I am trying to make a button with a graphic only, and Scene Builder won't let me clear the text in the button. It automatically reverts to "Button" for some reason. Is there a way to make this stop?
Seems to work fine with JavaFX Scene Builder 8.3.0:
I'm configuring the style of my form that I want to change its background color, in the JavaFX CSS section there was 2 textfield; one for the tag(eg. -fx-border-color) and the other is the value in it. Everytime after I inputted the first textfield I began to switch to the value textfield but the scene builder suddenly freezes. I checked it on my task manager but I found it that it doesn't consume cpu and its instance is still there. What could be the problem?
I had the same issue of the Scene Builder freezing when adding a Tab element to a TabPane etc, and first Running the SceneBuilder application as an Administrator and manually opening the the .fxml file from the Scene Builder has solved this issue. This might not be a permanent fix, but it will be a temporary workaround.
for Labels I can change the font easily, but there is not option for TextFields and TextAreas. Is this normal?
Can't I change the font in the scene builder for these object types?
Yes, you can change the font for a TextArea or a TextField from Scene Builder; it's done the same way as for a Label. Here's a screenshot for TextArea:
Make sure you are using the latest version of Scene Builder. Downloads can be found here. Note that Scene Builder is maintained by Gluon (for a while now), not Oracle.
I created a window in JavaFX Scene Builder and costumized the look via CSS. It works fine but the settings for the combobox doesnt apply for the whole box.
How do I correct this?
How to update or refresh the screen, each time I press the load new scene in javafx
in swing we can use the validate(), reValidate() to refresh screen !. but How can I update the screen containts in javafx?
You don't have to do that in JavaFX. The screen is updated automatically each time when something in the scene graph changes.
So i am fairly new to xcode and loving it so far. I am having a problem adding a new transition between 2 views/scenes in xcode
So i have added the new view to my master detail application and would like the transition to be modal and to be form based. I am having a problem getting my head around the 3 areas where you can add/change the transition of the scene.
I am trying to create a transition similar to the one found in the default apple application when you reply/create a new email.
Currently My application when in landscape and correct button is clicked Jumps to portrait mode and displays my new scene for no reason i can see.
My new scene contains a seague,navigation controller and the scene itself. Any help or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
So finally figured it out after much playing... I changed the seague to style: modal, presentation: Page sheet, Tansition:Default. So working as expected