How to update the elemends in a javafx scene? - javafx

How to update or refresh the screen, each time I press the load new scene in javafx
in swing we can use the validate(), reValidate() to refresh screen !. but How can I update the screen containts in javafx?

You don't have to do that in JavaFX. The screen is updated automatically each time when something in the scene graph changes.


Main Window Goes Blank

In my QMainWindow based application, I'm using two QQuickWidgets. One loads the map (using QML Map Type) and other one loads a custom scene. MainWindow also runs a QTimer at 10 Hz.
When I continuously zoom in/out on the map, at some point, the main window goes blank. This behavior is quite consistent. After resizing the main window, it gets refreshed but sometimes the qml scene is not rendered properly. Kindly have a look at the attached screenshots.
Why the main window goes blank and how to overcome it.
You can find working demo application on GitHub: github link
I'm using Desktop Qt 5.12.3 MinGW 64-bit.
Working App
Blank Main Window
Corrupted QML Scene

How do I change the complete combobox in JavaFX via CSS

I created a window in JavaFX Scene Builder and costumized the look via CSS. It works fine but the settings for the combobox doesnt apply for the whole box.
How do I correct this?

Scene Builder button without text

I am trying to make a button with a graphic only, and Scene Builder won't let me clear the text in the button. It automatically reverts to "Button" for some reason. Is there a way to make this stop?
Seems to work fine with JavaFX Scene Builder 8.3.0:

Xcode Storyboard Modal Transitions & Orientation

So i am fairly new to xcode and loving it so far. I am having a problem adding a new transition between 2 views/scenes in xcode
So i have added the new view to my master detail application and would like the transition to be modal and to be form based. I am having a problem getting my head around the 3 areas where you can add/change the transition of the scene.
I am trying to create a transition similar to the one found in the default apple application when you reply/create a new email.
Currently My application when in landscape and correct button is clicked Jumps to portrait mode and displays my new scene for no reason i can see.
My new scene contains a seague,navigation controller and the scene itself. Any help or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
So finally figured it out after much playing... I changed the seague to style: modal, presentation: Page sheet, Tansition:Default. So working as expected

QGraphicsScene::changed() always returns a single rect sized to the app window

In a Qt 4.7.1 Windows app, a slot that's connected to QGraphicsScene::changed() is fired as expected but the dirty region count is always 1 and the rect size I get is always the same as my app window. I tried calling QGraphicsView::setViewportUpdateMode(QGraphicsView::MinimalViewportUpdate); but that didn't help.
Is there a way to tell Qt to only give me the area(s) of the page that changed?
An update in a QGRaphicsView is different from the one in a QGraphicsScene. Update in the view is caused by the need to repaint the view. With or without changing the scene. This typical is from window (resize) and view changes (scroll). An change in the scene will also trigger an update to the view.
A change in a scene is the change of the content of the scene. Like adding or removing a item, scaling or translating of the transformation. This will emit the changed() signal. All views displaying that scene will also update themselves for the display.
For example. Scrolling a view around will not generate any scene update since nothing in the scene changed. The paint() function of items in the scene will be called to repaint. But no changed() signal will be emitted from the scene.
If you changed the scale of the scene for instance, the whole scene changed. In addition to the whole repaint, the scene will emit changed() signal and indicates the whole scene changed. But if you add a new item to the scene, changed() should indicate only the rect of the new item.
If you want to know what part of the scene need to be repainted, in addition to calling QGraphicsView::setViewportUpdateMode(), you need to install a event filter to the view and check for QEvent::Paint. Note that the region and rect in QPaintEvent is in local coordinate of the view, which can be different from the scene. But QGraphicsView has many mapping functions to do the conversion.
