enable epel-release on RHEL 7 - rhel7

I have RHEL 7 Virtual machine , where I need to enable epel-release using Red Hat Subscription Manager?
Any idea how to enable a epel repository using Red Hat Subscription Manager?

AFAIK, you cannot enable EPEL through Subscription Manager (without first adding the required repo information to /etc/yum.repos.d/).
See How to use Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL)?


How to upgrade nginx to latest on Amazon Linux AMI 2018.03?

I have an Elastic Beanstalk web application using Amazon Linux AMI that requires the latest build of nginx. The nginx build that comes with AMI version 2018.03 is version 1.12.1, whereas the latest stable build on nginx.org is 1.15.4. Only 1.12.1 is available from Amazon's yum repositories. The preferred strategy we would like to use would be to create a custom RPM and pull that from an endpoint and install. How would I go about creating a custom RPM of nginx that would run on Amazon Linux? Or is there a pre-built source that I could take advantage of?
It turns out the best way to do this is to create a custom AMI. You can find instructions on how to create a custom AMI here:
And how to install from source here:
How to install nginx 1.9.15 on amazon linux disto
If you want to swap out a running instance try here:
I personally got it working with a mix of the code from those two sources. I also had to yum install gcc to get make to work, and had to manually add the folder /var/cache/nginx before the nginx service would work. Happy upgrading!

Artifactory-pro recommendations for upgrade version from 4.14.2 to 5.7

I am planning to upgrade artifactory-pro from 4.14.2 to 5.7. Has anyone done this so far? We use npm, bower, debian, yum repositories. Any recommendation or insight is appreciated.
As I see it, the upgrade depends on two main factors:
Your installation type(ZIP/RPM/RPM OSS/Debian/Docker). Here you can find detailed instructions for each type:
ZIP installation
RPM installation
RPM OSS installation
Debian installation
Docker installation
In case you use an HA cluster, here are the instructions.
While no special operations are required except those are mentioned in the instructions - please pay attention to updates and other special instructions since there are specific instructions to upgrading from Artifactory 4.x to 5.4.x and above. As can be seen here (for example).
Like in any other upgrade process, make sure you have a full system backup (Artifactory configuration, metadata, and artifacts)

Install Extensible Service Proxy on GCE/RHEL7

Quickstart for Endpoints on Compute Engine says
you need to run the Extensible Service Proxy before sending requests
to the API
But it also says
This quickstart works only on Debian. Make sure you create a VM that
runs Debian.
I have an existing GCE VM instance running Red Hat EL 7 that I'm adding this Endpoint to. Where are instructions for installing and running Extensible Service Proxy on it?
FWIW I examined the contents of the Debian package. It appears to be just nginx with custom configs and some extra scripts. If there's no RPM or other way of installing ESP on RHEL7, can I just manually install the contents extracted from the .deb package?
Yes, it should work (not tested). nginx in the .deb package is a statically compiled binary with a custom module that runs fine standalone. Please make sure to place the remaining files (config templates, root CA certificates, start-up script) in the same directories as in the .deb package.
The instructions for installing the ESP are implied in the instructions for installing the Cloud SDK on Red Hat and CentOS, since the endpoints-runtime RPM is available from the same repo as is the SDK.
$ sudo tee -a /etc/yum.repos.d/google-cloud-sdk.repo << EOM
name=Google Cloud SDK
$ sudo yum install google-cloud-sdk
Note that the ESP installs as nginx, with supporting scripts and config files, that will replace any existing nginx and any files with the same name, which will overwrite any existing nginx functionality (like proxy, cache etc). It might be best to archive any host-specific nginx configs first, then install ESP, then merge old configs into the new ones installed by yum.

warn:walrus url not configured in eucalyptus centos 6

I am installing eucalyptus on centos 6 and while generating administrator credentials on the cloud controller
I am getting the
warning:Walrus url not configured
on running the following commands:
Generate administrator credentials.
/usr/sbin/euca_conf --get-credentials admin.zipunzip admin.zip
Source the eucarc file.
source eucarc
How to remove the error?
It generally means, Walrus is not registered properly or not registered at all.
Also, it looks like you may be using an old version of Eucalyptus, I would recommend to try a newer release of Eucalyptus if it's a fresh installation.

amazon ec2 micro RHEL: how to install nginx or others?

I chose micro free RHEL6.4 instance with EC2/Amazon, when I login, I found there no gcc, which I can yum install it. and there no nginx to yum install ?
I must install gcc and develop tools and download nginx source code to install ? oh ,the free is only 30Gb one month?
Check the installation page inside nginx website
