft(lx,ly,lz) defined on (lx,ly,lz) dimensional grid:
ft(lx,y,z) = HT(x,f(x,y,z) ,lx)
ft(lx,ly,z) = HT(y,ft(lx,y,z) ,ly)
ft(lx,ly,lz) = HT(z,ft(lx,ly,z),lz)
In f95 style I would tend to write something like:
for k=1:nz
for j=1:ny
for k=1:nz
for i=1:lx
for j=1:ly
for i=1:lx
I know idiomatic Julia would require using something like mapslices. I was not able to understand how to go about doing this from the mapslices documentation.
So my question is: what would be the idiomatic Julia code, along with proper type declarations, equivalent to the Fortran style version?
A follow up sub-question would be: Is it possible to write a function
FT = HTnD((Tuple of x,y,z etc.),f(x,y,z), (Tuple of lx,ly,lz etc.))
that works with arbitrary dimensions? I.e. it would automatically adjust computation for 1,2,3 dimensions based on the sizes of input tuples and function?
I have a piece of code here which is fairly close to what you want. The key tool is Base.Cartesian.#nexprs which you can read up on in the linked documentation.
The three essential lines in my code are Lines 30 to 32. Here is a verbal description of what they do.
Line 30: reshape an n1 x n2 x ... nN-sized array C_{k-1} into an n1 x prod(n2,...,nN) matrix tmp_k.
Line 31: Apply the function B[k] to each column of tmp_k. In my code, there are some indirections here since I want to allow for B[k] to be a matrix or a function, but the basic idea is as described above. This is the part where you would want to bring in your HT function.
Line 32: Reshape tmp_k back into an N-dimensional array and circularly permute the dimensions such that the second dimension of tmp_k ends up as the first dimension of C_k. This makes sure that the next iteration of the "loop" implied by #nexprs operates on the second dimension of the original array, and so on.
As you can see, my code avoids forming slices along arbitrary dimensions by permuting such that we only ever need to slice along the first dimension. This makes programming much easier, and it can also have some performance benefits. For example, computing the matrix-vector products B * C[i1,:,i3] for all i1,i3can be done easily and very efficiently by moving the second dimension of C into the first position of tmp and using gemm to compute B * tmp. Doing the same efficiently without the permutation would be much harder.
Following #gTcV's code, your function would look like:
using Base.Cartesian
ht(x,F,d) = mapslices(f -> HT(x, f, d), F, dims = 1)
#generated function HTnD(
) where {N}
F_0 = F
Base.Cartesian.#nexprs $N k->begin
tmp_k = reshape(F_{k-1},(size(F_{k-1},1),prod(Base.tail(size(F_{k-1})))))
tmp_k = ht(xx[k], tmp_k, newdims[k])
F_k = Array(reshape(permutedims(tmp_k),(Base.tail(size(F_{k-1}))...,size(tmp_k,1))))
# https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/30988
return $(Symbol("F_",N))
A simpler version, which shows the usage of mapslices would look like this
function simpleHTnD(
) where {N}
for k = 1:N
F = mapslices(f -> HT(xx[k], f, newdims[k]), F, dims = k)
return F
you could even use foldl if you are a friend of one-liners ;-)
fold_HTnD(xx, F, newdims) = foldl((F, k) -> mapslices(f -> HT(xx[k], f, newdims[k]), F, dims = k), 1:length(xx), init = F)
I'm trying to return a (square) section from an array, where the indices wrap around the edges. I need to juggle some indexing, but it works, however, I expect the last two lines of codes to have the same result, why don't they? How does numpy interpret the last line?
