ASP.NET Web Pages Administration page -

I'm not sure if it's the best place to ask this question. But it's conсerned aspютуе and iis and so i'll ask it.
I have web application hosted in iis (really it's tfs which i try to get up). Main page is normally opened with my windows credentials but if i go to admin page "server_name/tfs/_Admin" (to create project in project collection) I redirected to "server_name/tfs/_Admin/Login.cshtml?ReturnUrl=~%2f_admin" and get strange page (see screen).
What is the page and where is it in filesystem or why is it shown?

Seems the TFS site was messed by something that which escaped our monitoring. Seems it redirected to other site page.
You can try to back current TFS site files first ,then copy the site files from another normal machine which installed the same version of TFS, then overwrite current site files. Then try it again.
If that still not work, I'm afraid that you have to uninstall and reinstall the TFS to fix that.
In you case, I suggest you to Move or Clone Team Foundation Server from one hardware to another then upgrade the new server to 2017.


Deploying a Web Site project did not work

I was Working through Microsoft's example on Deploying a Web Site Project. As the example suggested, I used the tool to place the compiled website in a local directory, and then creating a virtual directory in IIS and pointing it to that directory. Then I converted the virtual directory to an application. I tried browsing to the local website (http://localhost/TestSite03/SamplePage.aspx) but got an error that it could not access the config file due to permissions. I read this post and decided that I should add IIS_IUSRS to the site. I did this by right clicking on TestSite03 in IIS Manager and choosing "Edit Permissions". After that it just stopped working. The browser would spin when I went to the site, and eventually display a 'page not available' page. Same thing when I go to http://localhost now also. I tried removing the application, but localhost is still not working. I did look at other values while I was trying to get the TestSite03 working, but I don't think I made any other changes. Anyone know what I might have done wrong here?
Things I tried for localhost not working:
Reordering the default page configuration.
Restoring the default page order to inherited value.
Adding a default.htm page.
Making the directory browsable.
Restarting the Default Web Site
Rebooting the computer
Checking permissions
Possibly Relevant info:
Windows 10,
Visual Studio 2013
.Net Framework 3.5 used for the test site
Chrome and edge browsers.

Sitecore permissions issue

I have a sitecore site running on .NET 4.0 and IIS 7.5 on Windows 7 machine.
While setting up sitecore, I had installed only the sitecore client and then set up IIS7. I think some permissions have got messed up because of that.
Whenever I try to change a code file in my website in Visual Studio, it gives me a message that I don't have any permissions to modify the files. I can overwrite the existing one, however, this is not normal.
Also, I have ApplicationPoolIdentity set as my Identity for my Application Pool. Whenever I try to go to sitecore desktop it doesn't work, however I can go to content editor upon login. Even after logging in, if I try to go to sitecore desktop mode like /sitecore/shell/default.aspx, the page never loads and the progress wheel just keeps spinning.
It happens in FF, Chrome and IE so it can't be a browser issue.
I checked the permissions of various folder and they all look fine. System, Administrator and Local computer user have full control on the website folder and the files and folders underneath it.
It would be great if someone can help in trying to figure out the right configuration and settings for my website folder.
Firstly, as per the best practice of installing Sitecore, we should set the identity as NetworkService.
So please do 2 things:
Change the Identity in Application Pool as Network Service
Make sure that Website and all its descendants + the Data Folder and all its descendants have Read & Write access for Network Service.
Mostly this should work.
Varun Shringarpure
Does IUSR have "Read" permissions on the \Website folder and on all descendants?
Additionally, you may want to look at the Sitecore logs under the \Data\logs folder. You may be having a database connectivity issue that may show up there.

ASP.NET pages not loading on IIS8 (Windows Server 2012)

I am trying to set up my Windows Server 2012 to run an ASP.NET website. The website can serve html pages and .svc pages, but whenever I visit an .aspx page, it will simply time out.
If I would at least get some sort of error description, I could go from there, but I just get a timeout message, as if the server is completely unavailable, so I am stuck with this problem.
It seems the aspx pages are not loaded at all, since I've already tried drastic measures such as putting a "throw Exception" in the first line of Page_Load.
If I create a new site and put just an aspx page in there, it executes fine.
The Event Log is not showing anything in relation to this.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Creating a new web site in IIS8 and pointing to the same folder made it work. Now the site is working fine and running code as normal.
My guess is, that if I created the website before installing all needed features, they were not part of that site. Now, after installing a new site, it contains all the current features.
It doesn't make TOO much sense, though, as the server had ASP.NET 4.5 from installation (it's Windows Server 2012).
Open up the Web Platform Installer.
Now look for IIS: ASP.NET 4.5 and install that.
I had the same problem as everyone else and nothing worked until I did that.
There is a difference between installing dotNET on your computer/server and dotNET for IIS.

Getting You do not currently have a default Web page established for your users. when running VS2008 solution

I have website in VS2008. Created the Virtual directory in IIS 5.1. When I try and run the site to debug from Visual Studio I keep on getting:
Your Web service is now running.
You do not currently have a default Web page established for your users. Any users attempting to connect to your Web site from another machine are currently receiving an Under Construction page. Your Web server lists the following files as possible default Web pages: default.htm,default.asp,index.htm,iisstart.asp. Currently, only iisstart.asp exists.
To add documents to your default Web site, save files in c:\inetpub\wwwroot.
I have no idea why this is happening.
Can anyone help me?
If I understand correctly, it may be as simple as this:
In Solution Explorer, right-click on the page you want to be the default page and click "Set as Start Page".

IIS 7 - Static Content Attempting Authentication

I have a WebForms application hosted in IIS 7. When I run the site from Visual Studio 2010, my static content all loads perfectly. We have the same site hosted in another production environment and the site works great there also.
However, when I am trying to host the site in a new production environment, it is giving me a status code of 302 Found whenever it attempts to load the static content.
When I open up Chrome's Developer Console and look at the network, it shows this:
This leads me to believe that something in IIS7 is forcing authentication to occur on static content. Is there anything I should check to see what the likely cause of this problem is?
Ok, for whatever reason, I had to add the IUSR user and give it access to Read on my web apps. I am not sure what changed that made this a requirement. If anyone knows, please feel free to add comments.
If you set the same permissions as for wwwroot folder the problem disappears:
Users and IIS_IUSRS - read access
