Empty results when trying to add graphite - graphite

I'd like to add graphite as data source to Grafana. The problem is that when I do that, graphite returns an empty body - always. When posting request manually, everything is ok.
Reffer requests send by grafana:
The same requests (request resend via developer tools)
Both have the same requests and cookies - the only difference is that first was sent by Grafana and the other via developer tools.
What can be wrong? Graphite doesn't put anything interesting in logs.

I have wrote a blog on Graphite, Grafana and Graphios integration.
I think, check first if Graphite is getting logs.


HTTP Request fails when using the same parameters and the same environment

I'm trying to fetch data from a website (https://gesetze.berlin.de/bsbe/search). Using Mozilla, I've taken a look at the network analysis. Usually, I'm just messing around with the parameters of the POST-Request to see how I might influence the response of the server. But when I simply re-send the request (making no changes at all), I'm getting HTTP-response 500. The server answer states as message: security_notAuthenticated.
Can anyone explain that behaviour? The request is done by the same PC, the same browser in the same session, and there is no login function on that website. Pictures shown below.
Picture 1 - Code 200
Picture 2 - Code 500
The response security_notAuthenticated indicates, that your way of repeating the request omits some authentication-related information.
When I repeat the request, using Mozilla Firefox's "Resend" or "Edit and resend" function, the Cookie header is not sent with the request. Although it occurs in the editable header list when using "Edit and resend" it's missing when watching the actual sent request. I'm not sure whether this is a feature or a bug.
When using Firefox's "Use as Fetch in Console" function, the header will automatically be included and you still have the ability to change the headers and the body. The fetch API is a web standard and some introductory material about fetch can be found on MDN.
If you want to do custom requests, in the browser, fetch is a good option.
In other environments and languages you usually use some HTTP client (just search the web for "...your language... http request" or similar, you will find something).

"Post" via indy fails, while "Get" is working, using xe2, https and windows authentication

i already tried to find an answer here on nearly at any place at the web, but didn't find an answer that helped me out here - so i'm trying it here with this question:
i have to to get some information from a server in a domain, using https via indy components and the windows authentication. that's working quite fine (via IdHTTP1.Get(sURI)), the server logs are showing this (domain/user/request) and the response is always valid.
afterwards i try to post now some new values to the requested data, but this fails, since i get a "401" authenticaion error. BasicAuthentication=false, and HTTPOptions=[hoInProcessAuth,hoForceEncodeParams] via IdHTTP1.Post(sURI, Req_Json), where Req_Json is a UTF-8 encoded TStringStream. Now (and only when trying to POST) the IdHTTP1Authorization event is triggered twice, even if I do a handled=true there (read somewhere in a forum) it fails, if I do nothing there I get the same result: 401. There were some tips about the IdHTTP1SelectAuthorization event, but with that I had no luck, too.
Any ideas, where to start to get this solved? If there are any questions open, don't hesitate to ask!
p.s.: trying to post the same information via postman works correctly - so i guess it's about delphi/indy ...

When I make a request to a server can I see all the requests made by that server to another server?

I need to know which requests a webpage sends. Basically the site i call, calls another service/api/url whatever and receives the data (probably within javascript) and show me this. Can i see all the calls it make?
Edit: concrete example:
From this site (http://www.flickriver.com/lenses/nikon/) you can choose a lens, at that moment, the page sends a request to flickr, and get all the data. But in chrome developer tools i could not see this request.
Here is a screenshot of get requests. I have looked through them but could not see any request to flickr.
The first is request to the page. And the sixth one is the picture request already, where it requests the picture by its id. So in between other 4 requests should contain a request to the external source which gives the picture id in return or do i miss sth?
And what if the backend makes this request? Do i still need to see this request in developer tools?
No, of course you cannot see the calls made by some server to another server. Why would you expect to be able to do that? Those calls have nothing to do with the browser. The browser knows nothing about those requests. The browser knows only about requests that it itself initiated. Devtools can only report on requests made by the browser. If in fact there were some way to spy on the requests made by a server to another server, it would be gaping security hole.

Woocommerce REST API connection refused

I've been trying to connect to the REST API of Woocommerce (using HTTP Basic Auth) but fail to do so.
I'm probably doing stuff wrong (first timer # REST API's), but here is what I've been doing:
I'm using a GET with an url consisting of: https://example.com/wc-api/v2/
I'm using an Authorization header with the consumer key and secret base64 encoded
I've enabled the REST Api in the Woocommerce setting and enabled secure checkout. Also I've put some product in the shop. But whenever I try to run the URL as described above; the connection is just being refused.
I do not receive an error, but it looks like the page cannot even be reached. Can someone help me out?
I've followed the docs (http://woothemes.github.io/woocommerce-rest-api-docs/#requestsresponses) up to the Authentication-section, but that's where I've been stuck up till now.
The complete url I'm using is:
With the HTTP-header looking like:
GET /wc-api/v2/ HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic [BASE64 encoded_key:BASE64 encoded_secret]
Connection: close
User-Agent: Paw/2.1.1 (Macintosh; OS X/10.10.2) GCDHTTPRequest
Then after I run the request I'm getting:
Given the screenshot that you posted, it seems that the server is not responding on HTTPS. So you'll need to configure your webserver to respond to HTTPS requests, and to do that you'll need to install an SSL certificate.
You can either generate one yourself, which is free, but won't work for the general public. Or you can buy one - most domain registrars and hosts will let you buy a certificate, and they usually start at around $50 per year.
I'm using a GET with an url consisting of: https://example.com/wc-api/v2/
In this example, you're using HTTPS. Is that where you're trying to connect?
I highly recommend going straight to HTTPS connection. It's a thousand times easier to accomplish. Documentation for over HTTPS can be found here. Follow directions for "OVER HTTPS". From there you can use something like Postman to test if you'd like.

HTTP request debugging: Getting a complete log of all HTTP requests sent by Firefox

What is the easiest way to obtain a complete log of all HTTP/HTTPS requests issued by Firefox during a browser session?
The question is programming related insofar that obtaining a log of all HTTP/HTTPS requests issued is a great troubleshooting tool when developing webapps.
Wireshark is the most complete tool for logging all http activity
Fiddler tool might be easier to get started with, and comes with built in HTTPS-decryption
TamperData addon for Firebug is a very good addon for changing the requests ad hoc
Firefox works with Fiddler.
LiveHttpHeaders is a great add-on for Firefox. It traces all the requests along with header information and post data. You can save the log to a file if you want to.
Safari has a built in Activity monitor - Window->Activity list all http requests I believe.