And as a bonus question: Am I being woefully inefficient with this approach? I'm using the product because I need to modulo the range so it wraps around, otherwise I'd use a[imin:imax, jmin:jmax, :], of course.
import numpy as np
from itertools import product
i = np.arange(-1, 2) % 3
j = np.arange(1, 4) % 3
a = np.random.randint(1,10,(3,3,2))
print a[i,j,:]
# Gives 3 entries [(i[0],j[0]), (i[1],j[1]), (i[2],j[2])]
# This is not what I want...
indices = list(product(i, j))
print indices
indices = zip(*indices)
print 'a[indices]\n', a[indices]
# This works, but when I'm explicit:
print 'a[indices, :]\n', a[indices, :]
# Huh?
The problem is that advanced indexing is triggered if:
the selection object, obj, is [...] a tuple with at least one sequence object or ndarray
The easiest fix in your case is to use repeated indexing:
a[i][:, j]
An alternative would be to use ndarray.take, which will perform the modulo operation for you if you specify mode='wrap':
a.take(np.arange(-1, 2), axis=0, mode='wrap').take(np.arange(1, 4), axis=1, mode='wrap')
To give another method of advanced indexing which is better in my opinion then the product solution.
If you have for every dimension an integer array these are broadcasted together and the output is the same output as the broadcast shape (you will see what I mean)...
i, j = np.ix_(i,j) # this adds extra empty axes
print i,j
print a[i,j]
# and now you will actually *not* be surprised:
print a[i,j,:]
Note that this is a 3x3x2 array, while you had a 9x2 array, but simple reshape will fix that and the 3x3x2 array is actually closer to what you want probably.
Actually the surprise is still hidden in a way, because in your examples a[indices] is the same as a[indices[0], indicies[1]] but a[indicies,:] is a[(indicies[0], indicies[1]),:] which is not a big surprise that it is different. Note that a[indicies[0], indicies[1],:] does give the same result.
See : http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/arrays.indexing.html#advanced-indexing
When you add :, you are mixing integer indexing and slicing. The rules are quite complicated and better explained than I could in the above link.
I have two p-times-n arrays x and missx, where x contains arbitrary numbers and missx is an array containing zeros and ones. I need to perform recursive calculations on those points where missx is zero. The obvious solution would be like this:
do i = 1, n
do j = 1, p
if(missx(j,i)==0) then
z(j,i) = ... something depending on the previous computations and x(j,i)
end if
end do
end do
Problem with this approach is that most of the time missx is always 0, so there is quite a lot if statements which are always true.
In R, I would do it like this:
for(i in 1:n)
for(j in which(xmiss[,i]==0))
z[j,i] <- ... something depending on the previous computations and x[j,i]
Is there a way to do the inner loop like that in Fortran? I did try a version like this:
do i = 1, n
do j = 1, xlength(i) !xlength(i) gives the number of zero-elements in x(,i)
j2=whichx(j,i) !whichx(1:xlength(i),i) contains the indices of zero-elements in x(,i)
z(j2,i) = ... something depending on the previous computations and x(j,i)
end do
end do
This seemed slightly faster than the first solution (if not counting the amount of defining xlength and whichx), but is there some more clever way to this like the R version, so I wouldn't need to store those xlength and whichx arrays?
I don't think you are going to get dramatic speedup anyway, if you must do the iteration for most items, than storing just the list of those with the 0 value for the whole array is not an option. You can of course use the WHERE or FORALL construct.
forall(i = 1: n,j = 1: p,miss(j,i)==0) z(j,i) = ...
or just
where(miss==0) z = ..
But the ussual limitations of these constructs apply.
How do I create a vector like this:
a = [a_1;a_2;...,a_n];
aNew = [a;a.^2;a.^3;...;a.^T].
Is it possible to create aNew without a loop?
So you want different powers of a, all strung out into a vector? I would create an array, where each column of the array is a different power of a. Then string it out into a vector. Something like this...
aNew = bsxfun(#power,a,1:T);
aNew = aNew(:);
This does what you want, in a simple, efficient way. bsxfun is a more efficient way of writing the expansion than are other methods, such as repmat, ndgrid and meshgrid.
The code I wrote does assume that a is a column vector, as you have constructed it.
The idea is to use meshgrid to create two arrays of size n x T:
[n_mesh, t_mesh] = meshgrid(a, 1:T);
Now n_mesh is an array where each row is a duplicate of a, and t_mesh is an array where each column is 1:T.
Now you can use an element-wise operation on them to create what you need:
aNew = n_mesh .^ t_mesh;